Chapter 690 Head North!north!
When the news of the Northern Expedition came out, the Great Han was shocked. Of course, no one would object to the Northern Expedition of the Great Han, because the Xiongnu plundered the Great Han all the year round, which can be said to be the feud of the Great Han.

Now that the big man wants to send troops to take revenge, how could anyone object.

When it was learned that the big man needed to mobilize 50 strong men to escort the army of the Northern Expedition, many strong men who were idle at home signed up one after another.

In today's big man, a strong man is not a bitter haha. To become a strong man, he will continue to have high wages, which can be regarded as military exploits, and his family will receive preferential treatment.

Even if there is an accident and they live and die in a foreign country, their descendants will be treated preferentially as heroes, and they will have no worries about food and clothing for a lifetime.

However, not everyone can become a strong man, one of which is to be physically strong and hardy, and the people in the north are given priority.

30 soldiers and horses went out to fight, and 50 strong men transported food and grass, which puzzled many people.

Many people raised objections, but in front of Liu Bei's words, it was useless, and they were all suppressed by Liu Bei. He even hinted that the military department had fewer than 50 people, and perhaps more.

In April of the fourth year of the Han Dynasty, the Northern Expedition Army was in place, and more than 50 strong men were assembled. There were countless granaries on the northern border, and grain and grass were piled up like mountains.

What is the biggest difficulty in the Northern Expedition? It is the long front and the long supply line.

However, these difficulties are not a problem for today's big man.

The long front, no enemy can be found, nothing, the army is lined up in a row, marching side by side, the enemy has no place to hide if he wants to hide.

It took too long, nothing to worry about, today's big man has no internal or external troubles, he has plenty of time, just treat it as military training.

The supply line is too long and consumes a lot, it doesn't matter, the big man has money, the big man has food, and the big man has people.

With a 30 army, 50 civilians are sent for logistics. If it is not enough, then send more. Although the population of the Han people is seriously insufficient, it is trivial to recruit a million civilians.

The consumption is high, not to mention the fact that rice is high-yielding in the south, and potatoes are everywhere in the north. Pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens and ducks are must-haves in every household. The boundless sea in the east is the largest granary of the Han Dynasty. All kinds of canned and dried fish are not edible over.

It is not a big deal for the army to go out, and the military expenses are huge. The countries in the north have gold and silver, and the big man is the biggest creditor in the world.

There are not many other things in the Han Dynasty, but there are mountains of broken copper and rotten iron. The four treasures of the study, ceramics, tea, and silk mirrors are nothing ordinary to the people of the Han Dynasty, but these things are rare treasures in the eyes of the western countries.

In mid-April of the fourth year of the Han Dynasty, Zhang Fei set off to fight in Luoyang, and led [-] heavy cavalry to go straight to Yanmen Pass.

Afterwards, the big Han scouts came out together, and under the guidance of the dark guards, they found out the grassland tribes everywhere.

Facing the colossal monster of the big man, facing the black cavalry of the big man, no one of the terrified grassland warriors dared to resist.

"Did you find Liu Bao's son?"

Zhang Fei glanced at the burning herdsmen's camp not far away, and asked the general in charge of the investigation in dissatisfaction.

"Report to General." General Na said helplessly, "It is known that Liu Bao fled to the north with the remnants of the Huns. The last general has sent 23 scouts to look for them, but there is no news."


Zhang Fei was furious. He didn't feel any sense of accomplishment at all during this expedition. He had entered the grassland for three months, but except for some old, weak, sick and disabled people in the grassland, he hadn't encountered a decent enemy at all.

What made Zhang Fei even more angry was that Liu Bao actually ran away, and kept running northward without any intention of stopping.

At this time, Zhang Fei had already led the army out of the grassland. It was only July, and the weather here had begun to cool down significantly. The army had already put on cotton clothes to keep out the cold.

The military department seemed to have expected this kind of situation a long time ago. Not only did they have sufficient food and drink preparations, but they also didn’t lose their clothes. As the weather became cooler, cotton jackets were sent to the army.

At the same time, an order from the military headquarters arrived, not to kill Liu Bao and not to be a class teacher.

At this time, Zhang Fei had long lost the enthusiasm he had for leading the army. He had already hated the grassland, and when he saw the grass, he became furious. He finally walked out of the grassland, but what he faced was still a desolation.

Although there are many mountains and rivers, thatch can still be seen everywhere.

"Order Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Tai Shici, and Xu Sheng to divide up their troops and go northward. If you don't find Liu Bao, don't stop!"

Panicked, Zhang Fei dispatched his messengers and asked other soldiers to find Liu Bao. He wanted to kill Liu Bao as soon as possible so that he could return to the warm man. He was homesick.

Zhang Fei suddenly regretted, why did he grab this errand at the beginning, he thought there would be a tough battle waiting, but now, running around every day makes him feel sick.

Zhang Fei wasn't the only one who regretted it. The other generals also looked livid. Since they set off on the expedition, there had never been a major battle. At most, it was just a fight between scouts.

However, this brought a lot of fun to the army. The number of scouts has changed from a few to hundreds. There is no way, there are fewer people, and they can only deliver food to the beasts.

"General, the scouts are here to report. Forty miles ahead, we found a tribe of savages, five hundred of them..."

This is not the first time that Zhao Yun received an urgent report of the discovery of the savage tribe. After entering the land of Guangrou in the north, he encountered more than a dozen tribes of savages.

These savages are strong and strong, both men and women are born with a strong body, but their tribe is very backward, and most of the weapons they use are wooden, and occasionally copper or iron are found, which are also dilapidated.

As for combat power, if you fight one-on-one, you can compete with the elite Han soldiers, but against a large army, these savages are a bunch of scum, and they can be wiped out easily.

It made Zhao Yun a little helpless. These savages were uneducated, and they couldn't even understand much Chinese, so they couldn't communicate at all.

The most important thing is that these savages are like wild beasts, and there is no chance of being captured at all. If they are not careful, they will rise up and resist, and they will not be grateful if they are given food, just like wild beasts.

The method used by the big man to subdue foreigners is not feasible at all, because in the boundless north, there is no such thing as aristocrats or land, and it is impossible to start with buying people's hearts.

Keeping these savages is a disaster, but Zhao Yun couldn't bear to kill them. After all, they are human beings, not real beasts.

"Your Majesty has a purpose!"

But Zhao Yun didn't have to be embarrassed for a long time, and Liu Bei's order arrived.

"Don't kill, don't catch, drive to the west!"

Liu Bei's order was very simple, drive these savages out, as for life and death on the road, it has nothing to do with the big man, Liu Bei's meaning is obvious, the big man wants this place.

This was proposed by Chen Ziming, don't give up, as long as the territory, killing is too cruel, not because Chen Ziming is more benevolent, but because he doesn't want to leave a mark like a beast in history.

(End of this chapter)

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