Xueba couples do not study

Chapter 311 The final exam is approaching.

Chapter 311 The final exam is approaching.

Two days of the college entrance examination passed in this tense atmosphere.

After the college entrance examination, the seniors in the third grade returned to school and took all the things in the dormitory and the books in the classroom home.When seeing the actions of the seniors in the third grade, the students in the first and second grades were a little envious.

They thought to themselves: It's good to be able to leave school so early.

When they think this way, they also know that these are all based on the hard work of three years of high school.

On the second day of the college entrance examination when she packed her things in the third grade, Lin Sheng received a WeChat message from her senior senior sister.

Zhou Shutong: There are still two years left in high school, come on.

Lin Sheng replied immediately after seeing it.

Lin Sheng: Thank you, senior, for your concern.

Lin Sheng: Sister, let me take the liberty to ask you how the college entrance examination is going, is that okay?
After packing up her things, the phone in Zhou Shutong's hand vibrated as she was walking towards the teaching building. She stopped, stood where she was, and turned on the phone to see who sent her the message.

After seeing the sentence Lin Sheng sent her, Zhou Shutong smiled and entered it on the phone.

Lin Sheng, who was waiting for Zhou Shutong to give him an answer, sat in the classroom to expand his homework.Mathematics Teacher Liu always leaves a few extended questions at the end of the class. Although they are asked to discuss independently after class, in fact, the class can count the number of questions that can be solved with one hand.

Just after she finished solving the first question of the extended question, she received a message from her.

Zhou Shutong: Of course.

After that, Zhou Shutong sent a voice message.

When Lin Sheng saw the voice, he looked up at the people around him.He Yang was called over by his physics teacher just now, as if to discuss the matter of participating in the International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) in July. This time, it will be held in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, around mid-July. .Because there is still a short time before the evening self-study, most of the people either go back to the dormitory to have a good rest and get ready for the next evening self-study, and some people go to the playground to exercise.

Apart from Lin Sheng, there are only three or four people in the classroom, and these people are all doing their homework on their seats.After getting along with each other for several months, Lin Sheng has a clear understanding of the situation of the people in the class.These few people belonged to those who didn't waste time to study hard no matter during recess or evening self-study, and they were also in the front row in the ranking of the final exam last semester.

Considering that there were still people in the classroom, Lin Sheng opened the schoolbag, searched for the earphones in the schoolbag, and found that there were none in the schoolbag.So I searched in my desk pocket, but to no avail.

At this time, Lin Sheng remembered that the earphones were placed on the table in the dormitory. After finishing her evening self-study last night, she returned to the dormitory and was the first to wash up. English listening test questions on the table.Although her current hearing can get full marks in most cases.But there are also individual cases, because of sloppy, distracted or not listening clearly, poor vocabulary, resulting in one or two wrong questions.

Don't underestimate these one or two listening questions. If you can't get a full score in listening in the college entrance examination, there are not only people in the playground, but also the beautiful playground outside.

He Yang's earphones were lent to students in another class, but they hadn't been returned. Lin Sheng could only walk out of the classroom and go to the corridor to listen to Zhou Shutong's voice.

Zhou Shutong: "The college entrance examination this time is slightly more difficult than last year's college entrance examination. Because I am a science student, when I was doing the physics and chemistry test papers, I obviously felt that the difficulty level has increased. English and Chinese are still the same as the last college entrance examination. Difficulty, mathematics has become a little more difficult, but most of the questions can still be done. Biology is still the same, this year's short-answer questions seem to be a little easier than before. I don't know if it is because physical chemistry has become more difficult So I turned down the difficulty of the creatures."

After listening to this voice, Zhou Shutong sent her another voice, Lin Sheng clicked on the voice and put the phone to his ear to listen.

Zhou Shutong: "If this order is followed, the difficulty of the questions in the college entrance examination should be lowered in the next year, which is the current second year of high school. After that, the difficulty of the questions in your freshman year should be increased. Of course this It's just my guess, and you have to participate in the specific situation. But I think there should be no problem with you. After all, you can be the one who dared to sleep in the lounge of the chemistry competition."

Lin Sheng smiled when he heard what she said later.Recalling the scene of her sleeping in the lounge of the chemistry competition, she was really sleepy at that time, and she had already participated in the math competition last week, and the math competition questions this time were a bit simple, and she felt that the chemistry competition questions were the same .Even if it was beyond her expectations, if she was serious with her strength, she would still be able to pass the preliminaries.

Lin Sheng: Thank you.

What Zhou Shutong sent her this time was not a voice, but an emoji.

Zhou Shutong: You're welcome.jpg
After packing up and leaving in the third grade, the school was a little deserted.The number of people eating in the cafeteria is a little less than before. When the morning exercises are held, there is a large space on the right, telling them that the seniors in the third year are no longer in the school.

In the next week after the college entrance examination, they will face the final exam.

This time the final exam is a bit earlier. In the past, the final exam was only held one week after the college entrance examination.The time was advanced, and it didn't have any special meaning to them, and they didn't care.It's just that they review faster than usual because the time is short.

The exam time is on Thursday. The first year of senior high school needs to be tested for three days, and the second year of high school only needs to be tested for two days.This also means that they have to take the exam on Saturday of the first week of high school.But most of them think how about the exam on Saturday, isn't it just the exam on Saturday, what's the big deal, there are still three days to review.Some people complained a little at the beginning, but after thinking about the pros and cons, they didn't continue talking. Instead, like most people, they reviewed it in the classroom.

The three-day review time determines their ranking in the final exam, and also determines whether they will be in the key class or the ordinary class after that.If the grades in the ordinary class exceed the grades in the key class, he will be promoted to the key class, otherwise the person who is replaced in the key class will come to the ordinary class.

This is the teaching philosophy of High A. Use this to stimulate everyone's interest in learning, and then use it to make people in the key class work harder. People in the ordinary class also have to pay more than those in the key class. People's efforts to enter the key class.

The overall strength of A Gao is on the rise.

 Thanks bamboo.I still love the 7.17 monthly ticket you voted on 1, thank you for your support w
(End of this chapter)

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