Xueba couples do not study

Chapter 180 Military training?When, how could they not know?

Chapter 180 Military training?When, how could they not know?
"Seeing that you are resting during the winter vacation, you will line up and run three laps in a while."

After hearing Teacher Yan's words, everyone let out a loud voice to explain their surprise.

Yan · of course · Nuan looked at them, showed a very kind smile, and said, "Huh?"

As soon as Teacher Yan's voice fell, they shook their heads and said, "It's nothing." They just ran three laps. Just run.

Thinking in this way, they recalled when they first met Teacher Yan last semester. At that time, due to some reasons in the school, they hadn't participated in military training this year.It seems that because of some accidents in the school, all activities were suspended, including the military training for freshmen in high school.Teacher Yan probably didn't know the news at that time. In the first class, when they saw her for the first time, she asked them to run five laps at once.

The playground of High A is the same as other schools, with a circle of 400 meters.

They had fun during the summer vacation, and they hadn’t participated in military training yet. Now they don’t do any physical training and just let them run five laps. "It's a bit much, and we haven't had military training yet.

"Huh?" Under Teacher Yan's indifferent eyes, Li Ziang swallowed back his last words.

After Teacher Yan lined them up again, he asked the person who spoke to her to serve as the sports committee member temporarily, standing beside the team and giving orders.

They are struggling on the edge of pain, and every lap is built on their 'pain'.Teacher Yan, who didn't know anything about that matter, watched them run in the center of the playground, and smiled self-deprecatingly: "This year" is far worse than the previous one.

After they ran five laps, they were already exhausted.The boy sat down on the green grass, while the girl stood there bending over and breathing in the fresh air.

Teacher Yan: "Stand up for me, don't sit on the ground, everyone walk to the opposite side and then walk back."

They understood the meaning of Teacher Yan's words and said listlessly: "Okay."

After they walked from here to the opposite side, and then walked back from the opposite side, the previous pain and wanting to breathe have improved. Teacher Yan looked at them standing in front of him and said: "You are all people who have received military training. , why can’t you hold on for five laps.”

them:? ?Did they have military training?When, how could they not know? ?

When all of them were full of question marks, Li Ziang stepped forward, looked at Teacher Yan, and said to her, "Teacher, we haven't had any military training this year."

"?" Teacher Yan looked suspicious after hearing his words, "What!"

"We didn't participate in the military training this year due to some reasons in the school," Li Ziang continued, "We should have military training with the next freshman during the summer vacation of the second year of high school."

After hearing his words, Teacher Yan recalled some episodes during the summer vacation, looked at them with a suddenly enlightened expression, and said, "Oh, that's it, you guys take a break first, and the class will start in 10 minutes."

In fact, the original rest time should be 5 minutes, but in this case, Teacher Yan extended the time a little, hoping to make up for his mistake just now.

Teacher Yan: How embarrassing.

 The teachers in High A are very cute w
(End of this chapter)

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