The national goddess is too almighty

Chapter 192 It suits you very well

Chapter 192 It suits you very well

A group of teenagers with crew cuts silently mourned their "beautiful and handsome" hair before, looking at the layers of colorful hair on the ground... I don't know why after I cut it off from my head, I saw the lumps of mixed hair on the ground. Together, it's ugly.

"Jiang Xiaotu, what's wrong with you today?"

Ming Nao was forced to shave his head, how could he be in a better mood?
Subconsciously touching the top of his now bald head, he really wanted to slap Jiang Rui to wake him up.

"I'm fine."

Jiang Rui was not afraid of humming a ditty.

"Are you the Lou family who completely disliked and refused?"

Ming Nao knew it wasn't, otherwise Jiang Xiaotu wouldn't be in such a good mood.

But she just couldn't get angry, so she choked him to death by talking.

"Hey, my master said, as long as I pass the 126 rally, I will be accepted!" Jiang Rui smiled with his hands on his hips.

"What if you haven't passed?" He continued without fear of death.

"Bah bah, how could I not get through it!" Jiang Rui waved his hands and continued to laugh, "This baby is such a smart person, he must be very talented in racing."

That proud little look, how cheap, how cheap.

Especially with his deliberate deadpan expression, making a group of people look at each other and decide to act!
Even they can't stand it.

Ming Nao was the fastest to act. He got up and went forward to implement the same plan to harass Jiang Rui.

"Ah ah ah..."

The carnival of a group of teenagers always comes so quickly and beautifully.

The lights in the bar were overflowing, almost blinding people's eyes.

Including loud music, extremely harsh.

Below the stage is a carnival of a group of people.

Get rid of your troubles, and twist your body one by one, frantically having fun.

In the middle of the dance floor, they don't have to worry about everything, and they can have fun.

Some excited people are already hugging each other, their eyes are facing each other, and they are ambiguous.

Or he was crazy about drinking, with a crazy look on his face.

Among them, most of the girls look like beautiful women, but in fact, many of them have been completely hacked.

With heavy makeup, small suspenders and stiletto heels, and a smoky makeup sitting on the second floor watching a girl below, it is far less crazy than the first floor.

Her eyes were full of sarcasm and meaninglessness.

"Miss, would you like a drink?"

The man was carrying two glasses of wine, one of which was handed over to the girl leaning on the second fence, looking at her like a fresh prey.

Many people have fancy goals.

For girls, of course.

But every time they were rejected and failed, so they also wanted to see this man's joke.

In the end, she didn't want to, and the girl directly hooked her lips to show a wicked smile. As a result, when she looked at the man with this glass of wine, her eyes gradually darkened.


The two raised their glasses and clinked.

"I think this bloody mary is very suitable for you."

The man specially asked someone to make a cocktail for her.

He knew that the girl had rejected many people these days, so he just offered this glass of wine with an attitude of trying, but he didn't expect her to accept it.

This is an unexpected surprise for men.

Always thinking of something to do.

Here, as long as you accept the wine given by the other party, it will be counted as a couple tonight.

"I think it's great, too."

The girl took a sip, the smile on her lips gradually widened, and she did not resist the man's approach until his arm wrapped around her waist.

This kind of intimacy made her look cold on purpose.

Originally, I just wanted to have fun, but I didn't expect the other party to have the guts to get so close.

(End of this chapter)

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