Xueba couples do not study

Chapter 460 The college entrance examination begins.

Chapter 460 The college entrance examination begins.

On the day of the college entrance examination, the entrance of the school where the college entrance examination is located is full of candidates for the third year of senior high school. All the candidates will participate in today's and tomorrow's college entrance examination.

All candidates walked into the examination room full of expectations and a little nervous, and some people were nervous because this represented the future of the child.

Lin Sheng and He Yang were not in the same examination room. Lin Sheng's examination room was in the fifteenth examination room, and He Yang's examination room was in the tenth examination room. The two examination rooms were not in the same building.

When Lin Sheng appeared in the No.15 examination room, all eyes were on her.

Because Lin Sheng is really famous.

Since participating in the competition, and then to the five-school league in the third year of high school, who can be as famous as He Yang in high school A, who doesn't know her!
Lin Sheng's seat number in the examination room was randomly adjusted by the system, so the seat was relatively backward.

The person sitting next to her saw her sitting on the seat, and whispered to the person who was more familiar with him.

"My God, it's Lin Sheng."

"Yes, Lin Shen of High A."

"I really want to pay homage to her now, and then get good grades in the college entrance examination."

"I heard that when they were at the school gate, those people in her class touched the hands of both of them."

"I saw it too, and I wanted to go up and touch it, but I'm not familiar with it..."

While they were whispering, the invigilator walked into the examination room, and everyone stopped talking.

"The Chinese exam will start in a while. Candidates, please get ready and hand over things that are not related to the exam to the podium."

As soon as the bell rang in the examination room, the invigilator held up the file bag in public, and after showing it to the candidates, he opened the file bag and took out the test papers from it.

When the invigilator handed out the test paper, everyone looked at the content of the test paper. Some people were very happy after seeing it, because he had already reviewed this knowledge point yesterday.Some people are sad because there is no review on this knowledge point.

The bell rang again in the examination room, and after the invigilator's words "Start answering the paper now.", everyone picked up the carbon pens and began to answer on the test paper.

The time for the language test is two and a half hours. During these two and a half hours, all candidates feel that the time passes very slowly, but the parents who are waiting for their good news outside the school gate are very anxious.

The two hours ended soon. Following the invigilator's words "The exam is over, please stop answering." All candidates stopped their pens and let the invigilator collect the test papers.

The subjects in the morning have ended here, and all candidates left the examination room under the instruction of the invigilator, walked out of the school gate, and came to the side of their parents.

Lin Sheng didn't walk out of the school gate directly, but waited for He Yang near the school gate.

And someone who was waiting for Lin Sheng outside the school gate was very anxious when he saw that Lin Sheng had no plans to leave the school gate.

When He Yang appeared in Lin Sheng's sight, she immediately ran to He Yang's side, walked out of the school gate with him, and came to his parents' side.

Because Lin Sheng knew that it was impossible for her parents to accompany her to the college entrance examination.

Just two days before the college entrance examination, she learned from her brother Lin Han that her parents recently had a major contract and they had already gone abroad to negotiate.

"It's finally time for you guys, let's go eat now," Mother He said happily after seeing the two of them approaching, "Lin Sheng, what do you want to eat?"

Lin Sheng: "Auntie, I can eat anything."

He Yang: "Mom..."

why don't you ask me...

 Ask for a tip from the cuties (*/ω\*)
(End of this chapter)

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