Chapter 675 Financial Expenditure
"This year, Dahan's financial expenditure mainly has three aspects." The trial and allocation is reporting the financial plan for the second year of Han Dynasty. The participants include Liu Bei and the Military Aircraft Department, and then the three ministries and two courts.

Needless to say, the Military Aircraft Department must participate, and the three ministries must also participate. As for the two chambers, all members of the Senate will participate, and the House of Representatives will invite many representatives to participate. The opportunities are people from around Luoyang.

There is no way, the transportation is inconvenient, and there are too many members of the Senate. Fortunately, they have all settled in Luoyang, the Luoyang College has been completed, the hospital and the Institute of Science and Technology have also been established. Of course, various housing is indispensable.

"First, the migration of the people, the westward migration is the most costly. In the first half of this year, the westward migration of 300 million people will be completely completed, and then the southward migration. State, and finally the people moved westward, 40 people moved to the three states of the Western Regions, and 30 people to Wuzhou and Sunzhou. Money is needed..."

Hearing the huge numbers made everyone's blood boil. Before they knew it, the big man was already so rich. Millions of people moved as soon as they said they wanted to move, and the big man gave all their money, houses, food, and schools.

"Secondly, Dahan plans to build eight avenues, which will run through the north and south of Dahan, and it will take eight years..."

"Vietnam State passes through Luoyang, to Xizhou, the full length..."

"Vietnam State passes through Chengdu, to Wuzhou, the full length..."

"From Kuaiji Prefecture to Luoyang, to Yanmen, the full length..."

"Yangzhou passes Linzi, and ends at Jizhou, the full length..."

"Yangzhou to Yunnan, the total length..."

"From Linzi to Yixi Prefecture, the total length..."

"From Youzhou to Yibei Prefecture, the total length..."

"From Jizhou to Beiyu Prefecture, the total length..."

If it is a huge expense to relocate the people, then the construction of eight avenues connecting the north, south, east and west of the Han Dynasty will be an unimaginable astronomical figure. This year, it is only a part of the money. In the next eight years, the investment will be gradually increased every year. , until all eight avenues are connected.

The so-called avenue is not the kind of narrow path, nor is it an official road that is only big enough for a carriage, but a two-lane road established by Chen Ziming according to the standards of later generations.

In the era without high-tech machines, road construction was done slowly by hand. It is already a miracle that it can be completed within eight years, and whether it can even be completed remains to be verified.

The reason why the eight avenues were built is very simple. It is convenient for the Han to rule the Quartet and facilitate the mobilization of the army. Once there is a rebellion there, the army can rush from the avenue as quickly as possible and suppress the rebellion.

And the eight avenues are not the end. If it weren't for the limited technology, limited funds, and limited labor force, Chen Ziming would like to build more avenues to connect every county in Dahan to form a huge transportation network.

The construction of eight avenues is a national policy, and the Han court is fully responsible for the places that need to pass through and how many civilians need to be recruited.

The local government must fully cooperate. Wherever it passes, all the land will be expropriated. As for compensation, there is no such thing. Now the big man has a lot of land, and you can only cultivate it if you have the ability.

In addition to the eight avenues, the local government also has its own road construction tasks, which are all included in the local finances. How many miles of roads are built in each county and county, how many colleges are built, how much the population increases, and how much tax revenue is all included in the assessment content.

The Dahan is in the stage of taking off, all the labor force must be mobilized, and the money collected by the court will be returned in various forms, forming a virtuous circle, so that the Dahan will continue to grow and develop.

"Thirdly, build colleges throughout the Han Dynasty, build township studies, counties build county studies, counties build county studies, prefectures build state studies..."

The so-called rural school is the elementary school of the later generations, the county school is the middle school and high school, and the county school, according to Chen Ziming, is the professional technical talent college, which can also be compared to the vocational technical college of the later generations.

As for the state school, it is the authentic university of later generations, where all kinds of high-level talents are cultivated. In this era, there are no masters and doctoral professors, but Chen Ziming hopes that there will be talents of this level in the big man, and the big man needs such a group of talents.

Township, county, county and other colleges are all free and compulsory education. All children who reach the age group must enroll in school and receive education until they graduate from the county school.

As for colleges and universities, with a wave of his hand, Chen Ziming directly distributed living allowances to those talents, and it was not low, and it was paid according to their grades. After graduation, jobs were arranged according to different situations. It was a direct arrangement, and there was no need to take the exam slowly.

Students who graduated from the county school must pass the unified examination to enter politics, but there is no need for the state school. Those who can graduate from the state school are real talents. Today's big men need such talents.

Of course, the selection of state schools is also very strict. Although it is impossible to prevent such things from happening through the back door, at least they must be restricted to the greatest extent. Moreover, the job arrangement after graduation also needs to be based on grades and personal qualities.

Generally speaking, the financial expenditure of the college is terrible. Fortunately, building a school in this era is very cheap, there are no middlemen, and the government is responsible directly. The land is everywhere, and the materials are also very cheap.

The most important thing is the problem of teachers. Nowadays, almost all educated men are transferred to be officials. It is impossible to find so many teachers at once.

Fortunately, the first step now is to establish rural schools, so that children who have reached the age can go to school first. As for county schools and county schools, let's put it on air first.

In a few years, there will be a large number of talents in Dahan, and the talent gap in Dahan will not be so tight.

To put it bluntly, it is still a matter of background, who said that the former Han did not promote education, so that the big man has so little talent reserve.

"Fourth, military spending . . . . "

What is unexpected is that the military expenditure is ranked fourth. You must know that the Han Army, Navy, and City Guards add up to more than 100 million, and there are still some orphans who need pensions, but even so, they still rank Fourth place in fiscal expenditure.

"The navy will be divided into four fleets, and each fleet will be added or subtracted by the military according to different needs..."

It is impossible to make the size of the four naval fleets the same. After all, their missions are different. The focus is on the southern navy, and their mission is the heaviest, because there is a large sea area in the south that needs their exploration.

"Fifth, the medical system..."

The medical system was also proposed by Chen Ziming. Unfortunately, the strength of the big man is limited. It is impossible to fully build a medical system covering the big man. The hospital is easy to run, just build it, but there are no talents and no professional doctors.

(End of this chapter)

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