Xueba couples do not study

Chapter 189 It's only natural to help you.

Chapter 189 It's only natural to help you. (monthly pass update)

They came earlier than expected.

The two randomly found a seat in the waiting area and sat down. He Yang turned on his mobile phone and searched Baidu for the movie they were going to watch today.

On the way here, Lin Sheng told him the name of the movie he wanted to watch.

After He Yang entered the name of the movie in the input method of his mobile phone, many explanations about the movie appeared on the webpage.Although it will directly affect the next viewing experience, He Yang still clicked on it.At the beginning, I began to describe how this movie makes people want to cry, how touching and tearful, and how bloody the plot is
He Yang: Did Sheng remember the name of the movie wrong?

The types of movies that Lin Sheng likes, He Yang knows about the same. For movies like love, Sheng can hardly even watch them.Compared with love movies, she prefers suspense reasoning movies. She thinks that reasoning while watching movies is a relaxing thing for her.Or it’s a horror movie that ordinary girls don’t like to watch, because until everything is fake, so after watching it plainly, you can still tell others about the shortcomings of this movie.

As far as He Yong is concerned, he doesn't like to watch it very much.After all, he is a boy, and he usually watches movies of the War and Blood series. He really can't stand watching such romantic movies.

He may also think that the love in the movie is too fake. From the perspective of their viewer God, the original love between the sexes has been honed one by one, and finally separated.

When he saw this, he especially wanted to say: It's really hard work for them to fall in love.

Thinking of this, He Yang raised his head and looked at Lin Sheng who was sitting opposite him. Lin Sheng also sat on the seat like him, then took out his mobile phone and began to watch something, because the content didn't suit her very well, so He Yang could understand clearly See her frowning slightly.

He Yang, who wanted to ask her if the movie was wrong, gave up asking after seeing her for the first time.I thought to myself, I will know if I go to the automatic machine to get the ticket later.

After thinking like this, He Yang turned his attention back to the content in the phone.

Lin Sheng, who was watching the contents of the phone at the same time, now really wants to go to the automatic machine to see if it is this movie.

Xiao Yan told her about this movie after her self-study on Thursday night.

Sometimes after returning to the classroom, Lin Sheng could receive a call for help from Xiao Yan, a classmate who used to be in E High.

Although Xiao Yan also asked the teacher how to do it, and the teacher told her, she was still a little vague in some places, and there were other people queuing up behind her to ask the teacher questions, so it ended hastily.Every night, Xiao Yan would send a video or audio to Lin Sheng, asking Lin Sheng to teach her what she didn't know.

After Lin Sheng finished talking to her on Thursday, Xiao Yan said: "Sheng, I have two movie tickets here, let's go see that one on the weekend."

"?" Lin Sheng, who was tidying up after explaining the question to her, asked in doubt, "Movie ticket?"

Xiao Yan: "Yes, the rewards these days."

After listening to her words, Lin Sheng immediately rejected her kindness: "No, it's only natural to help you." He didn't want to covet anything from you.

"Well..." Xiao Yan on the other end of the phone was a little hurt when she heard Lin Sheng's words. She knew the general meaning of Lin Sheng's unspoken words, and said, "I know what you are, Sheng, but you must accept it now. Down."

Xiao Yan smiled and continued: "Sheng, you don't want this movie ticket to be wasted in my hands."

Lin Sheng: ".You go to see it with others"

Xiao Yan: "We've been very busy recently, and we can't get away."

"." Lin Sheng sighed and said, "Okay, give it to me. It's not an example."

Xiao Yan said happily: "Okay, I promise." She will do it again.

 Thanks to moonlight97 for voting for a monthly ticket on 5.24, thanks for the support w
(End of this chapter)

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