Chapter 297 Shi Yi is also my fate

"It doesn't matter if you don't have me, as long as you can listen to what I have to say," Bai Shu endured the throbbing pain in her heart, and said softly, "Then can you rest now? Just rest for a while."

"..." After a long time, he still removed the contract in his hand and closed his eyes, "Come on, take a 10-minute break."

She breathed a sigh of relief, and tiptoed away in order not to disturb his rest.

But not wanting the door of the ward to be pushed open, Ruan Yuan walked in with a fruit basket.

After seeing her first, he whispered: "So you are here, and I have placed your flower basket in your ward."

A few seconds later, he added with a straight face: "It's white hyacinth, my brother said you like this kind of flower."

If it wasn't for Shi Yi swearing that she had no idea about Bai Shu, and she just thought that Bai Shu liked hyacinths, he would never have sent this flower basket over if he died.

He still remembers to this day that Shi Yi asked him to hand over to Ye Zhi a signed photo of Bai Shu with Hyacinth in it.

The flower language of hyacinth is secret love and silent love.

So even when Shi Yi said last time that she only regarded Ye Zhi as her younger sister, he still feels uncomfortable in retrospect.

What is it about Ye Zhi that Shi Yi treats her as a good sister?

is it beautiful?Not as pretty as myself.

Are you in good shape?Your body proportions are better.

Are you in a good temper?Obviously she is the most well-behaved one in front of Shi Yi.

So even if they all claim to be children, she is not qualified to compete with herself.

Well, not eligible!

Of course, Bai Shu couldn't see through the twists and turns in Ruan Yuan's heart at the moment, so she just hissed and whispered: "Uncle Ji is going to rest, let's go out first."

"But he has his eyes open." Ruan Yuan passed her, put the fruit basket directly on the bedside, and said to Xie Ji, "You are my brother's former boss, so it stands to reason that my brother should come to visit him in person , but because her back was injured, I had to visit instead of her."

Xie Ji smiled slightly: "Your brother is interested, please go back and say thank you to her on my behalf, and wish her a speedy recovery."

"Okay," Ruan Yuan responded, and turned to face Bai Shu, "Aren't you going out?"

With an oh, she followed his footsteps subconsciously, but only realized it later when she got out of the ward door: Huh?How did this kid turn his back on the customer?
But before she could slander for more than three seconds, he closed the door and shattered her thoughts: "Mr. Xie is sick to work?"

It's good not to mention this matter, but when Bai Shu mentions it, she can't control her incontinence of tears.

So taking advantage of the gloomy sky, he turned his head and wiped the corners of his eyes in the shadows.

"Find a place," Ruan Yuan saw, "I'll talk to you."

After taking her seat in the hospital restaurant, Bai Shu was still a little dazed: "What do you want to talk to me about?"

"Brother is not here, so I naturally want to share some worries for her." He stirred the small wonton in front of him with a porcelain spoon, his expressions and movements were impeccable, making it impossible to see anything unusual.

Bai Shu froze for a moment, and felt for the first time that it was because she was too petty in the past that she always regarded Ruan Yuan as a wicked little bastard.

Listening to what he said now, what a timely help at this time made her feel heart-warming.

"Thank you for your kindness, but you can't share my sorrow."

"Your sorrow should be that you don't want Mr. Xie to go to work while sick." He said straight away.

Bai Shu knew that he was always smart, so she was not surprised but nodded heavily: "No one can persuade him, including his mother. Even if I didn't threaten my career, he would not allow me to stay."

Ruan Yuan raised his lips slightly: "Since you can't persuade me, then don't persuade me."

Xie Ji, who wanted to use the never-ending work to force Bai Shu away, was so ill that he could handle him very well.

"But if you don't persuade him, then there is no hope at all. Now that Zhou Qingyun's wedding is gone to distract him, and Uncle Ji is used to working hard in his career, if this continues, the disease will still be there, and he will relapse sooner or later. "

As she spoke, she took out her napkin and blew her nose.

A great panic that she might lose Xie Ji completely at any time made her unable to hold back her physical reaction.

"Actually, the matter is easy to solve." Ruan Yuan swallowed a mouthful of small wontons, it seemed that it was not too hot, and he didn't even talk, and he was very calm overall. "If this job is gone, it's useless for Mr. Xie to try his best."

Bai Shu sneezed violently and almost laughed out loud, "You kid said it lightly, but it's impossible for this to happen. It's much less likely than persuading him to rest."

Ruan Yuan was noncommittal: "If you don't try, how will you know it's impossible?"

She gradually drooped the corners of her mouth: "Are you serious?"

"Are you moved by my idea?" An unpredictable smile rose in his eyes.

Bai Shu thought that at this time, she was really in a hurry to go to the doctor, so she laughed at herself: "I'm tempted, how can I not be tempted, but the power behind Uncle Ji is the Xie Group, and it didn't become a giant overnight, so If I want it to collapse, I still think about it in my dreams."

"That's not necessarily the case," Ruan Yuan put down the porcelain spoon, wiped his mouth with a piece of paper, "but I have to ask a question first."

"...You say." She felt that she was also dazed, and she let the child run away with her.

He felt that the paper was not wiped properly, so he pinched his red lips with his fingertips, a bit seductive, "My brother and Mr. Xie, who do you really like?"

Bai Shu couldn't help but tighten the napkin she hadn't thrown out yet.

The silence that can make people feel like sitting on a needle blanket quickly permeated in the restaurant with few diners this afternoon.

After an unknown amount of time, she let out a breath, as if she was about to be suffocated due to serious thinking.

"I like your brother, but only so far." Bai Shu raised her head and stared at the person opposite, "I love Uncle Ji, he is my destiny, if he leaves, I don't know how I can live alone .”

Ruan Yuan considered the burning emotion in her eyes, and nodded for a while: "I understand."

So he got up and smiled slightly: "I will help you."

Although she suspected that the child was just uttering wild words, she still asked, "Why did you help me? Even if it was your brother who came here today, she would at most just comfort me, and would not help me like this."

He who was about to pass her sideways stopped slightly, leaned down and said softly: "Because only if you all leave, brother, she will be mine alone."

Bai Shu almost slipped off the iron chair.

She always thought that no matter how clingy Ruan Yuan was to Shi Yi, it was just her brother's control.

But did not expect!

"Let me tell you a secret, my brother and I are not related by blood." Ruan Yuan suddenly turned up Xiaoli's dimples and smiled like a flower, "Sooner or later, I will take her abroad and change her identity."

Bai Shu froze in place: "Cha, change your identity."

Could it be-OMG!

"Of course she is willing." He stood up, tilted his head and looked innocent, "but so many of you appearing beside her will distract her a lot, and it will greatly affect my plan."

She shivered unconsciously.

"I told you the secret because I thought you would keep it for me." He scratched his neck with his fingertips, "Isn't it?"

Bai Shu gritted her teeth hard: "You won't hurt her, right?"

"Shi Yi is also my fate." He didn't hesitate at all.

She finally closed her eyes: "...Since I chose Uncle Ji, I won't think about anything else."

(End of this chapter)

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