Xueba couples do not study

Chapter 387 Sorry to bother you... I really want to change seats.

Chapter 387 Sorry to bother you, I really want to change seats.

The difficulty of the monthly exam questions is a bit difficult for others, but it is relatively easy for Lin Sheng and He Yang, not to mention Lin Sheng who has been furiously supplementing science subjects in the recent period.

On the first day of the test, the Chinese test and the math test in the afternoon, except for the reading comprehension questions in the Chinese test, which are a little bit difficult, and these questions of dictating verses are all given points.

For math questions, the first few multiple-choice questions are easy to send points.But is it a bit difficult to answer the latter questions? You can solve the first few answers, but many people can't answer the last question of the last two questions.

What's more, there are extended questions after the math questions.

Some people haven't even solved the last question of the last two questions, let alone the extended questions that follow.They would undoubtedly be wasting their time if they did.Except for some two people who are full of self-confidence, most of the other people really don't have time to read the additional questions that follow.

In the morning of the second day's exam, the exam is comprehensive, that is, the liberal arts exam is the comprehensive of history and land administration, while the science students are tested for the comprehensive of physics and chemistry.The full score for each subject is [-] points, and the total score for all the test papers is [-] points.

The comprehensive examination of science is slightly more difficult than that of liberal arts.For comprehensive questions in liberal arts, you can see which subject this question belongs to at a glance, but if you are not careful about science questions, it is easy to misunderstand what this question belongs to. After all, physics and chemistry use formulas. If you are not careful, you will use it wrong.

The morning exam will be over soon, and the afternoon English exam will be coming soon.

At noon, Lin Sheng, who had lunch in the cafeteria with He Yang, returned to the classroom and began to rest.What she needs now is not a review like everyone else, but a rest.

Although the weather is not so hot now, if you don't pay attention in the afternoon, you will doze off.At the beginning of the afternoon, there are also English listening questions.All English teachers say that it is best not to lose points in English listening questions. If you lose points here, it will be very unworthy.Of course, the same is true for the multiple-choice questions that follow.

If some people don't take a break at noon, they will fall asleep when listening to English listening, resulting in missing the listening test for this score.

At noon, He Yang did not rest like Lin Sheng did, but sat on his seat and began to review.But the subject he reviewed was not English, but mathematics.

If the English teacher was standing here at this time, he would definitely look at him angrily.And I said this in my heart: It’s fine if you don’t sleep at noon, and I won’t say anything about you when you review English, but what you review is the math that you have already passed the exam. Although you are hoping for a high A, this is too much. .
Lin Sheng fell asleep on the desk.Her seat was by the window, because the classroom was a little stuffy, so Lin Sheng opened the window a little away from her.

While she was sleeping, a trace of coolness blew in from the window, and she subconsciously shrank back inside.

All these movements were seen by He Yang, he did not close the window, but put his coat on her body.

Of course, his move was first seen by the reviewers sitting around him.

Them: Sorry to bother you. I really want to change seats.

(End of this chapter)

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