Xueba couples do not study

Chapter 474 Admission to University Chapter

Chapter 474 Enrollment in University Chapter (End)

The five of them found a small restaurant near the school and started to have lunch. The small restaurant had a lot of dishes and the prices were very cheap, which was very cost-effective for their students.

After ordering, everyone waited on their seats before they came up. When Jiang Bai and Du Ruo recalled what happened just now, they felt a little pain in their stomachs.

Du Ruo: "..."

Jiang Bai: "..."

Why did the two of them let those two people talk in the first place? It was okay when the two people were not talking, but when they talked, it just made people's stomach hurt.

The interview back then was a mess.

In fact, that kind of interview had already happened in high school, and I didn't expect it to happen again in college. This made their old high school classmates really feel that this was a big mistake for them, so they both accepted the interview.

The interview at that time was like this.

The senior sister who was interviewing looked at the nervous expressions of Du Ruo and Jiang Bai who were being interviewed, and said:

"Well, I'm here to ask you some small questions, don't worry, and then treat it as a discussion and relaxation before the start of school after the college entrance examination."

The two replied in unison: "Okay."

Seeing that the tension between the two of them has been eliminated, the senior sister glanced at Lin Sheng and He Yang. The two of them seem not to be nervous until now, but rather relaxed. It seems that they have accepted a lot in high school. Interviews like this make them accustomed to it.

The senior sister didn't care much, but started to ask them interview questions: "After three years of hard work in high school, how does it feel to be admitted to the school of your dreams, please tell me."

Jiang Bai: "I am very grateful to my family and teachers, as well as my classmates who have been with me for three years in high school. Without them, I would not have been admitted here."

Du Ruo: "I should first thank my parents, and then my teachers. Of course, my classmates also gave me a lot of courage. As opponents and friends, we have learned a lot in the three years of high school. I have formed a good friendship. It is my honor to be admitted to the school of my dreams.”

After listening to the words of the two of them, the senior sister nodded in satisfaction, then put her gaze in front of Lin Sheng and He Yang and said, "Do you have anything you want to say to these two students?"

Lin Sheng and He Yang who were named looked at the senior sister, and the first person to speak was He Yang.

He Yang said: "Are you in the mood to get into the school of your dreams? I just take the exam casually..."

Senior sister: "..."

what are you saying!Just take a test!Could it be a casual test here!
So the senior sister looked at another person, that is, Lin Sheng.But she didn't think of that sound, but he didn't think that Lin Sheng was more ruthless than what He Yiyang said.

I only heard Lin Sheng say: "The college entrance examination this time is quite easy. Although I didn't get the first place, it's not bad."

The implication is that it is easy to get admitted here, after all, the college entrance examination is very simple.

Senior Sister: "..."

Du Ruo and Jiang Bai, who finally realized that something was wrong, reacted. Seeing the senior sister who was a little angry or sad after hearing what they said, they sighed and silently mourned for her in their hearts.

Du Ruo Jiang Bai: I'm sorry senior, we didn't stop the two of them from talking.

Soon, the senior sister often dealt with this kind of people, she quickly cheered up, continued the interview, and said, "Then what is the most important thing in your college life?"

Du Ruo: "Of course I still study."

Jiang Bai: "Get the credits and take the postgraduate entrance examination."

He Yang Lin Sheng: "I think falling in love is the most important thing."

Everyone: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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