The national goddess is too almighty

Chapter 340 How Can She Afford It?

Chapter 340 How Can She Afford It?

"Yeah, I struggled for a long time and couldn't come to a conclusion, so I came to ask you."

Although there is no novelty about presents, but Lou Shaobai doesn't care, thinking about just one gift at the moment makes his head explode.

The big boss who has never bought gifts for others is depressed.

Why is it so difficult to buy something?

For the second time, Lou Shaobai felt that life was difficult.

The last time I felt difficult was when Brother Chen asked her to write a self-criticism.

As long as it's from you...

Before the six words were sent out, Qin Shichen deleted them again, as if thinking of the little girl's appearance when she had a headache, her eyes glanced around and finally landed on Kong Kong's chest.


Just this one is missing.


This thing is not bad.

Lou Shaobai put the phone back into his pocket, turned decisively and walked towards a men's clothing store not far away.


"This, I want it!"

Lou Shaobai looked at it for a long time, and finally his eyes fell on a large dark tie, but in a blink of an eye, another voice scorned him.

Lou Shaobai frowned, a little impatience appeared on his face, but he didn't say anything.

In a blink of an eye, his eyes fell on another tie, Lou Shaobai smiled half-smile and said to the salesperson beside him, "Show me this one."

This tie is more suitable for Brother Chen.

Several salespersons in the store didn't particularly want to introduce her.

Looking at her clothes, there is no special logo, she is just a child from an ordinary family, how can she afford a tie that costs tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands here.

Unrecognizable clothes without logos... There is another kind called customization.

The only salesperson who seemed to be honest did not follow the advice of the others and treated her politely.

It’s true that if you go out to buy something, you will encounter mental retardation and want to find something.

When he first arrived in the imperial capital, Lou Shaobai wasn't afraid of trouble, but just too lazy to pick trouble, plus he was in a good mood, so he didn't change his attitude towards these people.

"Hey, kid, it doesn't matter if you can't afford these things, if they get dirty, no one will buy them, and you will lose money."

The woman who snatched away the previous tie was still not satisfied, she looked at Lou Shaobai with heavy makeup and big eyelashes, the disgust and contempt in her eyes were not too obvious.

Regarding this mentally retarded behavior, Lou Shaobai had no intention of responding to her at all.

The salesman took out the tie and handed it over.

Although she didn't quite understand what a tie was, she could imagine Brother Chen wearing this tie out of thin air, and it suited her well.

"Just this one."

The salesperson did not expect the seemingly simple and beautiful girl to directly ask for this tie.

Let's make do with Brother Chen.

"Miss, the price of this tie is 60, if you..."

"60?!" It wasn't Lou Shaobai who was surprised, but the woman with heavy make-up who wanted to grab the tie with her. She pointed to the tie, "Do you think she can afford it?"

Just now I bought a tie worth 60 yuan and already felt internally hurt, now looking at this tie worth [-] yuan, Lou Shaobai immediately blamed him.

So... there are always some mentally retarded people in this world who always want to find a sense of existence.

Isn't it good to live your own life?
"Pack it up."

Lou Shaobai casually took out a card from his pocket and paid the bill.

"I'd like to see if you can really afford it!" The woman didn't want to be outdone, she chopped off her feet and looked at Lou Shaobai, which was an eyesore no matter what she looked at.

(End of this chapter)

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