Invincible little uncle

Chapter 95 99.4 wins and 4 losses

Chapter 95 99. Four Wins and Four Losses
A doomed fight at the Fengchan Terrace ended with the performance of King Shenwu and the final scolding battle between the two sides. This made Xia Heng, who was about to reap the benefits of a fisherman, both frightened and disappointed, and the battle could not be completed. The opportunity to start.

On the first day of his ascension to the throne, he walked through the corridors of the palace in a panic, smashing the exquisite porcelain, jewelry, and even the package on the table that were tributed by foreign lands. With a flick of the sleeve, it was all smashed to pieces on the ground.

"With him here, how can my emperor be so majestic! It's like a thorn in my throat, like a light on my back, I can't even sleep soundly!"

Xia Heng is far from his usual free and easy way of dancing and writing, and he will be furious.

If it weren't for the five hundred "Heavenly Soldiers and Generals" who were given to him by the Shuijing Palace and controlled by him, he would have felt even more insecure. Rebellion, I am afraid that they will soon be able to throw their own heads into the dust.

"Your Majesty, don't worry."

Guo Langzi sat on the threshold, "Everything is still expected, but I didn't expect that the King of Martial Arts is so irresistible. In the game of power, those who lack patience will lose even if they are strong.

Yes, he is powerful, outrageously powerful, but today he is completely tied to the chariot of the Demon Sect, and he is incompatible with decency, Buddhism and Taoism.

And it also got the name of a devil who seized the house. "

Xia Heng's body trembled: "Could it be that the devil is wrapped in a skin, otherwise there is no one who can lift a pair of three-thousand-jin golden lions at the age of five, and how can someone be so monstrous."

Guo Langzi said: "It doesn't matter if it is, because just this point is enough to make him stand on the opposite side of human beings. Today, more than half of the people in the Demon Sect have been shaken. After Zhengdao left, they also packed their bags and left. Apparently they also had doubts about the identity of our King of Martial Arts.

Although the Zhengdao group of people are hypocritical, they will not lie about such a big matter.

This is one of them. "

He narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the cold blood in the sunset, and continued: "The blood fairy, the leader of the demon sect, I think she is just acting on the spot today. The fate of adoptive father and daughter, it was only after some things happened that this witch completely stood on the opposite side of the righteous way.

Therefore, her support for our Shenwu King is more or less mixed with rebellious psychology.

If this mentality can be broken, then an 'inhuman' Shenwu King is likely to be thrown off the chariot of the Demon Sect and become a loner.

This is the second. "

"As for the Fenglin Huoshan dark guards, these are all elites trained by the former emperor. If it's a choice between Dazhou and individuals, I can't guarantee that everyone will choose the former one, but most of them will.

If the emperor tried his best to govern and put on the appearance of a wise king, the day when there was a contradiction, then King Shenwu would lose his foundation.

This is the third. "

"I have heard about the Shadow Emperor's Court, Princess Yuxue, and even the Hei Tianzi for a long time, but the Shadow Emperor's Court should not interfere with the emperor's change, nor should they interfere with civil strife, this is the rule set by the ancestors.

So even though the imperial family was extremely chaotic and extremely weak, the Shadow Imperial Court could still keep Da Zhou safe.

This is the fourth. "

Guo Langzi talked eloquently as the mastermind, and at the end bent down to congratulate him: "The emperor has four victories, but that King Shenwu has four defeats, so it is imperative to settle down and do what an emperor should do."

Xia Heng was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and felt that his decision to abandon martial arts and follow literature was really correct. His eldest brother Xia Hua was actually more suitable to be an emperor, but he failed to get support because he didn't get along with Shuijing Palace much.

He became excited again, "So what should I do?"

Guo Langzi said: "Reduce taxes, amnesty the world, build water conservancy, please return to Beijing to maintain law and order, and arrive at a quarter of the morning every morning, so that the princes can see your diligent appearance.

Frown when you should frown, bring chili peppers when you should cry, distinguish rewards and punishments, and appoint people on their merits.

And the first thing is to urge the Shenwu King to settle the fief and leave the palace, so that we can operate the capital. "

Once the mastermind opened his mouth, there was no end to it.

Xia Heng also became more and more excited the more he listened, he only felt that life was full of hope, and the dragon chair he sat on became a little more stable.


Outside the south gate of the capital city, ten miles away, there is a trail like a sheep intestine.

The defeated people of the righteous way were extremely horrific, and walked quickly, only thinking about returning to the door as soon as possible.

They have already made a "plan to eliminate demons".

The "Four Silent Disasters" was also propagated through various channels.

It's just that the mysterious organization that is on the list of the world is rarely mentioned, because it is low-key, and because it is too strange. There have been righteous young heroes who have gone to investigate, but they have always encountered people from the periphery of Sibuyan. Minions, although those minions have strange exercises, their strength is in the normal range, and they are definitely not demons.

Now that Wan Helei, the deputy head of the Wan family, was taken away, everyone in the righteous way couldn't help being nervous.

But apart from a few headmasters who knew more inside information, most of the rest were skeptical.

In particular, the Donghai Wanjia issued a statement saying that "the deputy head of the family was taken away" is purely slanderous. If there are people who gossip again, his Wanjia is not the largest family, but they will seek justice.

Therefore, during this visit to the capital, more people's eyes were focused on the "Floating World and Heavenly Law" that evolved the eight unique studies, and the super strength of the Great Zhou Shenwu King may not have come from it.

There is no balance between good and evil. Putting a label on the demons is like making a mark, and then just fire at him.

It's just that in the past, it was at most "beating into tricks". Today, the Great Zhou Shenwu King is also strange, and he is directly on the opposite side. Even when the head of Jiuchongshan said "If you are not of my race, his heart will be punished", he did not. It's weird to argue too much, and look like you're just fighting with the world.

This is sadness.

Even if someone discovers the truth and tells the truth, only a very small number of people believe it.

Even if they say four things in front of the people of the world that catastrophe is coming, and they say that they will seize the house, even if they don't deny it in person, but they all have their own selfish motives, or some of them are really righteous, without review, the head said What is what is, whoever is said to be an evil spirit is an evil spirit.

Therefore, in the long pavilion in the sunset, the yang demons and yin ghosts had nothing to fear.

Because the general trend is like this, and people's hearts are like this.

Who would really believe in doomsday if it wasn't for the imminent catastrophe?
Buddhism abandoned, and the devil took over, all of this would have been done in silence, even if the world has changed, I am afraid that the world will not know the cold and heat, just say that the world is like this, the world is not benevolent and so on.

It's nothing more than more people died, more strange talks, more people's hearts fluttered, killing and killing.

This kind of righteous way is preparing for a new round of war between good and evil.

Anyway, the first step is always to choose a martial arts leader first.

After thinking about it, he walked into the narrow path.

All of a sudden, the sky became gloomy.

The cold of winter can't cover the bone-chilling cold at this time.

When everyone looked up, they saw that the sky was full of arrows coming like a shower!
On the high ground on both sides of the path, many soldiers emerged at unknown times, and in the center of the crowd of soldiers was the young man in black armor sitting leisurely on the edge of the high ground, looking up at the sky.

A pitch-black Fangtian painted halberd was stuck in the soil beside him, no more than half of it, pointing directly at the sky.

Don't ask about injustice, it's not kind.

"Not a single one."

Xia Guang spit out four words in a deep voice.

PS: I would like to recommend my friend's new work "I'm Not a Great Immortal". The protagonist is very weak, and he is misunderstood all the way by relying on his powerful disciples and pets.
(End of this chapter)

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