Xueba couples do not study

Chapter 128 1 is because of my family, 2 is because of my own selfishness.

Chapter 128 One is because of my family, and the other is because of my own selfishness.

After Lin Sheng handed over the test paper to Mr. Liu's desk, he was taken away by Mr. Zhang to the girls' dormitory building, while Liu Haoyu stayed in the teacher's office waiting for Mr. Liu's results after the judgment.

Before Lin Sheng left, he glanced at Liu Haoyu, a little confused about the significance of what he did.

Lin Sheng: I'm not in a hurry, why is he in a hurry?
If Liu Haoyu heard what she was thinking, he would say: "I must be anxious, this is a historic moment, I must witness it with my own eyes!"
Lin Sheng didn't know what Liu Haoyu was thinking, so he took one last look at him and followed Teacher Zhang out of the office.

On the way to the dormitory building, she talked with Teacher Zhang about learning.

"Lin Sheng, I read your previous report card, and your grades in High E are all controlled around 80 points," Teacher Zhang said straight to the point, "Did you happen to be 'by chance'?"

Although Teacher Zhang used the word 'coincidentally', Lin Sheng knew what she meant.

To put it bluntly, what Teacher Zhang meant was: Are you hiding your strength?

Lin Sheng understood her intention and said, "Yes."

After Teacher Zhang stopped her answer, she stopped, then walked up again, and said, "Why did you do this."

This sentence itself was a question sentence, but Teacher Zhang's tone turned it into an affirmative sentence, letting Lin Sheng know that she had to tell this matter.

Lin Sheng stopped, and Teacher Zhang took a few steps forward, but when he heard no footsteps behind him, he looked back.

Lin Sheng stood three steps away from her. She lowered her head and pondered for a while, then looked up at Teacher Zhang.

Teacher Zhang could see what she was thinking in her eyes.

Her amber eyes are shining brightly in the sunlight. Teacher Zhang feels that her eyes are the cleanest and clearest eyes in the world, as clear as clear water.

After a while, Lin Sheng said: "One is because of my family, and the other is because of my own selfishness."

One was that I wanted my father to notice me, not just ignore me.

The second is because of my own selfishness.

She wants to transfer from E high school to A high school. Although she is capable, she wants to leave a history in E high school before coming to A high school.

She had an idea for this plan since she entered school, and she kept hiding her true strength, and finally showed a little of her strength in the end.

Originally, she planned to show her strength from the beginning, but she was afraid that the principal of E High would not let her transfer, so she hid it.Although this is only one of the reasons for it.

After hearing what she said, Teacher Zhang nodded and said, "Okay, I see."

Lin Sheng didn't answer.

Teacher Zhang looked at Lin Sheng who was not moving, came to her side, put his right hand on her shoulder, and said, "Let's go."

Lin Sheng came to his senses, looked at Teacher Zhang's kind face, smiled and agreed, "Okay."

The dormitory building is not very far from the teaching building, but it is a little far from the cafeteria.

Lin Sheng's dormitory is on the third floor, which is the same as when she was in High E, but this time the dormitory room number is changed from 307 to 312.

When going upstairs, Teacher Zhang told her about the people in the dormitory she was going to go to next.

Lin Sheng remembered what Teacher Zhang said.

Soon, they arrived at the door of the dormitory in 312. Teacher Zhang knocked on the door of the dormitory and said, "I'm coming in."

Teacher Zhang pushed open the dormitory door after hearing someone inside say, "Please come in."

Lin Sheng went in after Teacher Zhang.

When she entered the door, she heard a welcome voice from her roommate:
"Welcome to the 312 family."

 Lin·Some snack machine·Sheng (not)

(End of this chapter)

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