Xueba couples do not study

Chapter 353 On the day of the election, two people met.

Chapter 353 On the day of the election, the two met.

That night, in the dormitory, the lights in the dormitory were turned off, and He Yang lay on the bed, looking at the white ceiling above his head.Moonlight took advantage of this time to pour in from the window sill and shine into the aisle between the two beds.

He Yang was thinking about what Lin Sheng said when the test papers were being judged in the office in the afternoon.

Lin Sheng: "Actually, it is like this"

He Yang stopped what he was doing, put the red carbon pen in his right hand on the desk, and listened carefully to Lin Sheng's next words.

Lin Sheng hesitated for a while, but finally said: "About the New Year's Day party that will start next month, are you going to attend?"

After hearing her words, he said, "New Year's Day party?"

The New Year's Day party is usually held at the end of December.The three grades of the school are held together in the Great Hall.The content of the event is completely handed over to the students and the Student Union.

Speaking of the student union, Lin Sheng and He Yang are also members of the student union.

At the beginning of the school year, because the president of the student union at that time and most of the students in the student union were now in the third grade, considering the next study situation and rest time in the third grade, the school will be in the new school every year. , Change the characters in the student union.

At that time, He Yang and Lin Sheng signed up for the chairmanship of the student union.Both of them were registered secretly by their classmates, and when they found out, it was less than two days before the speech.

In the classroom of science class one.


When He Yang heard the news, he was very shocked.

"You said that you signed me up as the chairman of the student union, and the speech will be the day after tomorrow!"

Du Ruo, who signed up for He Yang without authorization, nodded and said, "Yes, yes, so please. No, please be prepared."

He Yang sighed, looked at him and said, "I remember it said in the registration materials that you have to register yourself, and it's not mandatory."

Du Ruo: "Besides, Lao He, didn't you also serve as the chairman for a year when you were in junior high school, there is no problem."

He Yang: It's different.

Du Ruo: "Think about it, apart from you in the second year of high school, there is only Lin Sheng. Don't worry, Lin Sheng will also participate."

Du Ruo raised a thumbs up in He Yang's direction after speaking.

He Yang: "."

He Yang: "Shouldn't you" give it like me?
In the classroom of the third class of liberal arts.

There was a circle of people around Lin Sheng's seat, surrounded by them, Lin Sheng leaned on the table with his arms and put his hands on his head. After sighing, he looked up at them and said:
"So, the day after tomorrow is the student council election."

One nodded and said, "Yes, yes."

Another person thought of something and said, "Don't worry, He Yang will also participate."

Lin Sheng: "."

What does it matter to me if He Yang participates, even if He Yang
As a childhood sweetheart, Lin Sheng knew He Yang's character very well.He didn't want to participate in the chairman of the student union at all.Although he participated in the chairmanship when he was in junior high school, it was only the second year of junior high school.But at that time, I was entrusted by others, so I went up there.

But this time.
He won't be the same as himself
Because after the two of them studied, they had to prepare the speech of the student union chairman the day after tomorrow. The two of them hadn't met in the past few days, and they were busy with their own affairs.

On election day, the two met.

In the preparation room, the two met each other.After seeing each other, the two smiled.

He Yang: "Come on together."

"Okay," Lin Sheng said, "it's the same for you."

In the end, this election ended in He Yang's victory.

(End of this chapter)

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