The bereavement boss, he is crooked behind my back

Chapter 354 I Curse Her, Eternal Life Is Bonded With Me

Chapter 354 I Curse Her, Eternal Life Is Bonded With Me

"No!!!" "Shi Yi!!!" "Don't!!!"

Several cries burst into flames in an instant, boiling up to the sky, almost piercing clouds and cracking rocks.

Dozens of bodyguards all had veins bursting out, and they struggled to maintain their restraint.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but they just feel that the whole glass bridge under their feet is trembling.

Can't help but think, that person has finished dancing, so it's over, no one will call anymore.

But just between the lines, their ears were once again devastated by the screams.

"Mr. Gu?! Teacher Gu, what are you going to do?! Don't! Don't!!!" "Gu Xi! Don't jump! If you jump, you will die!!!"

Feeling the emotional excitement of the girlfriend beside them, Xie Ji and Chen Yan who had just lowered their heads hurriedly looked towards the railing again.

I saw that the man they were talking about climbed over the railing for the first time, his feet slipped and his breath was short of breath, and he almost fell back.

But soon, he restrained the violent trembling of his body and turned over, and then jumped without hesitation!
The air suddenly stopped, and in just a few seconds, the hearts of everyone present, including those bodyguards, were greatly shaken!
Suddenly, a sinister laughter broke the dead silence.

Following that, footsteps dragged on the glass bridge, making a slight rubbing sound that made people shiver.

When they heard the prestige, their pupils instantly narrowed and almost deformed.

It's scary... the aura on Ruan Yuan's body is so scary...

"I really thought it would be so easy to be buried with you."

When Ruan Yuan finally stood in the position where Shi Yi had just stood, and when he uttered a sound, everyone suddenly felt cold.

What do you mean, what does he mean? !

"Listen well, if Gu Xi dies, you fish him out and feed him to the fish. If he doesn't die, you have to make sure he doesn't die in your life."

Listening to his ruthless instructions, Li Wanyan and the other three looked at each other and agreed immediately.

"If Shi Yi dies," he stopped suddenly, rubbed his cold lips, his pupils were black and bottomless, "no, she will definitely die, because she wants to die with all her heart."

Li Wanyan imperceptibly bowed her eyes away, but her expression was still indifferent: "So what do you want to do?"

"I won't let her go, not in this life, in the next life, in the next life, or in any number of lives."

Ruan Yuan suddenly laughed, the little pear dimple was deeply sunken into the snow-white skin, his lips were swollen and congested, and blood trickled from the corner of his mouth.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't yell.But the fact that he didn't yell doesn't mean he didn't make any subconscious movements.

The moment he bit his tongue, he couldn't help laughing at himself.

See, when he is by Shi Yi's side, he finally got out of the habit of forbearance.

Raising his hand, he aimed the black muzzle of the gun at his temple.

"Fill out her body and bury it with me."

Li Wanyan immediately calmed down and said, "What if it's broken? For example, only one arm or one leg can be found."

Ruan Yuan's smile grew stronger, but his eyes were stern and dark: "That's also buried. I curse her, eternal life is bound to me."

"Bang!" The gunshot rang out unexpectedly.

The bodyguard let go.

Bai Shu collapsed on the ground, tears streaming down her face.

Not far away, there were bursts of crane chirping and mournful wailing suddenly.


A more turbulent waterfall suddenly hangs down from the edge of the glass bridge.

More than 2000 colorful lights are lit up in an instant, and they are extremely dazzling——

Suitable for couples, the super-large music waterfall light show has finally begun.
As the speed of the fall is getting faster and faster.

Shi Yi's mind is full of the tragic situation that he will be waiting for.

He was about to sigh sadly.

"Ah!!!" There were loud screams from all around.

Then, "Wow!!!"

She felt her body hit hard on a soft air cushion.

Then it bounced up, and after standing still for half a second, it slammed down again.


Now she only hit the edge of the soft air cushion, and rolled into the stream full of stubborn rocks.

The biting cold water instantly surrounded her, and soon, she felt the pain in her internal organs.

"Ah! Help!!!" "Go to the drifting boat!!!" "Oh my god, where is my daughter?!" "Mom! Mom! I'm here!!!"

When Shi Yi instinctively struggled to stick his head out to breathe, he suddenly understood what he had just experienced.

It turned out that I was so desperate that I fell on a drifting boat and capsized all the tourists on it.

But because they were all wearing life jackets, they could be rescued sooner or later.

She was suddenly shocked: grass, why are you struggling!I have to die quickly!

So he forced himself to give up struggling and sink slowly.

Although the stream doesn't look deep, but it drifts down, and there are a few places like a black hole, which can pull people into it all the time.

While feeling a strong sense of suffocation, Shi Yi felt the pain of tearing and swelling in his body, and he had already scolded Ruan Yuan bloody in his heart.

It's all his fault!If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have died so painfully!

"Wow!!!" There was another sound of capsized boats in my ears.

In a daze, she couldn't help but wonder why the fate of this drifting boat was so ill-fated.

But soon, she sensed something was wrong.

The direction of the pull on the wrist seems to change.

As if to take her up there.

Opening her eyes suddenly, she was stunned.

Gan!Gu Xi also fell down!
Feeling Shi Yi's struggle, Gu Xi turned his head with great effort, and signaled her with his eyes not to be afraid, he would definitely save her up.

I don't want to go up, hey! ! !Shi Yi really wanted to roar, but he opened his mouth and gulped down another mouthful of the freezing water.

At this moment, she found that Gu Xi's forehead had been punctured, blood was continuously flowing out, and one arm was still hanging down, which seemed to be broken.

But he still pushed himself up regardless, his chest visibly becoming more and more tense due to the lack of oxygen.

no!If this continues, he will surely die!
Without even thinking about it, she mobilized all her strength and dragged him to her.

Then press it up, and forcefully gave him the remaining air in him.

Gu Xi's eyes widened, and he felt his heart was about to pop out of his throat.

But in the next second, there was a pain in his wrist.


His eyes finally met Shi Yi again in the blood red.

He immediately read the meaning in her eyes——

live!You have to live! ! !

He was pushed away heavily, and in the layers of water waves, he was getting farther and farther away from her...

Shi Yi!His heart twitched violently, and he poked his head out of the water and wanted to dive again.

But he was caught: "There is another person who fell into the water here! Help me!"

"No, let me go, let me go..." His voice of refusal became weaker and weaker due to his lack of energy.

(End of this chapter)

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