Xueba couples do not study

Chapter 322 For the remaining liberal arts, do your best.

Chapter 322 For the remaining liberal arts, do your best.

August fifth.

The sky is so blue, without even a trace of flocks, as if all the variegated colors have been covered, shining magnificently, and the red sun adds a touch of color to the sunny sky.From time to time, there is a breeze blowing gently, and the warm sun shines on the body, making people feel warm.This weather is very suitable for the reader meeting.

The time for the reader's meeting was at ten o'clock in the morning, in a well-known bookstore in District A of City A, and it officially started.Before the start time, a lot of people have already gathered here, everyone is holding a book in their hands, and the rest are holding book gifts.

Wearing a black hat and dressed in black clothes, He Yang looked at the book in his hand after looking at the books in their hands in the crowd.

On the second day after he returned here, he came to Liu Haoyu's house to pick up the book.

Because it is already August, he had a lot of fun in the first two months, so most of his homework has not been completed yet.So he planned to do homework crazily during the month of August.

When he heard the doorbell ring, he came out of his bedroom, took a peep at who was standing at the door, and opened the door.

"Old He, congratulations," Liu Haoyu said, bringing He Yang into the room, "Your 'deeds' this time are listed in the school history. The head teacher also talked about your victory in the group "

"Well," He Yang sat on the sofa, picked up the cup that Liu Haoyu put on the coffee table just now, drank a few sips of the water in it, and said the reason for coming here this time, "Rat, I"

Before He Yang finished speaking, Liu Haoyu interrupted He Yang; "Wait a minute, I'll get it for you in the bedroom." After finishing speaking, he sat up from the sofa and returned to the bedroom to take He Yang's delivery before the summer vacation. What he did was put the box in front of He Yang and said, "I managed to get it. If I didn't get it, I might have to pay a high price."

When he saw the box, He Yang's eyes sparkled. After Liu Haoyu saw it, he smiled and said, "So, for the sake of my hard work, do you have anything prepared to reward me?"

He Yang put the box on his body, and after hearing Liu Haoyu's words, he looked at him with a smile and said, "I know to help you with your homework."

After hearing his words, Liu Haoyu smiled.

He Yang said, "How much homework do you still have to finish?"

After all, Liu Haoyu is He Yang's friend in junior high school, and He Yang is very aware of this when he often writes his homework in the last month during summer and winter vacations.But He Yang is not very clear about the amount each time.Sometimes it is only one or two subjects, and sometimes it is all of them.

He Yang hoped it was the former, but.
Liu Haoyu smiled and said, "All of them."

He Yang: "." All right.

So during these four days, apart from thinking about Lin Sheng every day, He Yang spent his summer homework at Liu Haoyu's home.

When writing, Liu Haoyu asked him: "Old He, don't you have any summer homework?"

"?" After hearing what he said, He Yang said, "There are also, but they are much less than yours."

Liu Haoyu: Envious.

During these four days, He Yang wrote almost one subject per day. On the fourth day, he finally finished his summer homework for the four subjects of Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Mathematics.

He Yang left his mouth and said:
"The rest of the liberal arts, you work hard."

(End of this chapter)

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