Beast Blood Rush

Chapter 121 Ruins of the Fifth Escort Bureau

Chapter 121 Ruins of the Fifth Escort Bureau
The site of the Fifth Escort is in the northwest corner of Wulin Town.

Five years ago, Zhang Ling's father, Zhang Xingze, mysteriously disappeared here.

Due to the impact of the mysterious disappearance, most people dare not approach this place at all, and they always take detours when passing by.

In fact, at the very beginning, the Fifth Escort was not owned by the Xia family in Wulin Town, but belonged to the Xia family in Yingri City.Later, the Xia family in Wulin Town and the Xia family in Yingri City fell out and officially separated, and the Fifth Escort Bureau was brought under the direct jurisdiction of the Xia family in Wulin Town.The name of the Fifth Escort Bureau was also uniformly named after several other Escort Bureaus of the Xia Family in Yingri City.

To maintain the various expenses of a big family like the Xia family, a lot of money is needed.

The Xia family in Wulin Town doesn't have any lucrative business, whether it is alchemy or weapon refining, there is no way to make money.

As for the disciples of the Xia Family in Wulin Town, none of them seemed particularly outstanding.The number of monsters hunted and killed by the Xia family in Wulin Town, and the crystal nuclei obtained are not very large, and the level is not very high.It is impossible to sell money by selling crystal nuclei.And around Wulin Town, there are no rare medicinal materials, high-grade concentrates, gems, or rune stones.Otherwise, this place would not be so desolate.

When the Fifth Escort was first divided, it still had a little ability to make money, and it could provide a lot of profits every year.But later, oppressed by other forces, the business volume became less and less, and gradually began to lose money.

Escort is something that not everyone can run well, nor can you do it if you want to.

To run an Escort, there must be three prerequisites.First, the fist is hard enough.Second, the fist is still hard enough.Third, the fist is still hard.

As for the many connections, familiar faces, and being able to mix well, they are all based on the foundation of hard enough fists.As long as your fist is hard enough, you will naturally have many connections, face familiarity, and you can get away with it.On the contrary, there is only a mess.

The cruel reality is that the fists of the Fifth Escort do not seem to be too hard.

The Xia family's own strength in Wulin Town was not very strong in the first place, and it was impossible to guarantee the security of the Escort's business.

The eight major families in Heisha City all have their own bodyguard bureaus, and some have several.With so many bodyguard bureaus, the competition among them is naturally very fierce.In order to survive and develop, all means, whether legal or illegal, will be used.Under the strife of all parties, the strength of the Fifth Escort is not strong enough, so it can only be gradually eliminated.

Of course, these are all past events, and Zhang Ling doesn't want to go back.

What he cares about now is whether he still has a chance to re-develop the Fifth Escort.

The missing father needs to be found, the mother's three souls and seven spirits also need to be found, and the abandoned Fifth Escort must be revived.

In other words, in his previous life, as a professional bodyguard, Zhang Ling's greatest wish was to set up a legitimate bodyguard bureau and do his favorite business.His biggest ideal is to be the head of the bodyguard and be the leader.Unfortunately, due to various legal restrictions, his wish has never been realized.Perhaps, his wish can be realized in the Beast Martial Continent?

Arriving outside the Fifth Escort, Zhang Ling silently looked at this familiar but unfamiliar dilapidated building.

Familiar, because he often comes here to play when there is no accident in the Fifth Escort.Strange, because here is completely different from five years ago.

The Fifth Escort five years ago, although the income was sluggish and the future was bleak, it looked good on the surface.Escort, it must give people a sense of security.To give people a sense of security, you must let others believe in your strength.If you want others to believe in your strength, you have to work hard in all aspects.For example, the facade.If even your own appearance is tattered, how can others dare to believe in your strength?

Unfortunately, five years later, the Fifth Escort was already in ruins.During these five years, no one approached the old site of the Fifth Escort easily, and no one dared to come here to clean up and repair things.The wind and rain, the sun and the rain, many houses collapsed.Those houses that haven't collapsed yet look crumbling, ready to collapse at any moment.

"Huh? Is there someone here?" Suddenly, Zhang Ling's expression changed slightly.

He felt that inside the ruins, there seemed to be faint fluctuations of true energy.The further you go, the more obvious the fluctuation of true energy becomes.

The site of the Fifth Escort is very large. In addition to occupying a large piece of land in the northwest corner of Wulin Town, there is also a large training ground that extends to the outskirts of the forest.The range of the martial arts training ground is very large. Escort masters and troopers can practice in the martial arts training ground.This huge training ground can even be used to train cavalry charging skills.Ordinary people enter through the gate of the Fifth Escort, and if they want to walk to the edge of the forest, it may take an hour to walk.

Don't think it's strange that there is a cavalry training ground in the Escort.In fact, many escort agencies in the Beast Warrior Continent have professional cavalry teams.An Escort is a force.And a powerful escort agency is a powerful strength.The strongest Escorts in the Beast Martial Continent are comparable in strength to many big families.Some are even transnational escort bureaus, one can imagine how powerful they are.

Some super powerful bodyguards can even communicate with the six realms.They can forcibly tear down the barriers of the six realms, sell goods between the six realms, and earn huge profits.Think about it, how strong would a chief escort who can forcibly tear the barriers of the six worlds and communicate with the goods of the six worlds be?If they were not strong enough, they would have been swallowed up by numerous enemies long ago.

The strongest cultivators in the Yanteng Empire are all in the seven-star realm.And the chief escorts of some big escort bureaus are all above the seven-star realm.It can be seen that from the perspective of cultivation level, they are all similar.As for the heads of those super big bodyguard bureaus, they must be above the gossip realm.Strictly speaking, isn't the Demon God Emperor also a master planner?
"Who's here? Come out! I'm Zhang Ling!" Zhang Ling suddenly shouted.

He felt the opponent's true energy fluctuate, somewhat familiar, it should be an acquaintance without a doubt.

Vaguely, it seemed to be Xia Chenmo's genuine energy fluctuations.

How could he be here?

"Zichao! It's us!"

Suddenly, someone shouted loudly in the distance.

Zhang Ling was a little surprised, it really was Xia Chenmo's voice.

This Xia Chenmo, why did he come here?Hasn't he been cultivating in Huoyun Cave?
In other words, he had never seen this guy with a black charcoal head come out of Huoyun Cave.He didn't even go back to Xia's house!

He jumped to a high place in the ruins and saw Xia Chenmo's figure.Beside Xia Chenmo, there were three other people.And one of them was known by Zhang Ling.This person is none other than Xia Chentai who once fought against him.

Even though Zhang Ling racked his brains and searched his brains, he couldn't think of any reason why Xia Chenmo and Xia Chentai would go together.

When he was in Huoyun Cave before, Xia Chentai found a group of people, if he was looking for Xia Chenmo's trouble?The two even fought for this, and the scene was very hot.Why, after a few days, the original enemy turned into a good friend?For a while, with Zhang Ling's thinking, it was indeed impossible to guess.Could it be that these two guys were good friends before?Awkward?Hate because of love?

"Xia Chenmo, what's going on? How did you and Xia Chentai get together?" Zhang Ling asked bluntly.

Xia Chenmo turned his head to look at Xia Chentai, and said sullenly: "He's the one who will come along with his face."

Xia Chentai said angrily: "Heitantou, who wants to follow you? This is the arrangement of the high-level family, okay?"

Xia Chenmo said expressionlessly: "Then what are you doing by my side all the time? You won't stay away from me?"

Xia Chentai said angrily: "Heitantou, I don't want to be with you. It's the top of the family who repeatedly told me. The head of the family ordered that you can't leave ten feet away from you. The head of the second family ordered that you can't leave You are five feet away."

Zhang Ling was confused, and said suspiciously: "Hey, can any of you tell me what's going on? What are you a large group of people doing to the ruins of the Fifth Escort Bureau? Look at you, It seems to be looking for some baby?"

A handsome young man next to him stepped forward, saluted Zhang Ling respectfully, and said with admiration: "Brother Zichao, my name is Xia Chenning, let me speak!"

Zhang Ling nodded and said, "Okay, tell me."

He knew this Xia Chenning, a very quiet person, a scholar among the younger generations of the Xia family.

The so-called dragon has nine sons, each of which is different.These descendants of the Chen family in the Xia family also have all kinds of people.

Most of the descendants of the Xia family only practice martial arts and do not study.This is a common problem among children from martial arts families.Their martial arts cultivation may be good, but their cultural cultivation is not good.Among them, Xia Chenmo is a typical example.Zhang Ling deeply suspected that this guy's education level was at most equivalent to that of elementary school students on earth.

And this Xia Chenning, who cultivates both civil and martial arts, is very good.His education level is estimated to be equivalent to that of a high school student on Earth.In the world of cultivators, it is already very remarkable to be able to reach the level of a high school student.After all, the Beast Warrior Continent is a world where warriors are respected, and scholars will not be taken seriously.A cultivator's requirement for culture is only limited to being able to read and understand the secret books of exercises.

If Xia Chenmo were to spare some of the time he spent practicing martial arts to study, it would definitely be more uncomfortable than killing him.Unless you are a cultivator who is really interested in reading, as long as you know a thousand or hundreds of characters, you will basically stop moving forward.

Of course, what's more important is that Xia Chenning's grandma (strictly speaking, it should be grandma, the Xia family's name is grandma) is Xia Yuexin.Xia Yuexi is the Great Elder of the Artifact Refining Hall. He is knowledgeable and knowledgeable in astronomy and geography.As her grandson, Xia Chenning more or less inherited it.


(End of this chapter)

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