Me: The strongest armor!Under the tutelage of General Lufa

Chapter 245 Precious, top-secret deployment map

Chapter 245 Precious, top-secret deployment map (25)

Looking at Lin Ming's chuckling expression, Qiao Shefei couldn't help squinting his eyes.

Sure enough, it is still the original recipe, with a familiar taste!

He absolutely did not believe it, Lin Ming just stopped, this is not his style.

He will always maximize the impact of certain things, such as the two messages in front of him.

Sure enough, I was still too "kind"!

If it were Lin Ming, there would be an untold number of Blight Star bandit groups that would be wiped out for King Peel.

But for these annoying guys like hyenas, there is no psychological barrier to plan and calculate them.

After all, if Lin Ming sat in that position, there would be only one fate for these damned fellows.

Surrender or die!

But with Lin Ming's temperament, he prefers to use the latter method.

"Brother, I think we need to move!"

Ignoring Qiao Shefei's weird expression, Lin Ming spoke on his own.

"Yes, General!"

Qiao Shefei nodded, and then disappeared into the command cabin.

"How about the three little ones?"

After a while, Lin Ming asked suddenly and abruptly.


With the sound of a special wave, the figure of the Nightmare star suddenly appeared in the command cabin next to him.

"They study very hard, and it won't be long before they can lead the team on their own.

The Nightmare Starman estimated slightly, and then told Lin Ming his judgment.

They are excellent!

This was heard from No. 1 and others, because he knew very well how precise the eyes of No. 1's elite fighters were.

What's more, it was No. 1 and the others who were the leaders of the three elite fighters, and Lin Ming liked them very much, didn't he?
"Very well, they still have a lot to learn, but more is how to control the situation."

"However, the more you see this thing, the more you will become familiar with it, but more often, it will be numb."

Lin Ming seemed to be raving, but his indifferent eyes were scanning the defense map in front of him.

At the same time, it was still on that messy desolate star.

"Ye Xiao set up a bandit group, how did these damned guys reach out to this place?"

One of the patrol captain's eyes rolled suddenly, as if he was thinking about something.

Sure enough, almost in the next instant, he slowly sent a message with a subtle movement.

"Wang, the patrol team has sent back a message, and the law enforcement team has activated the destruction technique, and the entire army has been wiped out."

Listening to the report from the guards below, King Peel's purple eyes flashed with murderous intent.

"The whole army was wiped out? My most elite armor squad was completely wiped out? Tell me, how dare those damned guys?!"

I don't know how long it has passed, but the atmosphere in the entire palace gradually became cold and silent.

"Order, the First Legion is dispatched, let those damned guys pay the price, pay the price with their annihilation!"


The scepter poked heavily on the stone slab in front of it, making a deafening sound.

After only a few breaths, a series of fleets of spaceships rushed out in a certain direction in the distance.

That mighty state seemed to be afraid that others would not know the reason for their dispatch.

However, this fell into Lin Ming's hands. For those annoying hyena-like guys, it's better to deal with them as soon as possible.

"I seem to smell something weird about these things!"

Looking at the spaceship fleet rushing into the Milky Way, King Peel suddenly felt a strange feeling.

These things seem to reveal weirdness everywhere, just like those armored squads that disappear or disappear from time to time.

Under attack, or did they defect?
Soon, his eyes suddenly widened.

Could it be that these things were all "pretended" by those damned guys?

Impossible, impossible!
He suddenly fell on the throne, his whole body began to tremble, and the scepter in his hand was slightly deformed due to the strength.

"Where are those damned guys hiding?"

"Where are you at No. 0004?"

"But these reliances of mine, can you resist them?"

The strange cry like a night owl resounded suddenly, filling the entire Ares star.

To be precise, it should be half an Ares star.

The former Ares star had already been half destroyed by Lin Ming's original star nuclear weapon.

In desperation, King Peel had no choice but to use some means to push the two surrounding desolate stars over, thus forming a guarded situation.

The two propelled planets gradually became the places where the first and second legions were stationed.

As for the most "powerful" Third Legion, it was stationed on the original planet.

In this way, the protection of the three situations can be said to make the protection of the Ares star in front of us form a "solid" situation.

Regardless of the attack received in any direction, the remaining two directions will go to support.

Armor Legion, and such a defense method, as well as the battleship and spaceship fleet of the Aphas.

This is what King Peel relies on.

But his reliance is that he doesn't know if he can resist the legendary ultimate armor!
"Tsk tsk tsk, interesting, really interesting!"

Looking at the contents above the light curtain in front of him, Lin Ming suddenly let out bursts of sinister and sneering laughter.

He suddenly found it ironic that he sent out an armored army without even confirming the authenticity of any information.

There are tens of thousands of fighters, and the spaceship fleet that looks like a group of meteorites.

It's just a message that can't tell the truth from the fake.

If this goes on, 100% of the so-called guardian planet will become the target of the entire galaxy.

But isn't that what he was looking for?
"Teacher, come here when you come!"

Lin Ming suddenly narrowed his eyes and raised his hand to touch the light curtain in front of him.

"You are a general, how can I step forward at will?"

Lufa sneered, and sat next to the deputy commander.

"The deployment map, something more precious than the route map, was leaked by a guard without any military rank."

"Really, irony!"

Looking at the series of poses that appeared in front of Lin Ming's eyes, he muttered in a low voice.

After a while, he still sat down heavily.

Almost in an instant, all the strength in his body seemed to be sucked out, and he fell straight onto the chair next to him.

Once you have this thing, you can easily avoid the missiles and artillery attacks on Ares.

Going to or attacking Ares, there is no suspense or obstacle.


(End of this chapter)

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