Me: The strongest armor!Under the tutelage of General Lufa

Chapter 567 Confidence, the deterrence of the Aphas

Chapter 567 Confidence, the deterrence of the Aphas (45)


Looking at the fleet of spaceships that were approaching more and more, Lin Ming couldn't help but sneered, and then ordered.


"Light and dark particle cannon, activate!"

Cook responded, and turned to activate the light-dark particle cannon, the big killer, and the energy rush was completed before raising his hand, and he locked on the fleet of spaceships lined up in the distance when he raised his hand.



As strands of huge purple light beams rose up, not only the armored fleets from the various planets, but also Lin Ming's face twitched.

Light and dark particle cannon, god damn light and dark particle cannon; can this kind of terrifying attack be released casually? !

"Cook, if you attack me indiscriminately again, you can go to the backup department."

Hearing Lin Ming's exasperated voice, Cook couldn't help shrinking his neck, and hastily scattered the next light and dark particle cannon that had already been charged with energy.

If this attack is sent out again, then it is very likely that he will be thrown above the backup department.

The beam of light flickered, followed by the tearing up of the space that had exploded, and the magnetic field that had been distorted to the extreme; all heralded the coming of death.

In just that moment, all the armored fleets of planet u45 in the central area turned into a burst of light mist, and then diffused and disappeared into the midair.

Only the empty gap is left, giving people a sense of inexplicable visual impact.

Only the U45 star king on the main command spacecraft was left, barely dodging this attack, but the armored fleet they managed to gather was wiped out because of this attack.

"This... what is this?!"

"Light and darkness, light and darkness particle cannon!"

Looking at the horrific attack, the king of the hired planet on the left and right flanks suddenly felt a tingling fear in his scalp.

Wasn't the battleship Aphas already destroyed because of the fall of King Peel? Why did it appear in this place?
"Bastard, retreat, retreat! U45, I must screw your head off!"

Their so-called 15 armored legions, in the eyes of the big guy in front of them, are simply a joke; the lack of seeing the annihilated u45 star armored legion is their precursor.

They can only retreat!Fear from the soul is not so easy to eliminate.

"Retreat? Cuhensi, it's time for you to act!" Lin Ming looked at the fleet of spaceships that had retreated in the distance, sneered, and then ordered.

"Lock two hired planets and send them to hell!"

This is not over yet, looking at the four armored fleets shining with metallic luster, he turned and issued the second order again; no matter what the reason is, these guys in front of him cannot stay.

Should they be left behind to organize another resistance? !

The civilians on those planets can choose to stay, but the group of guys in front of them will be destroyed.

If you do something wrong, you have to pay the due price.

"Yes, King!"

Kura's cold voice sounded, and he turned to give orders to Kuhensi who was hiding in the dark; as for Cook, he controlled the other attack systems and locked the four retreating mercenary groups.

Although it is not enough to reimburse them all at once, it can also produce effective lethality.


As the order was delivered, the Third Legion hiding in the dark crushed all of them, and attacked all the spaceship fleets.

"Bastard, where is the Ares spaceship fleet that emerged?!" The King of Planet X asked involuntarily.

"Wang, these lunatics are equipped with the most advanced concealment system on their spaceships, and our spaceship's exploration function can't detect it at all."

The driver was also startled, and quickly responded, but they found that, as if they were being targeted, all the attacks were crushed towards their two mercenary groups.

In particular, the battleship Aphas in the distance also attacked and strangled the position where their legion was located.

"Asshole, bastard!"

"Put up the protective cover, retreat, retreat with all your strength!"

Looking at the attack that strangled them, the King of Planet X hastily ordered.

In an instant, the two spaceship fleets were all at full speed, and they wanted to jump into the distance.

But those Ares spaceships are like the gangrene, and they can't make any retreat at all. Even if they put up the protective cover, they can't resist the rushing attack of the Ares spaceship fleet.

This is not over yet, the Z-star spaceship fleet on the right wing also suffered from the crushing attack of the Aphas. Although it is not as good as the light and dark particle cannon, it still caused them huge losses under such a dense degree.

"Damn it, why do these lunatics keep targeting us?!"

Looking at the fleet of other spaceships that were desperately fleeing, the King of Star Z couldn't help cursing angrily.

However, cursing belongs to cursing, but fleeing still has to be done.

"Back, back!"

In a hurry, he could only choose to retreat desperately; but how could the Aphas, which had already locked all of them, allow them to retreat easily.

"Flee, let me see where you can escape!" Cook sneered, and turned his attention to Kura; the battleship accelerated, and it was already on top of the spaceship fleet of Planet Z.


This trouble made Cook's eyes red, and a series of attacks were poured down, and the remaining legion was wiped out in the blink of an eye.

Only the other legion, which was already in disarray, was still fleeing with all its strength.

But how could the attack system that had already locked them allow them to escape easily; countless missiles, countless beam weapons, all strangled towards the fleeing legion.

Such a dense attack could not allow them any space to escape. They could only hold up the protective cover and wait for the attack in a state of panic.

With the annihilation of the final main command spacecraft, the two fleets of spaceships dispatched by Star Z fell into the dark mid-air, and they paid the price for their stupidity.

"Notice, the Guards Corps is dispatched!"

Looking at the spaceship fleets of the various planets that were still fleeing, Lin Ming stood up abruptly, and ordered again.

"Yes, King!"

"The Praetorian Guard Legion, prepare to dispatch!"

As Kura's cold voice sounded, one after another the shuttle boats landed from the two sub-command cabins, and strangled back to the fleeing star fleets in the distance.

Using a shuttle boat to chase a spaceship, only these guys dare to try such a crazy thing.

Their confidence lies in the performance of the shuttle boat and the Afars that followed them all the time.


(End of this chapter)

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