King of Song

Chapter 563

Chapter 563

Ali was wrapped in a wolf fur mattress, the warmth took away the chill of the wind and snow, but he was not asleep yet.

This trip to the east is to do big things, so I have been thinking about planning the overall situation in my heart.

Qingyi and Guizhang have sent troops, and he wants to help Muzheng capture Tabai City!A small Tabai City is nothing, just take down the entire Hezhou and completely drive the Song army out of Tubo.In this process, Guizhang can't be alone in the limelight, he also needs to have great military exploits.

Now that the wind and snow are falling, the Song army may not be able to adapt to the severe cold on the plateau, and it seems that they will retreat in the face of difficulties before long.It is necessary to go to Hezhou before the Song army retreats. It is not a problem to stay in the rear all the time. Gui Zhang must know it well.Let's leave when the wind and snow stop, Ali Gu thought in his heart.

When he was drawing a beautiful blueprint, he suddenly felt the earth tremble slightly, and the heavy sound spread along the earth to the niche valley.Ali Gu, who was a general in the grassland, was very sensitive. He knew where the sound was coming from—horseshoes, many horseshoes!

"Come here!" Ali Gu immediately stood up, and when the leather robe was not put on, a soldier came to report: "Prince, it's not good, the enemy attacked at night!"

"Where did the enemy come from?" Ali was already in a cold sweat on his forehead, trying to restrain the panic in his heart, and asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know, it looks like Song Jun!"

"Song Jun?" Ali Gu's heart skipped a beat. Isn't Song Jun in Hezhou?How could it appear in the niche valley?Surprised, he asked again: "How many people are there?"

"I can't see clearly in the dark, there are so many of them anyway, the camp is already in chaos!"

Ali Gu was even more flustered. He hurriedly put on his fur boots and rushed out of the big tent. Dazzling flames rushed towards his face, and the entire Kegu camp was in chaos.

In the snowstorm, Lin Zhao led two thousand blade fighters into the Tubo camp in Kangu.

The luck was really good, the snowstorm became an excellent cover, and all the scouts on the outskirts of Tubo withdrew.So that Song Jun approached easily.

The camp guards also got into the tents to avoid the wind and snow, and the few who stayed outside were distracted to varying degrees.It was very windy and snowy, and in the dark night, the sight was not good, and it was even more difficult to find Song Jun's trace.

The most important thing is to be alert, such a big snowstorm, located in the rear, safe and sound.From the general Ali Gu to the ordinary soldiers, they all have this kind of thinking, and they are completely defenseless.

That's why they reacted when the Song army cavalry rushed into the camp.

Too bad it's too late!

Qing Yi took away 5000 people with a ghost chapter, and the Kangu camp has less than [-] troops, most of them are sleeping in the quilts of the camp, and there are not many people outside.

How can they resist the warriors of Da Song Daofeng?When a Tubo patrol rushed up with spears, they were greeted with sharp blades.

When blood splattered and bloody heads landed on the ground, the battle of the Kage Valley robbery officially started.

The Tubo soldiers in the camp rushed out, their clothes disheveled, and a gust of cold wind blew through them, making them tremble all over.In this state, how to take up arms and fight the Song army?How could Song Jun give them this chance? The steel knife fell on their necks in an instant.

The camp was in chaos, no one organized it, and the Tibetans were running around like flies, unable to organize an effective resistance at all.

Even though their number was four to five thousand, which was twice the size of the Song army who was attacking, they were completely scattered in a chaotic situation, without any combat power at all.In a panic, he hid in the camp, trying to avoid the blade of the Song army.

Massacre, the greater role is to deter, rather than wipe out the enemy.

After the Song army started killing wildly, the morale of the Tubo people collapsed, and the sudden attack on the camp was horrifying.Song Jun also acted so heroically, his fighting power was so powerful that it made people feel terrible.I only saw war horses trampling around in the camp, and I didn't know how many Song troops were there. They were almost frightened and had no intention of resisting. Some people looked at the opportunity and wanted to escape.

While Lin Zhao hacked and killed, he ordered people to set fire to them.

Although it was snowing, the piled up hay and the tents made of leather and linen were not very damp. As long as tung oil was poured on them, a raging fire would ignite instantly.

The Tibetans prepared a lot of animal fat, which was also roasted and flowed in the camp, moving forward with flames.Soon, the Kangu camp was a sea of ​​flames, piled up with dead bodies, and became a Shura hell.

"General, the camp has been breached!" Li Chengxi came to report happily.

Lin Zhao nodded and said: "The order is passed on, if Ali Gu is caught and brought to see me, the other personalities will be killed, no one will be left behind!"

Li Cheng understood that even if some Tubo soldiers surrendered, it would still be a dead end.There were only 2000 of them, and there was no extra force to guard the prisoners.Keeping captives will only be a disaster, killing can reduce the strength of the Tubo people and shock them spiritually.At the same time, it is also to prevent someone from escaping and leaking information.

There is no way to hide it from Qingtang City. Before Song Dynasty launches an attack, Dong Zhan will definitely get the news.But Qing Yijie Guizhang had to block the news for the time being.

Looking at the disaster in front of him and hearing the tragic shouts, the expression on Lin Zhao's face finally eased a little.

The snowflakes were still falling, but Ali Gu's mood sank to the bottom.

Song Jun stole the camp, which was something he never thought of anyway.He couldn't understand why the Song Army was still thousands of miles away, why they suddenly crossed the city of Tabai and appeared in the niche?Could it be that the ghost chapter has been wiped out?

It's too late to think about this at this time, it's a fact that Song Jun appeared, what should I do?
resistance?There was already a panic in the camp. It was too late when Aligu got the news, and it was too late to organize resistance.

"Prince, the last general will escort you to break through the siege!" The soldiers were very anxious. Even if Ali Gu was not Zanpu's own son, he was still the prince of Tubo, and the consequences of dying in battle or being captured were unimaginable.


Ali Gu sneered, where did he break out?Back to Qingtang City?If I go back like this, I will not talk about the guilt of losing the Kangu camp.It will definitely become the laughing stock of the entire Tubo, and will be said to be incompetent and cowardly.Especially the latter point, the Tibetans fear heroes and advocate bravery, and it is a sign of cowards to flinch.Just this one time, I will completely lose the hearts of the people and be despised by the Tubo people.

If you can't go, then stay and fight to the death!
But where is the capital and opportunity to fight now?The result is either to die in battle, or to become a prisoner of the Song people.There is a saying in the Han people: If you keep the green hills, you don’t have to worry about lack of firewood. Naturally, Ali Gu knows it.What's the use of great ambitions if you lose your life?
How could it be like this?Anger rolled in Ali Gu's heart. Looking at the vast snow, there were ten thousand grass and mud horses running past in his heart, and he wanted to die.

"Prince, if you don't leave, it will be too late!"

In fact, it was already too late, at the moment when Ali Gu was hesitating, Song Jun had already gone straight to him and chased him.

"Ali Gu, where are you going?"

Turning around, seeing the person riding the horse, Ali's eyes flashed coldly, and he said coldly, "Lin Zhao, so it's you!"

During the speech, the tone of voice had already changed, there were stunned, surprised, unwilling, hated, depressed, resentful, Aligu's mood was extremely complicated.

"I haven't seen you for a few years, are you okay?" Lin Zhao smiled. This is the biggest fish tonight, and it is best to catch it successfully.

"Okay, okay!" Ali Gulian uttered two good words, but his body couldn't help trembling.He was jealous of Lin Zhao and wanted revenge because he felt inferior to Lin Zhao.

Liang Yibu didn't kill Lin Zhao, he was unwilling.This time he came to Hezhou, apart from doing meritorious service and wooing Qingyi to form a ghost seal, he might not have thought of competing with Lin Zhao and avenging his shame.

Fortunately, the result came soon, there was no chance to make a move, and he was completely defeated.

This answer seems to be a bit painful for Aligu, but it is still not as good as Lin Zhao after all.It seems a bit sad that he doesn't even have the qualifications and opportunities to become someone else's opponent!

The sad thing is definitely more than this. Seeing Lin Zhao, Ali Gu knew that he would not be able to escape tonight.He had framed him once, how could he let him go?

Falling into the hands of the Song army, his life is in jeopardy. All his grand plans and ambitions vanish in an instant, and he may never belong to him again.At this moment, Ali Gu only felt a little sad, and his heart was extremely uncomfortable.At the same time, he also realized a problem, Gui Zhang's end might be bad.

The most important thing is that Hehuang is dangerous. Once the niche is lost and the Guizhang army is defeated, Qingtang City will inevitably be in turmoil.Aligu finally realized that the world in his eyes was still too small.

He always only stared at the sky in Hehuang, but ignored the huge enemy of the Song Dynasty, and far underestimated its terrifying degree.

When the giant beast opened its mouth wide, the future of Hehuang was already looking bleak.So what if he won the throne of Zamp himself?If Hehuang is not here, where is Zanpu?
Under the nest, have the eggs finished?
It's ridiculous, it's really ridiculous, from the beginning to the end, I didn't even think about these problems.It is meaningless to regret being careless. It is not one thing that is wrong, but all wrong from the beginning.Ali Gu stood there and laughed wildly, the laughter was very sad, a little miserable, and there were many indescribable feelings.

"Prince Aligu seems to be very happy!" Lin Zhao smiled, and there was a bit of banter in his words.Except for Dong Zhan, Mrs. Qiao, and Qing Yi's ghost seal, he didn't pay much attention to the people of Hehuang Tubo.Ever since he revealed the news to Liang Yibu and intercepted him, Lin Zhao had seen through him. He was just a clever clown.

"Where's the ghost chapter?" Perhaps Ali Gu had already understood the ridiculousness of pretending to be clever, so he didn't care about himself. What he cared about in his heart was the ghost chapter and the fate of the entire Tubo.

"You two will meet soon, Prince Ali Gu and don't be impatient!" Lin Zhao smiled: "As for the others? Sorry, they are not qualified to go to the ghost chapter!"

With a wave of Lin Zhao's hand, the blade slashed past his eyes again!

(End of this chapter)

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