Chapter 445 Greetings to Uncle
The man's accusation made Feng Yin feel guilty.

She hesitated for a while, but obediently returned to the man's arms and enjoyed his embrace.

Unexpectedly, she would come back voluntarily, Zhang Yiming felt a little happy for a while.

Excitedly, he tightened his arms a little, so as not to escape from his embrace again.

"Relax, hold me tight so I can't breathe."

Feng Yin patted the man's tightened arm, and said half-jokingly, "You make me feel like we have enmity, and you are going to strangle me to death."


Zhang Yiming didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I can't wait to hold you in the palm of my hand and put it in my mouth, how can I do anything to hurt you?"

Feng Yin snorted softly: "Hmph, who knows."

Having said that, she still adjusted in his arms and found the most comfortable position before she calmed down.

He yawned and muttered, "I've walked a lot today, and I'm really tired."

She was so tired that she forgot that she had asked Zhang Yiming the key question just a moment ago.

Hearing her yawn, she couldn't speak clearly, Zhang Yiming didn't bother her anymore.

Patting her body lightly with his big hands, he said softly, "Go to sleep, or you won't be energetic tomorrow."

Feng Yin responded unconsciously, and the room became completely quiet.

In order to let the woman in his arms sleep soundly, Zhang Yiming clapped his big hands rhythmically, hoping that she would stop dreaming at night.

He didn't withdraw his hand carefully until he heard the group leader's even breathing.

He got up and got off the kang, casually put on a robe, picked up the drawing paper on the table and walked out of the room.

After carefully closing the door of the Tianzi Store, he walked a little further away.

Then he whispered into the air: "If you are following, come out, and I will tell you how to distinguish the authenticity from the false."

He was not sure if someone really followed his husband and wife.

However, everything has to be tested to know.

Hence the present scene.

After Zhang Yiming finished speaking, he closed his mouth, while keeping an eye on the room where his husband and wife lived temporarily, for fear that someone would disturb Feng Yin's rest.

While listening to the movement around him with his ears upright, he tried to use his own ability to observe whether there were people around him.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, seeing no one appeared, Zhang Yiming turned around, but murmured: "Since no one came, the old man went back to the house to rest with his wife."

The moment he turned around, a gust of wind blew in. Zhang Yiming moved his body instinctively, looking vigilantly at the black figure that suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Eagle has seen my uncle."

Ying Yi had arrived earlier, and was hiding under the eaves opposite.

Although it was a little far away from the Tianzihao room, with his hearing, he could still hear the conversation between the couple in the room.

Except for the sweet words said by the two little masters, which he automatically filtered out, he heard everything else clearly.

Originally, he was only waiting for the two young masters to fall asleep, and then quietly entered the room, took the things and left as Zhang Yiming told Feng Yin.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Zhang, who used to be a bit dull, would take the initiative to come out to find them tonight.

This made Ying Yi unbelievable for a moment, so he didn't come out to meet him immediately.

Unexpectedly, this little master was not prepared to wait for a while, and he was about to turn around and go back after only ten breaths.

As soon as Ying came to his senses, he quickly appeared in front of Zhang Yiming.

Afraid of causing Zhang Yiming's misunderstanding, he respectfully respected "Mr. Ye".

Apparently Zhang Yiming benefited from the title of 'uncle', he let down his vigilance a little, and said to Ying: "Get up and talk."

(End of this chapter)

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