Xueba couples do not study

Chapter 338 They ignored 1 person.

Chapter 338 They ignored a person.

"I invite Contestant Lin Sheng to answer."

The second after the referee said Lin Sheng's name, Lin Sheng looked at the big screen and said:


This question is actually very simple, as long as the budget in the mind is fast, everyone can solve it.

"Congratulations to contestant Lin Sheng for answering correctly, plus 10 points."

The first two questions were taken away by two people from high A, and the other three schools got half of the calculations, or when they had just finished reading the questions and were thinking about how to calculate in their minds.It has already been answered first, and the answers are all correct.

Although two questions have been taken away by the two people with high A, they are still bound to win the remaining 8 questions.

Although he and Yang became a blockbuster in the last Four Little Lin competition, and almost "killed" the other three schools in the team battle in the morning, but now the participants of the other three schools can also be regarded as the school. "Elite".In this Four Smiles League, it should be possible to compete with He Yang, who is high A.

But they overlooked one person, a person who just transferred to A High in the second semester of high school.

When the third question came out, in the next second, someone hit the button in front of him.

"I invite Contestant Lin Sheng to answer this question."

That's right, the person who hit the button this time was none other than the a-high Lin Sheng.

This time the difficulty of the question is slightly increased, it is a question about looking at pictures.

Some people have just read the question once, and heard the sound of someone rushing to answer before even looking at the picture.

After hearing the referee's words, Lingtong glanced at the contestants from the other three schools and said:

The other three schools in the auditorium were all shocked, but the participants from the other three schools in the competition field must have been even more shocked.

Participants from the other three schools: Damn, the speed is so fast, is this the speed of a human being!
After Lin Sheng finished his answer, some voices in the audience were talking about what happened just now.

Only people in the auditorium with high A have been on this thing.It's commonplace, as if this matter is already very common for them.

They in the auditorium of High A: Hehe, this level shocked you, and there will be even more shocking things in the future.

"Congratulations to contestant Lin Sheng for answering correctly, plus 10 points."

Now, High A has answered three questions and scored 30 points.It is now the first among the four schools.

They all wanted to get the next question faster than the two of them and calculate the correct answer.

But for the remaining questions 4, 5, and even 6, they were asked to answer both of them.

Participants from the other three schools: Can you two save us a little bit!

However, the contestants of our school are: Come on, you two, we will silently watch you answer from behind.

In fact, the other contestants of High A, when Lin Sheng and He Yang were answering the questions, they copied down the questions and got together to calculate these questions later.

Because A is high.The two of them have already taken over all the question-makers, and they have nothing else to do here, so they might as well calculate the questions for each question later.If you still haven't made it after this team competition, just ask the two of them how to do it after the end.

However, on question 7, there was finally a turning point.

"I invite Zhang Xuan, who is high B, to answer!"

(End of this chapter)

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