world assassin

Chapter 137

Chapter 137
As the sky gradually brightened, Bai Fang used the Five Elements Technique of the Five Elements Gate to bury his body in the sand next to a big rock.

There is no difference between a small sand dune and hundreds of sand dunes in other places, everything looks so inconspicuous.A mouse crawled over the mound where White Fang was hiding, and a scorpion even burrowed beside it.Everything seemed so natural.


Just after noon, the barbarian's trombone sounded.

Immediately, soldiers and horses of the brigade stepped out of the barbarian tent, stepping neatly, making the whole ground tremble. More than 20 troops were lined up neatly.

The barbarians are about to attack the giant stone pass.

"Defend, defend."

After the Daqin army saw the barbarian's movement, the police immediately rang out at the checkpoint, and the faces of some soldiers gradually turned pale.

Wang and Lin heard the cries of their subordinates, and quickly ran out of the tent, sent down the order, and prepared to fight.

"Come on, come on. Hurry up and call the archers to come up, bring up the rolling logs and stones, and be sure to defend them."

The general surnamed Wang finally calmed down, and quickly gave orders to the next generals under him, and then hurriedly entered the tent with the general surnamed Lin.

"How did this happen? Didn't that person last night say he was going to assassinate the barbarian Khan? Could he be a spy?"

The general surnamed Wang stomped his feet anxiously.

"I don't think that kid is a good guy. Maybe he is the other party's spy. He used us to escape back to the barbarians last night. He must have brought them information. Otherwise, why would the barbarians attack aggressively at this time? It looks like it's going to be a final decisive battle." General Lin surnamed Wang said with an unusually ugly face when he heard Wang Qing's words, and said with some resentment.

"For now, let's hold on to this last checkpoint. If we can't stop here, we will have to run away. You should pack up your things secretly first. If you can't hold on, we will play by ear."

"Okay, let's do it like this." Wang Qing got out of the big tent and walked over to the place where he lived.

"Woooooo..." the barbarian's horned trombone made a long sound, the barbarian infantry moved, and an infantry of about [-] people came out, the scimitar in his hand gleaming under the scorching sun cold light.

"Tap tap..."

Morale is like a rainbow.

The barbarian soldiers marched with a scimitar in one hand and a cowhide round shield in the other, advancing step by step towards the giant stone pass, with tens of thousands of cavalry behind them.

The footsteps of the barbarian soldiers were like drumsticks, beating heavily on the hearts of the Daqin soldiers, and some soldiers' hands holding bows and arrows were already trembling.

"Shooting..." When the barbarian soldiers were still within an arrow's reach of the giant stone pass, someone shouted first, and then arrows rained down, flying towards the barbarian infantry phalanx .

There were bursts of screams, the screams of barbarian soldiers shot by arrows.

"Kill..." the barbarian infantry suddenly roared, rushing towards Jushi Pass like crazy.

The Qin soldiers only had time to fire three rounds of bows and arrows, and the barbarian soldiers had already rushed to the giant stone pass.

"Tackling..." the barbarian infantry threw out the rope, and the flying claws on the rope caught the wall of Jushiguan, and saw pairs of barbarian soldiers quickly crawling towards the wall.

"Hold on, release the rolling stone, release the rolling stone." A young general roared loudly, then picked up a big rock and threw it at the climbing barbarian soldiers, and one of them was thrown flying by the stone.

The soldiers nearby also lifted up the stones used to defend the city and threw them down. Immediately, the barbarian soldiers fell down one after another like dumplings.

General Wang and Lin felt a little relieved when they saw this situation.

The cavalry behind the barbarian infantry also began to shoot towards the city wall with bows and arrows. Because it was a low place, the bows and arrows were not strong enough, and they often lost their aim when they hit the city wall. However, under the random arrows, there were still many Daqin soldiers The soldiers were injured, and for a while, they bought time for the soldiers who were climbing.

Jushi Pass is just a larger checkpoint, the city wall is not high, and the barbarian soldiers are brave and fearless. Soon, soldiers climbed up in several places, but they were quickly wiped out by the soldiers of Daqin .

Because the barbarians in the western frontier are located in the grassland, they have always lived on horseback. Therefore, when they fight, they are better at guerrilla warfare. They are not good at this kind of siege warfare. They don't have ladders. They can only climb with ropes, and in such a battle they have the upper hand.

In the past few times, the pass of Daqin was breached because they escaped from other places to the back of the pass, attacking from both sides, but at Jushi Pass, they had no way to spare. Entering through the giant stone pass, as long as you defend the giant stone pass, you will also be able to defend the west gate of Daqin.

The barbarian soldiers kept climbing up the city wall, and they were constantly wiped out. The cavalry under the city wall watched their own people being killed. Although they were angry, they were powerless. on the way.

Batch after batch of barbarian soldiers died, people continued to die, and people continued to fill in. The soldiers guarding the city gradually showed signs of fatigue. The soldiers guarding the city changed from batch to batch. Still rushing up like a tide.

Finally, after an hour, the barbarians stopped attacking, but retreated back, and the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief when the giant stone was closed.

The boulder was closed, and the corpses of about [-] barbarian soldiers had already been laid down.

At this time, no one thought that on a cliff north of Jushi Pass, there were about a hundred barbarian soldiers, relying on the cover of the battle, and with the help of ropes, they climbed up the cliff several feet high, and then passed by. Sliding down the cliff, entered the territory of Daqin.

White Fang hid quietly under the sand, motionless, and merged with the surroundings. White Fang felt that the sky and this place were integrated with himself. At first, White Fang had to rely on the secret method of the Five Elements Gate to hold his breath. He took a breath, but afterward, Bai Fang found that all the pores on his body seemed to be open, and countless khaki dots penetrated into Bai Fang's body, and his body felt refreshed, as if what he was in was not sand, It's like walking in the woods, that feeling is simply extremely subtle.

Through the sand, White Fang felt the barbarian army on the ground, and the footsteps of the barbarian soldiers made the earth tremble, but when he got around White Fang, the trembling feeling suddenly disappeared.

Shouts of exclamation came out from the sand. It was the sound of barbarian soldiers fighting with Daqin soldiers. Bai Fang heard the horrific battle, but he remained motionless. The only thing he had to do now was to wait until it got dark. That was when White Fang made his move.

The sky gradually darkened, and the surrounding temperature plummeted. A small bag of soil was moving in front of the barbarian army.

Yes, it's just a dirt bag, a seemingly inconspicuous dirt bag, moving bit by bit towards the barbarian tent, but how many people will notice a lifeless dirt bag, so The soil bag entered the barbarian barracks smoothly.

Bai Fang hid in the earthen bag, and he was both pleasantly surprised and worried. He never imagined that after hiding in the earthen bag for a day, his cultivation would suddenly enter the mid-innate stage. Somewhat inexplicable, moreover, Bai Fang discovered that he could walk through the soil, use his whole body's power to squeeze the soil around the soil, and then his body could walk through, never thought that the Five Elements Art of the Five Elements Gate could have such general effect.

White Fang slowly approached the big tent in the mud, he could even hear the voices of the people above, White Fang held his breath, released his divine sense, and searched carefully, looking for the target this time.

Suddenly, White Fang opened his eyes, and his eyes shone brightly, "I found it."

In the large tent of the Chinese army, a muscular man was at the head, wearing a gorgeous jacket, his exposed arms and chest looked powerful, and he was staring at an eagle-shaped crown on his head. Drinking wine and eating meat, beside him there are several beautiful barbarian girls serving him with utmost luxury.There are also several generals under the seat, all of whom are cutting meat with claw knives, all of them are strong-backed, and they are all masters at the peak of the day after tomorrow.

Controlling his body, White Fang slowly moved towards the big tent, entered the big tent silently, and then lurked under the table at Khan's feet.

White Fang was waiting, waiting for an opportunity to kill with one blow, because if White Fang killed the Khan now, he would face the encirclement and suppression of hundreds of thousands of troops from the entire barbarians. Powerful, it is impossible to defeat hundreds of thousands of troops with one's own strength.So, he can only wait now.

"My lord, Batu and the others have arrived inside this morning, what should we do next?" After several people finished their meal, one of them said to Khan.

"Haha, Wu Jiu, this great king has his own plans, you should prepare immediately. When the moon is in the sky, that is when we break through the Jushi Pass, Daqin Jiangshan will be caught by surprise." Khan glanced at the man, laughed.

Everyone withdrew from the tent one by one.

Through his spiritual thoughts, Bai Fang noticed that several people had walked out of the big tent, and in the dark place in the distance, soldiers were also quietly gathering, it seemed that they were going to sneak attack on Jushi Pass tonight.

Only the Khan and a few women who waited on him were left in the entire big tent. The Khan pulled a barbarian woman, hugged her in his arms, and raised his hands, completely unaware of the imminent danger.

(End of this chapter)

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