The bereavement boss, he is crooked behind my back

Chapter 152 Small Glutinous Rice Dumplings

Chapter 152 Small Glutinous Rice Dumplings

It was the first time Zhao Xun was comforted by his peers, and he forgot the pain as soon as his throat choked, so he stopped crying and stammered: "Little, little glutinous rice dumpling."

The little girl's face is pink and tender, the baby is fat and Q-shaped, with two plump little knots on her head, and the little white skirt is fluffy and billowing in the hot wind.

The whole figure looks like a white round glutinous rice dumpling.

Makes one want to take a bite.

After he finished speaking, he swallowed.

I haven't bought buns yet, and I haven't eaten lunch yet, so I'm hungry.

As for what she said about buying herself, he couldn't understand it, so he automatically ignored it.

The little girl blinked her big eyes and pursed her mouth a bit: "No, I'm not called Nuomi Duanzi, I'm Lu Qiqi, the seven of One, Two, Three, Four, Wu, Lu, and Seven. You have to remember."

He had never seen such a cute little girl before, so he was stunned for a while.

It took a while to stiffen my neck and shake my head: "I, I don't know how to read yet."

He is three years old and has not yet entered kindergarten.

The family had no money and hadn't considered sending him to daycare.

Just wanting to save another year of money, let him go to the middle class of kindergarten.

Lu Qiqi frowned narrowly, and looked back at her bodyguard: "Why can't he read?"

The man leaned over and touched between her two little pinches: "Miss, this is his family's business. I don't understand it, so I can't explain it for you."

"Then can you tell me?" She looked at Zhao Xun again, her tone was innocent and full of inquiry, the curiosity of a child.

Zhao Xun tugged at the corner of his clothes and dodged his eyes: "I will start kindergarten next year, and I will be able to read by then."

The inferiority complex of the poor will be engraved in the bone.

Even though he is still a three-year-old child, he has been exposed to the humbleness of his parents to the outside world, and he understands that he should not talk about his family background.

"I will also be in kindergarten next year, do you want to come with me?" She warmly invited.

"Where is it?" He raised his eyes, quickly glanced at her white and tender baby fat, and then lowered his head, squeezing the palm holding ten yuan even tighter, not wanting to show even a corner.

"Qianning Bilingual Kindergarten is very big. There are many toys, teachers and aunts in it. The dishes are delicious every day and will not be repeated in a week. If you want to come, I can take every day from home I'll give you a piece of the biscuit, it's super delicious! It's a foreign brand!" Lu Qiqi looked like she was advertising for someone, and her little mouth was very flexible.

Zhao Xun buried his small head in his chest and silently put his hands behind his back.

Qianning Bilingual Kindergarten.

He heard his parents talking about it accidentally, and he still remembered how unbelievable their tone was when they talked about tuition fees.

So, it must be expensive to go to school there.

"My parents have already found a kindergarten for me." He whispered.

"Really?" Lu Qiqi showed a regretful expression, "What a pity, I won't be able to protect you like this."

Zhao Xun was taken aback, he didn't expect her to think so.

"How about it," she seemed to have an idea, and fumbled in the small pocket on her skirt again, squeezed it firmly and sent it to him, "I will give you all the money. If that bad guy comes to you again, you will first Give it to him, and tell Uncle Police."

He just stepped back when he saw it, his cheeks were blushing and his tone was stubborn: "I don't want, I don't want your money. I... I have money."

"You don't have enough money," she said with a serious expression, "I'll give it to you, and you can keep it to protect yourself."

The bodyguard behind him finally couldn't help it: "Miss, giving money to the bad guy will only increase the bad guy's appetite, which is even worse."

Lu Qiqi stretched her small arms, she was dumbfounded, and hesitated: "Then what should I do?"

"Let him tell his parents first. It's better to leave this kind of matter to adults."

"That's right, let the adults handle it." She pursed her mouth and nodded.

The bodyguard breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to take away this young lady who meddles in other people's business.

"I'll go back and talk to my parents and let them deal with it." She answered the last sentence unexpectedly.

A vertical line hangs on his head: "This..."

"By the way, I haven't asked your name yet?" Lu Qiqi was very happy that she had found a solution, so she smiled sweetly at Zhao Xun.

He was hesitating when his stomach suddenly growled, so he hurriedly covered his hands and turned up the volume: "Zhao Xun!"

Lu Qiqi is learning to memorize Chinese characters recently, so she likes to get to the bottom of it: "Are you looking for it?"

"No." He shook his head.

"What is that?" She wrinkled her face.

Zhao Xun opened his mouth, but couldn't answer for a long time, so he mumbled: "I don't know, anyway, I'm not looking for Xun."

Dad said that his Xun means seaside.

It means a big scene.

The search for search must not mean this.

"It's so annoying," Lu Qiqi muttered, "It's another new word."

The bodyguard just smiled: "Miss, don't worry, you can learn Chinese characters after all, but to truly understand all the connotations in them, it's probably something that no one can do in their lifetime."

"I'm good at studying, right?" She looked at him with wide eyes, "Isn't it?"

Lu Qiqi is actually not a very smart child, otherwise she wouldn't have had a language barrier with the gangster when she was anxious just now.

But she is eager to learn, knows how to make progress, and is praised by her mother from time to time.

And every time my mother loves to reward her with a few little stars folded from hundred-dollar bills.

Her mother told her: "The wealth of knowledge is far more valuable than this money. There is also a gentleman and a ladylike upbringing. So Qiqi, you have to work hard, and strive to return to City A to compete with your cousins ​​during the Chinese New Year."

Thinking of this, Lu Qiqi pointed at Zhao Xun proudly and said to the bodyguard, "Look at him, he can't even read."

The bodyguard couldn't help laughing at how simple she didn't expect to hurt others, so he scratched the tip of her nose: "You have to compare yourself up, not down. Maybe this kid will be better than you when he goes to kindergarten."

"Really?" She pouted to hang the fishing pot, "Don't hit me, you should praise me more, just like your mother."

As for her father, he has a super good temper and never stopped praising her.

So she took it for granted that she cared more about her mother who praised her less frequently.

The bodyguard thought of his wife's explanation: "We, as parents, have already boasted enough, you'd better supervise her more on weekdays."

I had no choice but to sigh: "Miss, I told you that I have higher demands on you."

Lu Qiqi didn't get the praise she wanted, so she immediately said: "Uncle Gao is always like this, so disappointing."

"'re great." Zhao Xun said suddenly, and then ran away from her, his calves groaning hurriedly, almost tripping over a manhole cover.

(End of this chapter)

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