Xueba couples do not study

Chapter 415 Chapter Country.

Chapter 415 Returning to China.

They spent another three days here in St. Petersburg, Russia, and three days later, they boarded the plane back home.

No electronic devices are allowed on the plane, so they turned off their mobile phones before the plane.Before turning off the phone, Lin Sheng sent a message to his brother Lin Han.

Lin Sheng: The flight at ten o'clock today.

Lin Han, who works in the company, was sitting in front of the computer desk working, when suddenly the mobile phone placed aside vibrated.Lin Han finished the current work in his hands. After 1 minute, Lin Han turned on the phone and looked at the messages on the phone.

Lin Han smiled when he asked his sister to send him the news.

He put the phone aside, pressed the phone in front of the table, and said to the person who answered the phone: "Do you have any arrangements for today?"

There was a crackling sound from the other end of the phone, as if the person answering the phone was looking for something. After a while, the person over there said: "Today's itinerary, there is one at 3 o'clock in the afternoon..."

Before he finished speaking just now, he was interrupted by Lin Han: "Okay, I see, thank you."

And He Yang sent a message to their parents, saying that he was coming back.

Although his parents responded quickly, and he received a message from his parents before boarding the plane, his biological parents always replied to him with such a sentence.

Father He: Oh, yes, I see.

Mother He: Okay, it's been a hard journey, but we won't pick you up if we have something to do.

After seeing the news his parents gave him, He Yang felt very complicated.

He Yang: As expected of being my biological parents.

It's about to board the plane, so they turn off all the phones.

Last night, because Lin Sheng seemed to be more excited yesterday, he didn't fall asleep at night. When he was kicked, he took the airsickness medicine in advance, so she sat on the chair and fell asleep as soon as she boarded the plane.

He Yang sat next to her, because the air conditioner was turned on on the plane, and it happened that the air conditioner was also turned on when Lin Sheng slept, so He Yang put his coat on her body.

The two boys sitting next to them, across the aisle, closed their eyes after seeing He Yang's action.

Them: I want to change places with someone else... Well, although it is impossible.

From St. Petersburg, Russia to City A, China, it took 8-9 hours, so during this period, Lin Sheng slept very comfortably.

Lin Sheng, who was sleeping, felt a little sore in his neck.So he turned around and fell asleep in another direction, sleeping until the plane landed at the airport in City A.

Because He Yang waited too long for the plane to land, and because he slept very comfortably last night, he picked up the English novels he usually likes to read from his bag.

He had just turned two pages when he felt something on his arm.

He Yang looked at his right shoulder, and found that Lin Sheng, who was supposed to be sleeping next to him, was leaning on his shoulder.

He Yang:!
In order to let Lin Sheng sleep well, He Yang changed into a position that would allow her to sleep better. Although this position was rather awkward for him, in order to allow her to sleep soundly, He Yang endured it. down.

Because seeing Lin Sheng sleeping comfortably, He Yang felt a little drowsy after watching, and then fell asleep.

Seeing the two of them like this, the others smiled, didn't make any movement, didn't talk behind their backs, just took a photo.

 Thanks to the fairy in the world for voting for a monthly ticket on 8.21, thank you for your support w
(End of this chapter)

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