Xueba couples do not study

Chapter 341 Winning this individual competition, and...

Chapter 341 Winning this individual competition, and...

After eating the lunch brought by the teammates, the two explained to the teammates the scope of the exam in the afternoon.

Although it is only within the range they have determined, Mu really wants to take the test in this range in the afternoon. They don't know yet, but let them know where the points are for the time being. The big deal is just to go out and get a little bit of knowledge. .

After finishing the range, everyone in the preparation room was ready to rest for the individual competition in the afternoon.

The individual competition in the afternoon was very mind-consuming, so I had to take a good rest now, otherwise I would not be able to show my true strength in the afternoon, resulting in not being able to get the first place.

The simple lunch break is always so easy to pass, and it will soon be time for the individual competition in the afternoon.

There is still half an hour before the individual competition in the afternoon, and the contestants have to go on stage 10 minutes earlier, so they still have less than 20 minutes to rest in the preparation room.

"Everyone, use your best strength to determine this individual competition."

"We've decided on the first place this time!"

All staff: "Oh!"

Everyone's atmosphere was very excited, but the atmosphere of only two people was not exaggerated, but looked at them very calmly.

because.The two of them knew what their teammates meant by getting the first place.

Lin Sheng: First, I got it.

He Yang: The first is mine.


"Welcome everyone here. The last game of the four-school league is about to start. It's an intense and exciting afternoon individual competition." Teacher Zhang said.

Teacher Liu went on to say: "Now let's invite the contestants to enter the arena."

The first one to appear is naturally our school—A high school.

When the school personnel came out, everyone cheered, especially when they saw the last two people in the line talking quietly.

They: You two look at us, don't whisper!

Then came the other three schools, and when they saw the contestants from their own school, the students from each school were very excited.

Although High A won the team competition in the morning, they were not to be outdone in the individual competition.

For this four-school league, they all know that the contestants from their school are practicing hard every day, and they plan to defeat He Yang in this four-school league, and be ashamed.

He Yang naturally didn't know what the other three schools were thinking.

Because He Yang scored No.1 in the last four-school league, his seat number is the first.

As for Lin Sheng, because she just participated in the four-school league this year, her seat number was assigned to the last one.

One is right in front and the other is right behind, with countless people in between.

But no matter how many people are separated, the goal of the two of them is the same.

Lin Sheng and He Yang: winning this individual competition, and...

Beat him/her!
"Now, all the contestants, please sit on the chairs and get ready, and the exam papers will be handed out later," Teacher Liu said, "Please take this exam seriously and show your true results to win the final victory. "

Time passed by every minute and every second, and finally it was time for the individual competition.

"Now I announce the official start of the individual competition, and ask the referees to distribute the test papers."

"After everyone gets the test paper, please wait patiently for the whistle to blow. Before the whistle is blown, you can't answer the paper if you don't know anyone."

As soon as his words fell, the referee blew his whistle.

Almost after the referee blew his whistle, another teacher said:
"Start answering."

(End of this chapter)

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