Chapter 170
Woohoo, this cub was raised for nothing! ! !

This is a typical example of a son who doesn't dislike his mother's ugliness! ! !

When the mood is good, even the speed of eating is much faster than before.

And when the tea table was filled with a row of empty plates, Shi Yi burped when he was full.

Then gently touched his bulging belly: "Okay, let's go to the movies!"

His eyes settled on her, and he also moved over to touch her slightly, with a soft expression on his face and a soft smile, and suddenly said, "It looks like I'm pregnant with a baby."

In fact, he hates new lives, because not all new lives are born happily, and he is one of the lives that shouldn't be born.

But because the person in front of him was Shi Yi, he unconsciously had positive and even longing feelings.

But at the same time, remorse also arose: How can it be said that a man's belly looks like she is pregnant? My brother won't be angry, right?
Shi Yi, instead of blaming him for being outspoken, laughed and was very proud: "It's been three months!"

Ruan Yuan's pupils narrowed slightly, and he looked at her in disbelief.

Normal men would not be happy to hear that they were pregnant, but she was still in the mood to make a joke.

When she received the signal from her disciple's eyes, her heart skipped a beat.

not good!

In reality, because I have a big appetite and eat a lot, sometimes my stomach will bulge, and it is quite obvious when the T-shirt is blown by the wind, and there will be female athletes who are good with me and play with her. Joke, and the joke of being pregnant The frequency of opening is the highest among them.

After all, girls are girls, no matter how boyish they are, they are still girls, so getting together and joking around is inseparable from these.

So much so that she just responded subconsciously.

"Don't give me such an impossible thing as pregnancy, I'm just a beer belly!" Shi Yi, who came to his senses, quickly made amends.

Ruan Yuan looked at his phone: "Time is running out, let's go."

It's just a joke, it's not as important as going to the movies.

Expecting to overwhelm the suspicion at this time, he no longer thinks deeply.

She nodded heavily, and after fumbling around in the room for a long time, she finally got all the equipment ready.

Peaked caps, sunglasses, masks and other entertainers always have them when they go out, but none of them are missing.

Suddenly, he thought that with Gu Xi's current reputation, he didn't need so much equipment, but Ruan Yuan suddenly rose up, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Alas, what a trick of good fortune!
Fengxun Cinema is the largest and tallest theater in W City, and because it is next to the largest commercial plaza in W City, business has always been booming.

And this is also the reason why Shi Yi was not surprised for too long when he found out that it had sold out all the shows except horror movies.

As soon as I entered, I was scared, and it was really overcrowded. Thanks to the powerful cooling effect of the air conditioner, people were not enthusiastic.

So they lined up to pick up tickets by themselves, and asked Ruan Yuan, who was standing aside, to buy a bucket of medium-sized popcorn and two bottles of Coke.

"Brother can still eat?"

"You don't understand, what we eat is not popcorn and Coke, but an atmosphere."

Shi Yi's seriousness made many parents with their children laugh.

Ruan Yuan pressed down on the brim of his hat and his eyes moved slightly: "Okay."

At [-]:[-], the staff in charge of admission began to shout: "XX movie is about to start, please come to my place to check the tickets for the audience watching this movie."

Shi Yi immediately pulled Ruan Yuan over, excited as if he was watching a Star Wars movie instead of a horror movie.

The staff couldn't help but look at them more.

But because Shi Yi and Ruan Yuan were both dressed tightly, they didn't see anything.

The film officially started at fifty minutes.

And because the surroundings are relatively dark, there is only a row of small lights at the entrance to guide the way.

So Shi Yi took the initiative to take off his equipment, and helped Ruan Yuan take off his mask.

Whispered: "No one can see our faces clearly now, so we don't have to wear them. These things are really uncomfortable to wear."

Ruan Yuan took out a plastic bag from his pocket, put all the equipment in it, and stuffed it under the seat.

Then he replied in a low voice: "This way our hands will be free."

Free to do other things.

Like eating popcorn, drinking coke...and others.

She couldn't help giving a thumbs up: "Xiao Yuanzi, you are really thoughtful."

He laughed, stopped talking and just looked at the advertisement on the big screen.

When Shi Yi was bored for a moment, he turned his head and looked back, and Emma cried out in his heart.

There are even adults who bring children to see it!It's really not afraid to scare the young mind of the child!

It seems that I am still too immature, and I was worried that this movie would scare Xiao Yuanzi before coming here.

And among this bunch of kids, he was really a big kid.

At 49 minutes, the advertisement on the big screen disappeared.

Of course, the disappearance of the advertisement does not mean that the movie has really started, and the first few tens of seconds will be used to play the title producer and so on.

But when the small light at the entrance snapped off and the room completely returned to the most primitive darkness, this feeling came.

So Shi Yi adjusted his seat and started grinding popcorn.

This movie uses flashbacks, and the picture was once beautiful, so the horror level in the first 10 minutes is very weak.

Seeing that she was yawning and wanted to sleep, she didn't care about the disciple next to her.

But when the progress bar was pulled over a third, the style of the movie suddenly changed drastically.

The protagonist is emotionally unstable and falls into fanatical conjecture, the whole screen begins to be filled with all kinds of strange things in black and white, and the scene switching also becomes inexplicable and the speed is sometimes fast and slow.

"Kick...kick...kick..." Goose Feather Snow couldn't see anything, but suddenly a phantom flashed across the snow, but there was no one but the sound of footsteps.

The protagonist holds his head, his body is about to twist into twists.

Suddenly, a dilapidated gray campus appeared on the screen, covered with spider webs densely packed with white eggs.

Blown by a wind from nowhere, it fell down like a broken bead curtain.

When the lens is zoomed in, it is faintly visible that the black creeps inside are waiting to hatch.

Shi Yi unconsciously tensed up, forgetting to chew the popcorn in his mouth.

Damn, this scene is just like my own nightmare!
The director probably made this movie because he had a nightmare all night!

Originally, the most taboo thing about watching horror movies is to have a sense of substitution, but now she has a strong sense of substitution!
"Ah!" A child behind him exclaimed timidly, "Mom, this ghost is so ugly! Will it crawl out!"

"It's okay, it's okay, my mother is here, and this is what you insisted on seeing, you can't just give up halfway like this."

Shi Yi silently opened the lid of the Coke and took a sip to calm down.

No, I am a parent, so I must not panic when something happens.

"Brother—" Ruan Yuan suddenly tugged at the corner of her clothes.

When she shivered, her voice trembled a little: "Why, what's the matter?"

"There's some popcorn falling." He looked at the popcorn bucket in her hand trembling and trembling, and suppressed his smile to remain normal. "Brother, what's wrong with you? Is the air conditioner too cold?"

Shi Yi immediately answered: "Yes, yes, this air conditioner is too cold, which made me tremble a little. Haha, it's okay, just leave me alone and continue watching. I'll pick up the dropped popcorn after the show ends."

I was a little depressed again: why is this Xiao Yuanzi so calm, he doesn't feel scared at all? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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