King of Song

Chapter 595

Chapter 595
Lu Huiqing found that the flames of suspicion had ignited in Emperor Zhao Xu's heart, and he was going to fan the wind to help the fire, so that the fire of suspicion would burn and burn even more vigorously.

What results can be imagined?

Up and down, this is the most conventional method!Even so, Lin Zhao will continue to live with his honorary title and continue to enjoy a bright future.

Lu Huiqing shook her head lightly, her hatred told him that it couldn't just end like this.Climbing high and falling heavily, prosperity and decline, let Lin Zhao taste the feeling of falling from the top to the bottom.To let him have nothing when he is the proudest, this is the greatest revenge on a person!

So fanning the flames was not just about making the emperor suspicious of Lin Zhao, but to make the emperor suspicious to a certain extent, so that Zhao Xu could clearly feel Lin Zhao's threat.

The final result is not just rising up and falling down secretly, lifting the military power, but treating it as a huge threat, and getting rid of it quickly!
The blood debt must be paid in blood. The death of the two younger brothers is unknown, and they are still so young.Thinking of this, the veins on Lu Huiqing's forehead popped out!
If you want to kill Lin Zhao completely, what you have to do is not only fan the flames, but also concoct evidence!This will not only bring down Lin Zhao, but also gain the emperor's trust and reliance, so why not do it?

High meritorious deeds are a state, and the emperor will be suspicious, but morally and ethically, he cannot be punished, and he cannot even be suppressed openly, he can only adopt the method of ascending and descending secretly!If you want to put someone to death, you must have a crime, such as treason, rebellion, etc.!

Or use thunderous methods to cause powerful oppression, and even use some disgraceful methods to suppress officials with high meritorious service, and finally disappear in the long river of history without knowing why.

The latter required a long wait. Obviously Lu Huiqing couldn't wait, and he hoped to see Lin Zhao's miserable end in the shortest possible time.Only in this way can there be the joy of revenge, and at the same time, it is also worrying about nights and dreams.

It is necessary to find out a reason in a short time, so that Lin Zhao will be charged with some crime, go to jail and be punished, or even lose his life.

Lin Zhao is a very cautious person. Lu Huiqing also paid attention to it before, but she never noticed anything unusual.He didn't know that while General Lin was doing things safely, there was a huge organization behind him to fill in the gaps and perfect the funeral. How could he be aware of anything?
If you can't find any real charges, then you can only make up for it!

Lu Huiqing, who is familiar with history books, knows that the royal family of all dynasties is very taboo about certain things, if Lin Zhao happened to break the taboo.Even if it was unfounded, the royal family would usually rather believe it, not to mention that Zhao Xu was already suspicious of Lin Zhao.

what can we do about it?

Lu Huiqing thought hard, and finally got an idea. Isn't the former Di Qing a living example?
Di Qing fought bravely in the northwest, and also quelled the Nongzhigao Rebellion in the south. As a warrior, he was appointed as a privy envoy. How glorious is it?
In the end, because he angered the dissatisfaction of civil officials and scholar-bureaucrats at this time, he was dissatisfied with Di Qingduo, so he impeached Lin Zhao in a different way.The heavy rain in Bianjing was caused by Di Qing, Di Qing's dog had grown horns, and there was red light emitting from Di Qing's house at night.

It all sounded like nonsense, and the Emperor Renzong at the time repeatedly stated that he did not believe it, but the final result was that Di Qing came out of Chenzhou and finally died for no apparent reason!

Are there so many strange things?Dog Changjiao sounds mysterious no matter what, but it just means that it has nose and eyes.But what is the result?Emperor Renzong and the civil servants of the Manchu Dynasty believed it, even if they didn't believe it, they were unwilling to give up this opportunity.Otherwise, how could Di Qingyou have been demoted and died of regret under the surveillance of the court?
The same trick is definitely effective when used on Lin Zhao!
It's just that Lin Zhao's family can find evidence that he is very busy?Lu Huiqing couldn't penetrate it at all, but he was barely a persevering person, and once he made a decision, he would try his best to do it.

Not to mention, hard work pays off, and the confidants sent out by Lu Huiqing really have some unexpected gains.

Lu Huiqing learned of the fact that on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival last year, a black dragon soared into the sky in Bianjing, and then heavy rains invaded the basin, alleviating the drought that lasted for ten months.The saying that the black dragon blesses and the rain falls from the sky is also widely known. In recent years, the number and incense of the Dragon King Temple in Bianjing have increased, which is a good proof.

As for the black dragon, it seemed to fly up from the Bianhe River, and people have been talking about it for a long time.

However, Lu Huiqing heard someone make this location more specific, saying that the black dragon flew out of the river section where Zheng Guogong's mansion was, and he could only see a rough idea in the heavy rain.

Lu Huiqing didn't care at first, but when she heard that Lin Zhao's son was also born that night, this coincidence made Lu Huiqing overjoyed.

In the history books throughout the ages, whenever a great person is born, there is a vision from heaven.It is also said that children born on thunderstorm nights have extraordinary fates.

The timing of the birth of Lin Zhao's eldest son was a coincidence. On a night of thunderstorms, a black dragon soared into the sky.According to the rumors of a certain alcoholic, he was half drunk that day, and vaguely saw the black dragon flying up from Zheng Guogong's mansion.

Outside of Lin Zhao's mansion is the Bianhe River. It's hard to say clearly about this kind of thing, and no one cared about it before, but now Lu Huiqing has noticed it.

What if the matter of the black dragon soaring to the sky is forced to be blamed on the Lin family boy?The dragon has a special meaning in this era. The black dragon can be said to be the rain from the dragon king, but it can also represent the real dragon emperor.

Can the emperor tolerate someone else's child having a suspected Ziwei (Emperor) fate?Can Lin Zhao withstand the pressure of the hat?It is conceivable how the emperor will react and what methods he will use. What will happen to Lin Zhao...

Thinking of this, Lu Huiqing's mouth showed a chill!
The investigation was still going on, and Lu Huiqing made up her mind that this time she must be perfect and well-prepared to completely knock Lin Zhao down in one go.

Not to mention, if you don't check, you don't know, and if you check, you will be shocked.

Lu Huiqing looked up the birthday horoscope of the Lin family boy, and specially asked a gentleman who is proficient in physiognomy to help calculate, and the answer he got was yes.If this child is born sooner, it will be Ziwei's fate!

Right, that is it!

When Lu Huiqing heard this sentence, she was so excited that she almost cried out in surprise.

Lin Zhao, you are dead!
He didn't think these were facts, he just thought it was a coincidence, Lin Zhao's son was destined to be an emperor, what joke?It is impossible for his ancestral grave to emit green smoke.

But... after thinking about it, this is a rare opportunity for the few of you, just take advantage of it.

It doesn't matter whether it is true or not, the emperor believes it is certain.No matter how magnanimous the emperor is, he can't tolerate the continuous growth of a child with the appearance of an emperor, right?This kind of thing that may ruin the fate of the entire dynasty in the future has always been rather credible than credible.The position of the Son of Heaven has too much significance in this era and is the most sensitive.

What is the most straightforward way to do this?Isn't it just raising the butcher's knife to prevent problems before they happen?
Lin Zhao's son must be dead, there is no doubt about it!
Zhao Xu's first five sons all died young, and now his concubine Zhu Shi has just given birth to his sixth child, named Zhao Maid.Lin Zhaoyuan got the news when he was in the northwest. He knew that this child would survive and become Zhao Xu's de facto eldest son.In the original history, Zhao servant was later renamed Zhao Xu, who became Song Zhezong later.

Queen Xiang also gave birth to a daughter, unfortunately, but Zhao Xu was already very excited to have a healthy son.At this time, how could he tolerate other children threatening his own child's status?

Cutting the weeds has to get rid of the roots, what about Lin Zhao as a father?Nor will he be let go.It is possible for the entire Lin family to be completely removed from the Great Song Dynasty and disappear.This kind of thing will definitely be unscrupulous.

Such a special destiny, the Lin family, doesn't Lin Zhao know about it?Lu Huiqing shook her head lightly, it didn't matter whether he knew it or not.This crime of not reporting the knowledge and deliberately concealing the information cannot be escaped, and Lin Zhao will inevitably fall into the abyss of eternal doom.

The inadvertent discovery opened a new door for Lu Huiqing. He saw the hope of revenge, but he hadn't thought about the specific operation process.

Do not act hastily.Lu Huiqing, who has suffered many losses, knows that it is easy to make mistakes in anxiety, and problems often occur in the middle links.

Furthermore, the matter cannot be brought up suddenly and abruptly.In particular, it cannot be raised in the court, otherwise the nature will be completely changed.At the same time, Lu Huiqing didn't want to join in by herself, otherwise she would be relatively passive in the end.Staying out of the matter, carefully guiding the development of this matter, and finally pointing the finger at Lin Zhao, this is the most perfect.

What's more, Lin Zhao is now in Zhongmou, not in Bianjing. If he moves too quickly, he may miss the big fish, and the loss outweighs the gain.Fortunately, Lin Zhao was not in Bianjing, so he stepped up his preparations and caught him off guard!
On March 23, there is finally an opportunity to launch it!
It was raining in Bianjing on this day, and the spring rain was as expensive as oil, but it didn't fall very much.The whole Bianjing is shrouded in a layer of misty rain, which adds a bit of mystery and beauty.

When it was raining, someone jumped up from a restaurant beside the Bian River and shouted, "Dragon, Dragon..."

Soon thereafter, there were rumors in Bianjing that someone saw the black dragon reappearing in Bianjing.Some people swear that they will never be wrong, the black dragon flew up from Zheng Guogong's mansion.

In the palace, after Zhao Xu heard the news, he initially laughed it off.

The black dragon rose from Lin Zhao's mansion?Lin Zhao's mansion was bestowed by him, and it is on the side of the Bian River.If there is a dragon, it must be hidden in the Bian River.Besides, he didn't care about such a magical fetish like the dragon, and didn't take it seriously.

But as the rumors continued to deepen, Zhao Xu's mind began to waver.

Someone said that the black dragon didn't appear only yesterday.It rained heavily on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival last year, and some people saw the black dragon falling on Zheng Guogong's mansion!

Everything is developing according to Lu Huiqing's expectations, Zhao Xu still has some doubts.It is impossible for anything to be groundless. Since the rumors are so true, it must be verified.At the very least, I want peace of mind. The Zhao family will last forever, so how can a child with a different surname break a major event?

Lin Hong's birthday, as well as the condition of the baby born on that day, attracted special attention!

Zheng An Chongning, the supervisor of the Sitian Supervisor, personally calculated and discovered the special nature of Lin Hong's birthday, which was almost the fate of the Son of Heaven!This is really surprising, and Zhao Xu began to feel a little uneasy.

An Chongning then gave an even more shocking statement, if the birthday was indeed a long time earlier, then not only Ziwei's fate, but also the lightning strike on Funing Palace might have something to do with it.

Zhao Xu suddenly turned pale with shock, how could this happen?
As an emperor, he naturally couldn't allow such terrible signs to continue to develop.If it was a child of an ordinary family, he would definitely kill the child without hesitation, so as not to cause future troubles forever.

But this child is Lin Zhao's son, and his biological mother is Chai Minyan. The Empress Dowager and Princess Dachang like this child very much.In this case, how to do it?

Is it possible to declare to the outside world that it is because of the theory of fate?This is the cognition of scholars, and Zhao Xu is helpless, he has no chance to do it at all for the time being.

Zhao Xu's more thoughts fell on Lin Zhao. What's so scary about a child under one year old? What really disturbed him was Lin Zhao!
Did Lin Zhao conceal his son's real birth date?Do they even know what that means?Also, he is still staying in Zhongmou. Is he really sick, or is he pretending to be sick and has some conspiracy?
A series of questions came to Zhao Xu's mind, and he, who was already suspicious, became even more suspicious now.Zhao Xu secretly made a decision that Lin Zhao must not stay.First rise up and down secretly, take away his military power and position, and let him live for the rest of his life.Afterwards, just find any reason at will, and they can completely disappear forever!
It's just that the time is too late, the Kaifeng mansion heard the rumors on March 23, and the news that the black dragon came out of Zheng Guogong's mansion is also rampant.The follow-up investigation only took four days, and it was already March 27 when there were clues.

He is busy with Emperor Renzong's sacrifice, and he has no energy or time to deal with Lin Zhao!
Zhao Xu, who was recovering from injuries in Zhongmou, has recovered a lot, and now he is riding a carriage all the way east, heading towards Bianjing!
No matter what you do, you have to wait for Lin Zhao to come back before proceeding.Zhao Xu resisted the anger in his heart and waited secretly!

When the incident between Lin Hong and Heilong started, Mingyuezong received the news!

Zhao Fukang was very surprised when he heard about it. Obviously, someone had suspected Lin Hong's life experience, and even discovered some problems.

How can this be done, such a big event happened at such an important moment, it really is... Zhao Fukang knew how terrible the consequences of this event itself meant, and was very anxious for a while.

In addition to investigating who is contributing to the flames, there is also a need to come up with countermeasures to prevent problems before they happen while there is still time!

Zhao Fukang has made up his mind that if something happens, she and the Empress Dowager Cao will do whatever it takes to keep Lin Hong.

At the same time, she immediately reported the news to Lin Zhao on the way back to Beijing, asking him to make a decision!

(End of this chapter)

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