Chapter 115 It's Not Realistic at All

Gu Fang looked a little disdainful at this moment, "Mr. Zhao, otherwise, how can you explain that Gu Jiu in your class is so high in the exam?"

When Song Yan heard Gu Fang's speculation, she suddenly became suspicious.

That's right, how did Gu Jiu, who has always had poor grades, get so high in the exam all of a sudden?

According to the Chinese teacher, fifty points were deducted because Gu Jiu didn't write the Chinese composition.

In other words, she got full marks in other subjects?

This is not realistic at all!
Even Gu Qingyu in their class couldn't get this result, how could she be in class F?

It seems that all the doubts and answers in my mind are ready to come out.

Song Yan raised her eyes and said, "Mr. Zhao, I also have some doubts about Gu Jiu's grades in your class."

Zhao Keming's cheerful mood was suddenly broken by these two people.

"Ms. Gu, Mr. Song, you must pay attention to evidence when you speak. You can't wrong her just because we, Gu Jiu, passed the exam."

Gu Fang sneered, "Mr. Zhao, I'm afraid you don't know yourself as a student. This is the first time I've seen a student who got full marks so easily."

Song Yan moved her eyes and said, "Teacher Gu is right. Gu Jiu is right except that she didn't write a Chinese composition. If she had good grades before, I wouldn't say anything. But this Gu Jiu Her grades were so poor before, but now she has a perfect score in the test, does it mean that her IQ has soared all of a sudden?"

When Zhao Keming heard these words, his hands trembled with anger.

As a teacher, how can you treat students like this?
The teacher next to him couldn't stand it anymore, "Mr. Song, Mr. Gu, it's a good thing that students can pass the exam so high. You are really like this."

Gu Fang curled her lips, "Oh, okay, Gu Jiuzuo didn't cheat, let's go to the principal for an evaluation."

After finishing speaking, he swaggered open the door and walked towards the principal's office.

After a while, the principal came over, followed by a triumphant Gu Fang.

Gu Fang immediately said, "Principal, you come to judge, is Gu Jiu in their class plagiarizing?"

The headmaster made a sullen face, wondering why they couldn't get along with that little girl?
This is not the first time he has been called over to "call the shots".

When Zhao Keming heard Gu Fang talking about Gu Jiu's plagiarism, he felt rather uncomfortable, "Principal, I, the class teacher, know very well what our classmates are like. They would never do such a thing as plagiarism."

He knew that even if their class F handed in blank papers, they would not bother to stealthily plagiarize.

Gu Fang rolled her eyes, "Mr. Zhao, do you know what your classmates are like? The last student in Longteng High School took the first place in the exam. Is this realistic?" The tone was full of sarcasm and disdain.

That Gu Jiu is also an idiot, he didn't know how to hide the copy, and even copied it to full marks, it's really funny.

Zhao Keming was so angry that he lowered his voice, "Mr. Gu, let me say it again, you must speak with evidence."

Gu Fang had never seen Zhao Keming's stern look before, and she choked back all the words she was about to say.

The principal frowned, "Then how do you want to solve it?"

He is familiar with that girl, and she is not a student who can plagiarize.

At this time, Song Yan, who had been silent at the side, said, "Principal, for the sake of fairness, why don't you ask Gu Jiu to do the set of questions again?"

That being said, it seems fair, but in front of so many people, how can Gu Jiu do well in the exam again?
"Ms. Zhao, what do you think?" The principal looked at Zhao Keming.

Zhao Keming nodded, agreeing, he believed in Gu Jiu.

How could such a child bother to plagiarize?
(End of this chapter)

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