Online game mechanical king

Chapter 160 In the Valley

Chapter 160 In the Valley
Sending away the people around him, Tian Jiale thought about whether he should go to the back of the mountain to see, others couldn't kill him, but he might try, after all, now that he has the strength to kill such blood-red ants in seconds, wouldn't it be better to go to the back mountain? Earn more?
A group of those guys gave 150 yuan, so wouldn't it be possible to get a dozen groups after doing a wave? 10 yuan in 1500 minutes...

"It's not realistic, let's deal with this wave first." Tian Jiale rubbed his head and waited for the wave of blood-red ants to come down.

Soon, after 10 minutes, a large number of blood-red ants emerged on the top of the mountain again. Tian Jiale was still alone. He wanted someone to cooperate with him before, but he rejected them all. Some people also wanted to be on his side. Standing in a position, Tian Jiale didn't stop him, but just told him not to disturb the killing process on his side for a while, if he did, then he would really kill him, those guys could only murmur in dissatisfaction Then dodged to the side and teamed up with another group of people to kill.

The second wave of ants passed by, and with the experience of killing these ants for the first time, Tian Jiale picked up more seeds this time, a total of 4 groups, and the eyes of the people around were eager to see, but those guys knew that this is called The Hungry Devil guys are not very talkative, so they didn't feel uncomfortable in the past, and only a few players who just came over did not know the situation, but they all left one after another and joined the big team.

After the second wave was finished, Tian Jiale didn't wait for the players who wanted to buy seeds to come, he ran directly towards the mountain peak.

"Look! That guy is going up the mountain!"

"Damn it, the guy who doesn't know how to live or die, thinks he can kill in the front by himself and wants to go to the back, what a dream!"

"It's hard to say, maybe they have other means."

It took a few minutes to reach the top of the mountain, and Tian Jiale realized that there was not only one mountain under his feet, but five peaks, and there were other teams of people standing under the peaks around the peaks. The purpose of the previous brigade of players is the same, they all come here to get seeds to get blood mushrooms to open dungeons.

The five mountains formed a small circle, and the valley of death that the player mentioned earlier was a small valley surrounded by these five peaks. There was no ground entrance to the valley, only running down from the top of the mountain.

Tian Jiale looked back, then at the small valley that was surrounded, gritted his teeth, and ran directly down.

Another few minutes passed, and there were only two or three minutes left before the appearance of the blood-red ants. Tian Jiale had already arrived in a small valley surrounded by five peaks. There were some trees in this valley, but very few. It is a flat ground, and there is a hole in the middle of the valley. Tian Jiale immediately understood that this is the place where the blood-red ants burrowed in. Just like the ants outside that have not been killed, they will also leave the mountain. After a certain distance, it drilled directly into the ground and disappeared, and here it is estimated that it just entered the cave directly.

Tian Jiale looked around, and suddenly there was a rustling sound. Tian Jiale was startled, and hurriedly raised his head to look at the top of the mountain, only to see a large number of blood-red ants pouring out from the five peaks and rushing in towards the small valley. Tian Jiale didn't have time to think about it, and directly started to release the chasers and self-destructors around. Although the cooldown time of the skills is a lot, five seconds and ten seconds, the blood-red ants coming down the mountain will not stop waiting for him to fully arrange the place. Besides, the duration of his skills is also leisurely, and it is impossible to be foolproof.

"It's over, it's over, I really shouldn't have come in here alone." Tian Jiale muttered regretfully while running around.

"Huh?" Tian Jiale suddenly stopped, and looked back at the hole in the center. The hole doesn't look very big, but it's perfectly fine for him to jump in. He rolled his eyes, instead of staying here and waiting to die Why don't you go down there and have a look, since you're going to die anyway, why don't you explore what kind of place this underground is.

swish - swish -

The surrounding ants had already surrounded the small valley, just when Tian Jiale was about to jump out of the hole, he looked at the few big trees in the valley, and the ants didn't seem to climb trees. Go!

"That's right!" Tian Jiale slapped his head. Now that he has jumping shoes on, he is afraid that he won't be able to climb a big tree?So he instantly gave up his plan to go underground, and ran under the big tree in a few steps, using the additional skill of the shoes: bounce!

With a bang, Tian Jiale directly jumped five meters high, opened his hands and hugged the big tree pole, which was not too big but not too small, and then hurriedly stood on it, and then raised his hand to summon the chasing attack Let the pursuer jump directly, and then arrange a self-destroyer beside him, lift his foot, and kick him to the bottom of the big tree.

A large number of blood-red ants gathered in the valley from the five peaks, and in an instant, the entire small valley became a sea of ​​blood-red ants. Tian Jiale's scalp felt numb when he saw the dense crowd. There must be at least dozens of them. Ten thousand?

Some of the self-destroyers and pursuers that Tian Jiale had arranged around before exploded one after another, and each explosion could set off a burst of blood-red surges. They were ants that were instantly killed. All of them directly covered the ground completely, at least hundreds of them. Tian Jiale was so greedy, but he didn't dare to go down if he was killed. There are too many blood-red ants here, even if they were killed by bombardment. A few slices, but there are still quite a few below.

Some of the blood-red ants gathered in the valley went directly into the burrow, but he guessed it was normal, and some frantically began to gather under the tree where Tian Jiale was staying, but after the two robots that Tian Jiale threw directly exploded He directly killed all the ants around him, and gained a large amount of 10 points and 10 points of experience points, so that his experience points jumped up a few times at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then there was a fall, and then he was overwhelmed by the overwhelming ants.

The increase in experience points is really fast. Why didn't this explosion kill hundreds or even thousands of people?That's tens of thousands of experience points, and it's hell if the experience points increase unhappily.

"Although you can't pick up the drops, it's good to have experience points." Tian Jiale smiled and summoned the self-detonator and the pursuer, and then threw them under the tree, and then detonated them directly when the ants crowded over , Instantly the surrounding area is empty.

Boom, boom, boom, the experience value is increasing rapidly...

(End of this chapter)

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