Chapter 279 I remembered
"You are the crying bag! You are the little fat man!"

Ke Feiyu almost stood up in a hurry.

You know, when he was a child, he was originally very cute, so his mother liked to feed him high-calorie food at that time, so he became very fat after eating.

In the eyes of adults, Chubby was cute when he was a child, so his mother was very diligent in feeding.

Later, during the summer vacation of primary school, his grandfather took him to this place in Sucheng, saying that he was visiting old friends, having fun and meeting new friends, so he was ignorant and stupidly happy at that time.

After coming to Sioux City, Ke Feiyu realized that all his lovely new friends were liars.

Obviously, he met a new demon.

It's better than being fed by his mother, and the "new devil" is just a disguise for him.

——Yes, that’s right, it’s Lou Shaobai!
In front of his grandfather, the young Lou Shaobai was quite normal at that time.Cute, pink, like a doll, so his grandfather likes this kind of female doll so much that his level in front of his grandfather is more than that of this seemingly cute but devilish little doll.

When there was an adult, the little girl was very good. As soon as the adult left, she stood "condescending" on the steps and accused him of carrying her.

Carrying her, in fact, he can accept it.

After all, a pink little girl.

However, there is actually a demon living in this little girl's heart!It wasn't enough to carry her on her back, and she was also nicknamed. Didn't the little fat man and the crying bag come out of her mouth at that time.

Fat... He admitted that he was fat at that time.

But the little crying bag... Ke Feiyu wanted to haha ​​even more.

Before meeting Lou Shaobai, Ke Feiyu was not afraid of anything and thought he was a cutie. After meeting her, he realized how happy his previous life was.

Deliberately catching bugs every day to scare him!

Yes, it is really catching insects!
When you opened your eyes early in the morning and saw two big worms flying or crawling in front of your eyes when you were still a child, what would you do?
That's right, that was his life in the summer vacation of the past year.

It's not over after being scared and crying, the little girl still laughed at him for being a coward and afraid of insects...

In short, without exception, during the summer vacation of that year, Ke Feiyu is still alive!

After he returned to the imperial capital, he began to lose weight and exercise his courage, so that he could become a real man, only thinking of revenge one day...

However, it seems that this position is still a bit low.

Lou Shaobai also remembered the summer vacation of that year...

At that time, I really just thought this little fat man was funny, and liked to see him screaming and crying, so... After bullying him once or twice, I found it more fun, so I got used to bullying him like that every day.

Later, the little fat man left and never came back, so she really wanted to come.

"Yo, the little fat man has also lost weight."

After remembering who he was, Lou Shaobai grinned so beautifully.


No, in Ke Feiyu's opinion, it's just that this little devil thought of a new move.

"Where am I getting fat now? I'm talking nonsense with my eyes open." The grown-up Ke Feiyu still wanted to put on the appearance of his big brother, but his childhood memories were too deep, so that he couldn't maintain his calmness and maturity in front of Lou Shaobai .


Just rely on this pretending serious baby face?

It wasn't Lou Shaobai who said it, but other people would think Ke Feiyu was underage when they saw Ke Feiyu's face.

(End of this chapter)

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