Xueba couples do not study

Chapter 108 Well, I will chase after you.

Chapter 108 Well, I will chase after you.

At noon, the group of grade A was already chatting in full swing, and when He Yang found out, they were full of 99+.

What are they talking about?
He Yang was a little curious, so he clicked in.

When he went in, someone just sent a message.
"I'm sure that person is a girl."
"I heard that the city ranks fifteen."

After He Yang saw it, he typed it.

He Yang: It is the tenth.

After he sent this message, the grade group felt like someone had pressed the stop button, and no one spoke anymore.

I don't know who sent an exclamation point, and others followed suit one after another.

Sun Yuanbai: He Yang, do you know her?
Everyone in the group was waiting for news from He Yang. At this time, He Yang was flipping through the records above, and finally sorted out what they were talking about before.

They were all talking about transfer students.

By the time he saw the news about Sun Yuanbai, he had already been attacked by countless people.

He Yang typed on the phone screen.

He Yang: Well, I know.

He Yang regretted saying this to them, because after he finished saying this, the group became angry again.
"He Yang, quickly introduce!"
"He Shen, what is your relationship with her?"
"I think it's Fa Xiao, or a classmate?"
"No, He Yang and I are in junior high school, and I have never seen such a person around him."
"Now I only know which school the transfer student was in before."

After the person said this, everyone was asking which school she was from.

The person quickly replied in the group.
"High E."

The others immediately lost interest after hearing the word E high.Because this school is newly opened, the various facilities are far inferior to those of A.Although they heard that Gu Chen was in E high school, apart from a top student like Gu Chen, they probably couldn't find another one in E high school.
"I remember E Gao is the one Gu Chen went to?"
"Yes, you remember correctly."
"He came out there, why would he want to come to High A?"
"I'm not discriminating against E Gao, after all, there is no one like Gu Chen in E Gao."
"I agree. If I didn't know that she was a girl, I would have thought that the transfer student was Gu Chen."
'I'm curious to know if the city ranking scores of transfer students are real. '
"+1, I know that Gu Chen is the fifteenth of the city, but the transfer student is..."
"I guess it would be nice if she could go to the regular class."

He Yang kept watching them discuss without speaking, and when they gradually changed from the topic of transfer students to other things, He Yang turned off his phone.

He leaned on the back of the chair, raised his head and closed his eyes, thinking about what they said in the group.

After a long time, he sent Lin Sheng a message.

Lin Sheng edited and edited this message in the input column, and finally sent out this sentence that he thought was okay.

When Lin Sheng received this news, he had just finished writing the outline of his next novel.

Sun: Sheng, I am waiting for you.

After Lin Sheng saw the message he sent, he didn't quite understand it.

What does He Yang's message mean?
Lin Sheng kept guessing in her heart, until the end she didn't know why He Yang would send her a message all of a sudden.

When she finished typing the message she wanted to reply to him and was about to press the send button, an idea appeared in her mind.

Could it be about her changing schools?
After Lin Sheng made such a guess, he deleted the message originally sent to He Yang and re-entered it.

While waiting for Lin Sheng's reply, He Yang looked at the news in the previous group and pondered.

A dialog box appears at the top of the screen.

Lin Sheng: Well, I will chase after you.

After He Yang saw her news, he smiled.

 This article is also known as: "Sheng, I'm waiting for you." "

(End of this chapter)

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