King of Song

Chapter 559

Chapter 559
Let's go to the army!

Qing Yijie Guizhang had already started to collect information and make an analysis. If he was unprepared, as the former army commander, how would he fight?

Know yourself and know the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles. What the Han Chinese said about the Art of War is indeed reasonable.

Qing Yi Jie Guizhang put in a lot of effort, thinking about countermeasures in a targeted manner.After hearing this, Mu Zheng nodded again and again. Now he finally understands why his uncle Dong Zhan pays special attention to such a young man and entrusts him with the fate of the Tubo army and Hehuang.

"Luring the enemy out of the city, ambush halfway!" Mu Zheng tasted this sentence and agreed very much.

"That's right! We don't have the experience and ability to attack cities and villages at all. We are no match for the people of the Song Dynasty in this respect. Why bother to ask for trouble?" Qing Yi said in a ghostly knot: "If you want to win, you can only win in the city. Field battles, only in this way can we give full play to the advantages of our Tubo cavalry and make full use of our strengths and avoid our weaknesses."

This confidence, Mu Zheng completely has.He kept thinking that if the last time they were not encircled by the Song army and attacked the flanks, but fought head-on, the Hezhou army would never have been completely defeated.

"Then how does the general plan to lure the Song army out of the city?" Mu Zheng asked softly, fearing that the Song army would not leave the city.Although his remaining troops are not many, it is perfectly possible to attack secretly.But Song Jun never gave him a chance, so he could only hide in the mountains and forests.

"It's very simple, attack where it must be saved!"


Qing Yijie Guizhang pondered for a moment before uttering three words: "Stepping into Baicheng!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The vegetation in Hezhou is dense and there are a lot of towering ancient trees.

As we all know, wood is indispensable in ancient buildings.Especially large-scale palaces, etc., need large logs as columns or beams.

The Qin, Han and Tang dynasties established Guanzhong as the capital, and the palaces were built mainly from the surrounding Longshan Mountains and the Loess Plateau in the north of Guanzhong.That's why Du Mu has the exclamation of "Shushan Wu, A Fang came out".

Several generations of logging, coupled with the destruction of the battlefield, and natural factors, severely damaged the vegetation in Longshan and the Loess Plateau, and also brought serious soil erosion.The Song Dynasty was hit by floods every year, and suffered heavy losses.

Even in this case, the project still needs to be built, and the wood is still in demand.Where do you come from?Cut down from the wild mountains and forests of the south?

During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, large trees were felled in the mountains and forests of Guixiang and transported to the capital by water.For the Song Dynasty, this cost a lot.As for the mountains in the Central Plains, after logging, transportation is inconvenient.

When Hezhou became the territory of the Song Dynasty, the wood here became the best choice.

There are many big trees, and the wood is grown on top. After felling, it is dragged into the river, and finally into the Weishui River, and then you can go straight down to Guanzhong and Bianjing.So it was targeted by the timber merchants of the Song Dynasty very early.

As early as the second year of the establishment of the Song Dynasty, the second year of Taizu Jianlong (AD 961), Song Shangshu Zuo Cheng Gao Fang went out to know Qinzhou.Gaozhizhou saw that the west of Qinzhou Xiyang Town (near Tianshui) in Qinzhou was full of forests with a lot of wood, so he recruited 300 people to set up a mining and manufacturing business, specializing in logging, and then used the Weihe River to transport the collected wood to Bianjing. various building needs.

Where the Song Dynasty was established, it was inevitable to use a large amount of wood to repair the capital Bianjing.For this reason, Gao Fang also specially built Dingxi Village in the south of the Weihe River, and sent troops to garrison it, and then opened up westward to the Fuqiang realm.In addition to maintaining border defense, it was to provide convenience for the logging business of the Song Dynasty.

If things go on like this, it finally aroused the dissatisfaction of the Tubo people.

Timber is very important to them, it is their building material and fuel, logging in the Song Dynasty is actually plundering their living resources.Moreover, the people of the Song Dynasty did not cherish the land of the Tubo people at all, and deforested it indiscriminately, causing soil erosion.Another important point is that mountains and forests are also part of the primitive beliefs of the Tubo people.The wanton logging by the people of the Song Dynasty was undoubtedly an infringement and insult to them.

Ever since, the Tibetans launched a counterattack!

Shang Boqian, the leader of the Tubo tribe at that time, called for the construction of the Song Dynasty to infringe on the interests of the Tubo residents. In the second year of Jianlong AD, a total of more than a thousand people from the neighboring tribes were contacted to attack the mining affairs of the Song Dynasty, seized the transport rafts, and killed the Song Dynasty. of soldiers.

Tubo and the Song Dynasty faced each other for the first time, and conflicts arose.Gaozhizhou immediately sent troops to defeat Shang Boqian, but Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin showed a calm attitude.

At that time, the situation in the Northwest was very complicated. The predecessor of Xixia would not be able to fully control the Li family of Wuzhou, the Zhe family of Fuzhou, and the Yang family of Linzhou.Shang Boqian is the leader of Tubo, who controls the land of Longyou and has great influence.The warlords in the Song Dynasty were still incapable of straightening out, so naturally they didn't want to have disputes with Shang Boqian!
At the same time, it somewhat meant to win over Shang Boqian and contain many warlords in the northwest. After all, Longyou was separated by a mountain, and it was not very far from Dingnan Five States.

Therefore, Song Taizu ordered Wu Tingzuo, a privy envoy, to serve as the Jiedu envoy of the Xiongwu Army and know Qinzhou, to replace Gao Fang, to reconcile with Tubo, and to release the captured Tubo people.Shang Bo reciprocated thousands of rewards, withdrew his own troops, and handed over the land of Fuqiang in Longyou to the Song Dynasty.This is the first piece of land in Longyou officially subordinated to the Central Plains court after Longyou was lost in the Tang Dynasty. It is of great significance.

The Great Song Dynasty and Tubo also maintained such a delicate balance. As for logging, there were still sneaky things.However, it is precisely because of this that Tubo people sneaked into the Song Dynasty to invade and invade from time to time, and it has continued until now.

It was not until the Tubo people harassed Song Dynasty for the last time, plundered caravans, and killed villagers, which finally aroused Song's counterattack, and Lin Zhao and Wang Shao formally entered Hezhou.

Now that Hezhou has become the territory of the Great Song Dynasty, the logging business can be done logically, and it can be started in a fair manner.In fact, Lin Zhao does not approve of logging in the upper reaches of the Yellow River Basin, the Loess Plateau is already riddled with holes.The ecology of the Hehuang area and the upper reaches of the Weishui River is fairly well maintained. Large-scale logging will inevitably cause soil erosion.

I worked so hard to control the Yellow River last year, but in fact it was basically water and soil conservation in the upper reaches.Even so, sometimes exceptions have to be made.During the Dragon Boat Festival, Funing Hall was destroyed by lightning, and a lot of wood was used for the reconstruction.After this incident, many places in the Bianjing Imperial Palace had to be repaired by the way, and naturally a lot of wood was needed.In addition, some wood needs to be stored, so logging is a must.

Lin Zhao just pretended not to see it, but this kind of thing needs to be controlled, and it must not happen again in the future, at least the scale must be controlled!

Among the vast forests in Hezhou, hundreds of soldiers are busy cutting and transporting timber.For a while, everything was safe and sound, but on this day, a soldier disappeared inexplicably.At first, I thought it was just getting lost, but after two or three days, seven soldiers disappeared in a row.Then their bodies were discovered, killed in extremely cruel ways, and placed on the daily path of logging soldiers.

The soldiers suddenly panicked. Although they sent troops to search, they found nothing.As a result, on the second day, no soldier was willing to continue logging.

Everyone is worried that they will be the next one, disappearing into the woods without a sound, being killed, so that panic is caused in a short time...

The news was quickly reported layer by layer and sent to Lin Zhao of Xizhou.People were killed, so the murderer must not be a Tibetan. Such a blatant placement of the corpse is a kind of deterrence and intimidation, deliberately arousing fear and panic among the soldiers, so that people's hearts float.

From this point alone, the goal of the Tibetans has been achieved!

Regarding this, Lin Zhao is temporarily noncommittal!There is no way to deal with this kind of petty assassination.I am afraid that if the army goes to search, it will be a fuss and a waste of resources.In this way, he attaches too much importance to them, and it is easy to give the Tibetans a false impression and make them push their feet.Anyway, the logging business can be suspended for a few days, let's see what kind of brats they are, and what are their real intentions?
A few days later, Lin Zhao understood that the purpose of the Tubo people was to deliberately provoke and anger the Song army.

First, the method of massacring Song army soldiers was used to provoke panic and anger, thereby creating contradictions and conflicts.But because of Lin Zhao's composure and calmness, their strategy failed.

Unexpectedly, the Tibetans immediately intensified their efforts.

Mu Zheng sent Lin Zhao a letter, a letter full of insults, Li Cheng was full of anger when he saw it.Lin Zhao was quite calm. He understood now that the Tubo people wanted to provoke him.What to do after pissing him off?Following this direction, it seems that some problems can be thought of!
But it doesn't seem to work to put it on the shelf completely, and ignore it, because Mu Zheng spread the letter of abuse in the Xihe area.If Lin Zhao is noncommittal and does not respond, how will the soldiers react?They will think that their coach is a coward, which will damage Lin Zhao's prestige.

Response is necessary, but how to fight back?
As Mu Zheng's army continued to provoke, Lin Zhao finally figured out their intentions.Of course, this is due to some historical knowledge of Lin Zhao's previous life, which made him pay special attention and caution to the Battle of Xihe from the very beginning.

Therefore, even when you are humiliated and provoked, and become angry from embarrassment, you still maintain your rationality.In the original history, Mu Zheng used this method to anger Jing Sili, the purpose was to let him lead the army out of the city and wipe out the remnants.

In the original history, Jing Sili did so, and the final result was that Tabai City was defeated and the whole army was wiped out.Because Lin Zhao realized this early, he is still awake until now.

As expected, Muzheng's troops subsequently harassed and attacked Tabai City, and the intention was already obvious.

Not fooled?
Lin Zhao shook his head lightly. If Mu Zheng made such a deliberate arrangement, if there was no response, it would be embarrassing.Since he was kindly invited, knowing that there is a pit ahead, he has to make big strides forward.

At the same time, dig a bigger hole for him!
(End of this chapter)

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