Xueba couples do not study

Chapter 401 International Mathematical Olympiad Competition, here I come.

Chapter 401 International Mathematical Olympiad Competition, here I come.

After He Yang received Lin Sheng's call, he immediately left the room, got on the elevator, and went to the lobby on the first floor.

The elevator quickly reached the first floor, as if he walked out of the elevator quickly, and saw Lin Sheng sitting on the sofa waiting for him in the lobby on the first floor.

He Yang came to her side, sat beside her and said to her: "Sheng, I'm here, did I keep you waiting?"

After hearing He Yang's voice, Lin Sheng looked up at him, shook his head and said with a smile: "No, I just arrived."

"I'm sorry that the game will start tomorrow. You should be very busy. I'm really sorry to call you out at this time."

After hearing what Lin Sheng said, He Yang sighed, and said to her: "It's okay, I'm rather bored in the room, and I don't plan to review the exams tomorrow."

And now he is more concerned about Lin Sheng's state. When Lin Sheng called him just now, He Yang always felt that something was wrong, but the moment he saw Lin Sheng again, he rejected this idea.Maybe it's because he's been nervous recently, so he's worried too much.

"So Sheng, did you ask me for something?"

Although he rejected the idea that Lin Sheng was not very respectful, he still wanted to ask.After all, his initial ideas can sometimes be very effective.

"Actually..." After Lin Sheng said two words, there was no more to say.

You can't tell He Yang that she wants to see him now because she is nervous.

About half a minute passed like this, and He Yang seemed to see that Lin Sheng didn't want to say why he called him out, so he said, "Sheng, are you nervous about tomorrow's competition?"


She was suddenly disturbed by He Yang's words.

"Oh, tell me about tomorrow's competition, although I really want to say that I'm not nervous, but..."

After saying this, Lingtong smiled, then sighed and said,

"Actually, I am still a little nervous, after all, it is the first time to participate in this kind of international competition."

"It's okay, Sheng, don't be nervous."

After He Yang said this, he held Lin Sheng's hands with both hands, as if encouraging her, don't make her nervous.

"I'm always by your side."


After returning to the room, Lin Sheng lay on the bed and raised his hands to look at it, recalling that just now He Yang held these hands and said that sentence to her.


When recalling this sentence every day, Lin Sheng's face would turn red, and his body temperature would gradually rise.

What He Yang said just now really touched her heart.

Seeing that she still didn't tell the reason why she asked him out in the end, she just wanted to see him again before the game. For some reason, she felt that today's night was more tormented than usual.With a hint of tension and loneliness.

After He Yang sent Lin Sheng to the resting floor where she was, he watched her leave, in the elevator.He also returned to the rest floor and returned to his room.

He Yang, who was lying on the bed, recalled what he did to Lin Sheng just now, and turned his body repeatedly on the bed.

He Yang: Why couldn't he just wait and think about it before acting? Will his words scare her.

In this way, He Yang spent the whole night thinking about it.

They woke up early in the morning on the second day.

Today's weather is the best ever, the sky is light blue, like a piece of clean velvet, trimmed with yellow gold.Such a beautiful scenery seems to herald their final victory.

I don't know who said: "Come on."

Everyone seemed to be encouraged by this sentence, and said the word "Come on" in their hearts or with their mouths.

International Mathematical Olympiad, here I come.

(End of this chapter)

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