Xueba couples do not study

Chapter 299 The topic this time is a bit simple.

Chapter 299 The topic this time is a bit simple.

After they woke up from the bus, the second class was over.They all went back to their respective classes.

When they returned to the class, everyone seemed to have got the news, and kept looking at the door, waiting for them to come in.

"He Shen He Shen, what's up!" Someone looked at He Yang and said immediately after seeing He Yang walk in.

"How about what?" He Yang thought for a second after saying this, and then he realized what he said, so he said, "Oh, you are talking about the competition, I think it is very simple of."

"What about you, God Lin?" The man looked at Lin Sheng and asked.

Lin Sheng, who was named, said: "He Yang and I have the same opinion. The competition questions this time are indeed a bit simple."

Hearing the two of them say this, another person asked a question: "I would like to ask when you two handed in the paper..."

He Yang: "Me, there is still about half an hour to hand in the paper early. Because I can't stand it in the examination room anyway, so I hand in the paper early and go back to the lounge to have a good rest."

"I'm the same as He Yang, and I handed in the paper almost half an hour before the end of the exam." After hearing He Yang's words, Lin Sheng continued his words.

Mention... Hand in the papers in advance.

Although it is very common to hand in papers in advance, it belongs to those who are more confident academic masters or academic gods. It is a "luxury" for those who study hard but have not improved their grades.

But if it is submitted in advance during the competition, it can be said to be a very great decision.

Because the competition is not like an ordinary exam, many people start to compete for the first or passing score.As for the exam, it is just to test where their knowledge points are now. After the teacher has finished the judgment, they will let them consolidate the parts they are not familiar with and strengthen their training.

Generally speaking, it is impossible to hand in the papers in advance when taking the exam in the competition.But there will always be one or two people who expressed their confidence and handed in the test papers in advance, but when they returned to the lounge, they immediately regretted handing in the papers, because when they were resting, they There are still some major mistakes in the test paper, but it is too late now, they can only wait for the next competition or hope that they can reach the passing mark.

After Du Ruo heard it, she looked at the two of them and said, "You guys are really amazing, you really deserve to be the school's twin gods."

Lin Sheng: "Thank you."

He Yang: "I'm overwhelmed."

Du Ruo: ...I'm not complimenting you!I want to throw these two people who said that out of the classroom right now.

Because they came to the classroom during the break of the second class, they only need to take the last class and then they can leave school directly.

Although some students see that they need to take a class in the afternoon, and they can skip the whole morning class in the morning, there are many projects, but when they think that they will participate in the math competition in the morning, they feel very lucky. The level of questions in competitions or other competitions is very difficult, and if you don't prepare, you will be eliminated soon.

Although these are not within their expectations, what they need to do now is to improve their studies and strive to get a progressive student in the school or a position in the front row.

This is also for myself, for my family, and even more for the future.

The last class was very easy for Lin Sheng and He Yang, and they didn't need too much effort to master the content of today's class.

After class 3 was over, Mr. Tang walked into the class, stood on the podium, and told everyone about the weekend arrangement, as well as doing homework well and paying attention to the balance between work and rest.Finally, let them pay attention to safety on the way from school, and say that school is over.

Lin Sheng and He Yang, like the other students, prepared to go back to the dormitory to prepare the clothes to be taken away, and then met in front of the dormitory building.

Under normal circumstances, Lin Sheng started to pack things on Thursday night, but because Heyang was not around this week, she was a little bit powerless. In addition, she told the teacher yesterday that she was a little uncomfortable. In fact, he was really a little uncomfortable at that time , he didn't know why, but after lying down for one night, he found that the symptom was gone, and he didn't care.

This time Lin Sheng packed things today, so the speed of packing things now is a bit slow.When Lin Sheng packed up her things and walked out of the dormitory, she saw He Yang standing in front of the girls' dormitory waiting for her.

After He Yang saw her coming out, he closed the mobile phone he was holding and put it in his pocket. When Lin Sheng came to his side, he said, "Let's go."


The main entrance of High A is directly opposite the school gate.When they get out of school on Friday, when they get out of school at noon, it's good to go straight home by car.

Lin Sheng and He Yang walked out of the school gate and waited for the bus at the station.The bus they were waiting for could reach the bus stop near the villa, and it was the kind that passed all the way.

While waiting for the bus, Lin Sheng's phone vibrated and the ringtone rang, and he glanced at the direction the bus was coming from. He saw that the bus hadn't left yet, so he took out his phone from his pocket to check who gave it to him. A message from myself.

The person who sent the message was her cousin - Lin Zhi.

Lin Zhi: I heard that you participated in the math competition today. How did you do?
Lin Sheng quickly replied to her.

Lin Sheng: The questions in the competition are a bit simpler than in the past. I don’t know if it’s the creator of the questions. Because there were too few people in the survival competition last time, we relaxed this time.

Lin Sheng: And it always feels a little different from what I imagined.

Lin Zhi, who was still at school, looked at the message Lin Sheng sent her, and when she saw the difference, she was a little suspicious.

Lin Zhi: What's different?
Lin Sheng: ...

Lin Sheng: Nothing.

Seeing that Lin Sheng didn't want to talk about it, Lin Zhi didn't want to ask any more, so he told her about going back to grandma's house during the summer vacation, and then talked about other things.For example, on the weekend next week, I went shopping with her to watch a movie, and then ended the chat because she still had some things to do.

After she finished chatting with Lin Zhi, the bus they were waiting for also came.

With bags in their hands, they boarded the bus, sat in the front row, and started chatting afterwards, but because there was a little distance on the road, Lin Sheng felt a little sleepy while chatting, so he lay down He Yang fell asleep on his shoulder.

He Yang looked at Lin Sheng's sleeping face with a smile on his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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