Chapter 543
In the end, the problem of food was barely resolved. For Cao Cao’s territory, they mainly purchased and stored it on the spot.

As for Jiangdong, they planned to transport all the food purchased secretly from the sea to the north. Now Jiangdong's navy is completely wiped out. Except for some civilian fishing boats, there is not a single Jiangdong warship seen on the coast of Jiangdong.

The most important thing is that the coastline of Jiangdong is too long. Even if Sun Quan arranges all the soldiers and horses on the coastline of Jiangdong, it is impossible to monitor the entire coastline. It is still very easy to smuggle some food.

After all the preparations are done, it is time to reserve enough strength and then go to war. Therefore, the main task of Liu Bei Group in the next time is to continuously improve its strength, continuously reserve resources, and prepare for the big battle in the near future.

"Ziming has suffered all these years, and during this time he can rest at ease."

The management system of Liu Bei Group has been established. Many things are handled by dedicated departments and professionals. Many high-level executives have been liberated. Even Liu Bei, the emperor, has begun to relax. Seeing Chen Ziming's tired eyes, Liu Bei will inevitably feel sorry for Chen Ziming, so He is going to give Chen Ziming a long vacation.

"That's good." Chen Ziming was indeed tired. He was exhausted physically and mentally after years of fighting outside. Even if he won victories again and again, it would be difficult to appease his tired soul. Now it is rare to have a chance to have a good rest.

Liu Bei and Chen Ziming bid farewell, watching the thin figure slowly go away, Liu Bei clenched his fists, and secretly blamed himself for being too incompetent, so that Chen Ziming ran around for him, and was suspected of many times.

Although there is a little estrangement between Liu Bei and Chen Ziming, and Chen Ziming is not as cheerful and dissolute as Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, but this does not affect the relationship between Liu Bei and Chen Ziming. Liu Bei still trusts Chen Ziming very much.

Over the years, Liu Bei's strength has continued to grow, and the power in his hands has also grown. Liu Bei has long lost the boldness of the past. He has a lot of thoughts in his heart, especially the control of power and his sensitivity to politics, making him even more gloomy. , became more cold-blooded, and officially changed from a general to an emperor's role.

Fortunately, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei have always been around, and the love of the three brothers prevented Liu Bei from becoming disowned by his relatives, nor did he become cold-blooded and ruthless because of his rights.And he has long accepted Chen Ziming as a brother in his heart, and his feelings are not inferior to those of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

As the emperor, Liu Bei established his own intelligence system and sources of information, instead of relying entirely on hidden guards. Of course, Liu Bei's intelligence network was mainly aimed at the inside, or monitoring the ministers of the DPRK and China and the generals of all parties.

Over the years, he has collected a lot of information, heard a lot of whispers, and pointed the finger at Chen Ziming. Some people even said openly that if it weren't for Chen Ziming, Liu Bei would not be where he is today, and Chen Ziming is the real No. 1 big man.

What's more, it is said that Chen Ziming is powerful and has countless supporters. As long as Chen Ziming shouts out, countless generals and ministers will support Chen Ziming.

Especially the rumors about the navy were too terrifying, pointing directly at the bottom line of those in power. The navy was Chen Ziming's direct descendant and absolutely supported Chen Ziming. Even Liu Bei could not deny this matter. Chen Ziming's influence in the navy was too great.

But soon, Liu Bei burned the information. Does Liu Bei care about this? Of course he does. There is no emperor who does not care about his power being threatened.

But so what, what kind of person Chen Ziming is, Liu Bei knows very well that Chen Ziming has no interest in power, and Chen Ziming is surprisingly lazy about government affairs.

Chen Ziming has great power in the Han Dynasty. It is undeniable that whether in the army or in the court, Chen Ziming can almost avoid Liu Bei and give orders directly. Chen Ziming has single-handedly promoted countless talents and generals.

But so what, these talents, these generals, Chen Ziming gave all of them to Liu Bei, and he didn't have the slightest intention of keeping them for himself.

When Liu Bei heard the rumors that Chen Ziming wanted to rebel, he laughed and didn't take a look at it. Chen Ziming wanted to be the emperor himself, and what about Liu Bei, with Chen Ziming's ability, no one in the world could stop him. Why bother to join Liu Bei's family.

The top generals under Liu Bei, except for the two brothers Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, the others were not brought by Chen Ziming, from Zhao Yun, Xu Huang, and Zhang Liao at the beginning, to Dian Wei, Huang Zhong, and Zhang Yun later, because these top generals , Only then did Liu Bei have today.

What makes Liu Bei ignore these rumors the most is that Liu Bei has no other skills, but he is very good at judging people. Liu Bei thinks he can see clearly what kind of person Chen Ziming is, and he doesn't need anyone to tell him. give pointers.

And the generals in the army, needless to say Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, Zhang Yun, Huang Zhong and others, are not loyal and courageous people. These generals will not commit rebellion if they serve Liu Bei However, even if Chen Ziming stepped forward and asked them to rebel, these generals would not follow.

This is also the reason why Liu Bei is completely at ease with Chen Ziming, because these loyal and righteous people were all given to Liu Bei by Chen Ziming. Chen Ziming is dedicated to the great man and the people of the world, and will not turn against Liu Bei because of his power. Liu Bei very clear.

And Liu Bei's original intention was also for the great man, for the people, and it has not wavered now. This is why neither the monarch nor the minister has the slightest disagreement, and they have absolute trust.Liu Bei just felt that he owed Chen Ziming too much.

"What is big brother doing here?"

Liu Bei stood for a long time, Guan Yu searched for a while, and finally found Liu Bei. Seeing Liu Bei staring into the distance blankly, he asked in doubt.

Hearing Guan Yu's voice, Liu Bei felt powerless. For a while, he was bothered by Guan Yu and couldn't sleep or eat. Whenever he had free time, Guan Yu would definitely appear in front of Liu Bei. Seeing Guan Yu, Liu Bei said powerlessly: "Yun Chang, you are very tired."

"Big Brother, Second Brother, I'm here!"

Liu Bei hadn't dismissed Guan Yu yet, when a loud voice came, Liu Bei suddenly felt powerless. The two brothers, who had competed with him, became more annoying than the other.

"There is a final decision on the matter of military expenditure, and it can be changed at will. You and the other two should not mention it again."

Liu Bei also played tricks, asking for military expenses, anyway, he couldn't say so, he didn't know the price of oil and rice if he was not in charge, and there was no shortage of money for a big man, so he looked at Liu Bei's high income, but he could share it one by one, and there were gaps everywhere.

Especially when the finances have decided to tilt the war reserves, Liu Bei can't open the back door for these two brothers, and he can't spend so much money.

(End of this chapter)

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