Me: The strongest armor!Under the tutelage of General Lufa

Chapter 379 Shocking the world, the battle between the 3 armors

Chapter 379 Shocking the world, the battle between the three armors (15)

"Your, the legion reorganization mission is temporarily suspended!"

"Repair or replace your remaining human armor first!"

"I need you to do something for me!"

"Go to the Milky Way to catch the star robbers; as for the number, it can be ignored, but there is only one requirement, that is, this matter is not allowed to be leaked, do you understand?"

Looking at the instrument storing the W spar in his hand, King Peel slowly rolled his eyes, and said in a careless tone.

He understood that the reconstruction of the legion was definitely not a simple matter.

It's not just because of weapon configuration, but more importantly, it's the issue of personnel replenishment.

It is impossible to just pull out a single person and add them to the four legions. There are too many factors to consider.

Therefore, he set his sights on the barren star bandit; with the W spar, he would have an armored army of [-] in an instant.

In this way, the problem of personnel replenishment can be ignored, and they only need to transfer the summoning gene to them, and they can instantly transform into an Ares armored army.

In this way, all problems can be easily solved!

King Peel's words suddenly made the face of the commander of the third army stiffen.

"...King, do you want to use those despicable guys as warriors of Ares?"

Almost in the next instant, he understood the reason for King Peel's series of actions.

But doing so is extremely dangerous. If it is detected by the outside world, the entire Ares will become the common enemy of the entire galaxy.

But with this hand, you can quickly and quickly get an armored army, why not do it?

"That's right, our reserve army doesn't have that many people to replenish; only strength, stronger strength, can crush that damned rebellion."

"Go, I believe you can do well!"

After casually giving the order, King Peel closed his eyes again, as if he had regained the state of winning.

Only King Peel knew clearly that his messy thoughts at the moment and the sense of humiliation lingering on him at any time.

A rebel dared to appear in front of him to provoke him. Such an action was not a provocation to himself; a provocation to kingship and power.

Such humiliation seemed to remind him all the time, that guy had to be killed, he had to.

Even if it cost Ares and all his strength, as long as he killed Lin Ming, it would be worth it.

"Lin Ming, you are fine..."

The voice was cold, like a poisonous snake, giving people a gloomy and stern feeling.

At the same time, in the base of the wild wolf bandit group.

For unknown reasons, the entire base seemed to be under martial law. The three teams of Chi Ming, Hui Ming, and Zi Ming seemed to be mobile monitors, and any disturbance would attract their attention.

"Brother, what happened to them?"

Xiao Gang took off his helmet slowly, and turned to ask the two companions next to him.

"I don't know, it should be making something. Didn't you see that Brother Cook is not here?"

Xiaotian shook his head slightly, but after observing carefully, he still found some clues.

Because in the entire base, there are only two technicians, Kura and Cook; as for the rest, they are pure fighters like Kuhensi.

Once Cook is gone, the assembly that proves them has yet to grow.


"How's your training going?"

Xiao Fei didn't have much interest in all this before him, but put a pair of shining eyes on Xiao Gang.

"What, want to fight?"

Xiao Gang immediately guessed what he meant, turned his helmet to cover his face, and jumped into the distance.

"It's you who's waiting!"

"call out!"

Afterimages flashed, Xiao Fei seemed to be a god who manipulated the storm, and disappeared in a flash.

"These two guys!"

Xiaotian muttered dissatisfiedly, but he also added his mental energy, and followed him in the distance.

"Electric Light Cut Wind Leg!"

Before Xiao Gang could stand still, Xiao Fei's attack had already landed on his body. The attack full of strangling power immediately made Xiao Gang stagger, and then he stood still.

"You bastard, actually sneak attack!"


A heavy momentum rose from Xiao Gang's body. Although he didn't feel aggressive, it felt quite suffocating.

"Unexpectedly, the teacher taught me!"

"Do you still want me to confront you head-on?"

Xiao Fei replied unceremoniously, then turned his thoughts slightly, and the Shadow Shadow Knife naturally fell into his hand.

"This battle madman!"

"Thunder Drill!"

Although he was cursing secretly in his heart, the movements of his hands were not slow at all, and he turned and blasted towards Xiao Fei who was attacking.

In an instant, flames blazed everywhere, and the sound of explosions resounded in that area.

"Not bad, not bad, although it's still a little worse than your kid, but other than that, who else can have the strength compared to the three of them?"

Watching the collision between the two as if they were gods, Lufa put his hands behind his back, feeling quite overwhelmed by the heights.

He was very proud of Lin Ming in front of him; those 24 members of the imperial guards, and the three armors in front of him.

They can all be counted as his students and disciples.

The first 24 members of the Praetorian Guard were the ones who overwhelmed the barren star bandits in the entire galaxy who dared not cross the threshold.

As for Lin Ming, Ares' strongest fighter, even he could not be his opponent.

Ares' youngest warrior ever.

While others were still studying in the training camp, he had already led the armor team out to perform missions.

More than 200 planets have been declared as Desolate Stars because of his extermination of the bandits stationed on the Desolate Stars.

The Summoner of the Shura Armor, the existence that has brought out the full strength of the Shura Armor in history.

There are also three armors, although they don't have any substantial achievements, but relying on the growth speed of the armor on the three of them, even faintly compared to Lin Ming, they are a little bit more reluctant.

Having such a group of students is something that any teacher would be proud of.

Seeing Lufa's appearance like this, the corners of Lin Ming's mouth twitched for a rare moment, and he cursed secretly.

"This old fox!"

At this moment, Kura's figure appeared in the main command cabin.


"Senior sister, do you need me to arrange it for you?"

Although now he has the name of a general, but for this senior sister in front of him, he is still secretly a little apprehensive.

"Report to the general, the learning process of the Nightmare Star and No. 4 is very fast, and it has reached the level where it can be piloted."


(End of this chapter)

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