Chapter 526
"Your Majesty, generals Pang Xi and Zhang Yi are back and just entered the city..." The voice of the report became smaller and smaller, and everyone could tell that something happened to Pang Xi and Zhang Yi.

"Didn't the two generals lead the troops to reinforce Mianyang? How could they return to Chengdu?" Liu Zhang's face darkened, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

"Here, Your Majesty." Huang Quan said in a low voice, "Generals Pang and Zhang were caught in an ambush and suffered heavy losses. General Pang Xi was injured in his arm, and General Zhang Yi was unconscious. Not one out of ten troops survived."


This news made everyone panic and uneasy. Pang Xi and Zhang Yi brought 4 elite soldiers, which is half of the defenders who stayed behind in Chengdu. Now the entire city of Chengdu has only more than [-] troops.

"God dies me too...!"

Liu Zhang was dazzled suddenly, and the eunuch beside him was also in a trance, and he didn't support Liu Zhang immediately, causing Liu Zhang to almost fall to the ground.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty." Li Hui hurriedly said, "Chengdu City has high walls and strong walls, which are easy to defend and difficult to attack. There are still tens of thousands of elites in the city, and the food and grass are abundant. It is easy to hold on for a few months."

"Of course." Liu Ba also comforted, "We only need to wait for three days, and the army of General Zhang Ren and General Yan Yan will surely arrive. At that time, the enemies outside the city will have to flee in haste."

"Declaration, Zhang Ren and Yan Yan will not be outside of Chengdu within two days, and the family will be exterminated!" Liu Zhang suddenly grabbed the life-saving grass, and immediately passed the edict to Zhang Ren and Yan Yan.

After hearing Liu Zhang's edict, Li Hui, Liu Ba and others frowned and said nothing. It was unwise for Liu Zhang to issue such an edict at this time. If he was not careful, he might force the general to rebel, and it would easily disturb the morale of the army.

But looking at Liu Zhang's current situation, Li Hui and others could only shake their heads, helpless, it would be better not to provoke Liu Zhang now, and they believed that Zhang Ren and Yan Yan were absolutely loyal and would not rebel because of this edict.


Liu Zhang was finally comforted by the crowd, and before he could slow down, an urgent report came.

"Your Majesty, the city of Mianyang was destroyed, General Wu Ban was captured, General Zheng Du was killed in battle, and the army of Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun, and Meng Da has arrived twenty miles away."


The sound of panic came again, and everyone looked up to see Liu Zhang lying on the ground, his face was full of horror, his hands and feet were shaking, and the eunuch beside Liu Zhang did not move for a while.

"His Majesty!"

Li Hui, Liu Ba and others hurried forward to help Liu Zhang up, and sent him back to the harem to recuperate.

"Your Majesty's safety is in the hands of General Wu."

After all, Li Hui and others are civil servants, so the task of defending the city can only be left to Wu Yi and other generals.

Liu Zhang couldn't deal with government affairs for a while, Li Hui and others discussed it and let Wu Yi take charge of guarding the city, while they stood by Liu Zhang's side. Liu Zhang must not have any accidents now, it is best to let Liu Zhang show his face at the tower to boost morale.

But in Liu Zhang's current situation, walking is a problem. Going to the tower like this is probably not to improve morale, but to attack the defenders' confidence in defending the city.Meeting such a master, Li Hui and the others were also helpless.

The many ministers with sad faces didn't pay attention. Among them was a very ugly minister who was also deep in thought. From time to time, he looked up at Liu Zhang's bedroom, as if he was anxiously waiting for something.

Soon after, a cavalry appeared on the horizon outside Chengdu and rushed towards Chengdu.Standing on the tower, Wu Yi's face was gloomy, he stared at the fast approaching cavalry, and pinched the green stem with the hand guarding the long sword.

"Order all the gates of the city to be careful. Without my military order, the gates are not allowed to be opened."

When the cavalry arrived at the foot of the city of Chengdu, they slowed down and observed the situation of the defenders in Chengdu carelessly, pointing and pointing from time to time, without paying any attention to the defenders on the tower.

"Shoot and kill with random arrows!"

Xu Jing, the lieutenant next to Wu Yi, was furious and ordered to shoot arrows.

Soon countless feathered arrows flew towards the group of cavalry, but unfortunately the furthest arrow also landed five battles in front of the cavalry, which could not threaten the group of cavalry at all.

"Damn it, General, let me go out of town and kill them."

Lieutenant General Wu Lan couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately asked for orders to go out of the city to attack.

"The enemy army has arrived..."

Wu Yi didn't seem to hear Wu Lan's words, and his eyes were fixed on the distant horizon outside the city. Soon, a huge army appeared on the horizon, with surging heads, flying flags, flying dust, and horses neighing.

"It's really a dangerous city, it cannot be attacked by force."

When the army came to the city of Chengdu, before Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun, Zhuge Liang, Meng Da and others came to lead the army, they watched this historic city, which is worthy of being the number one city in Yizhou.

"There are still [-] defenders in the city of Chengdu, and there is plenty of food and grass. With our soldiers and horses, it may be difficult to capture."

Meng Da knew Chengdu very well, and had been paying close attention to the situation in Chengdu. With their troops, it would be impossible to break through such a fortified city if there were no accidents.

"An urgent report from the dark guard." Huang Zhong frowned and said in a deep voice: "Zhang Ren's army in the south has returned to help, and it will arrive in three days. Yan Yan's army in the north is also coming quickly, and it will arrive in three days. I don't have much time to wait. .”

"Cao Cao knows that we will attack Yizhou, and he will definitely increase his troops. This battle cannot be delayed." Zhao Yun immediately shot his gun, staring calmly at the heavily fortified city of Chengdu, and said flatly, "If you don't go to Chengdu within three days, I'm in danger."

Zhuge Liang said calmly: "Forcing is not advisable, the only option is to persuade you to surrender."

"I'll go there." Zhao Yun's eyes sharpened, and he was about to take over this task. The person who persuaded Liu Zhang to surrender must have sufficient status, and only Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Zhuge Liang, and Meng Da were sufficient.

Huang Zhong is the main general who attacked Yizhou this time, so it is impossible to risk his own life. Zhuge Liang is too young. Although he has enough status, his reputation is not obvious. As for Meng Da, he may not be able to return after entering Chengdu. Liu Zhang will meet him If he didn't, he was chopped off by the furious crowd.

After all, only Zhao Yun was the most suitable. He was one of the top people in the Liu Bei Group, and he was also a famous general who was famous all over the world. He could completely persuade Liu Zhang to surrender on behalf of Liu Bei.

"No need." Zhuge Liang shook his head and smiled, "We just need to surround Chengdu and put pressure on it, and someone will take over the persuasion."

Everyone was taken aback after hearing this, and quickly realized that there was someone around Liu Zhang who secretly joined Liu Bei. They also knew that after hearing Zhuge Liang's words, they realized that this person's status was not low.

"Siege the city on all sides, and the drums of war will not stop!"

Huang Zhong gave an order, and the army quickly surrounded the four gates of Chengdu to death. At the same time, cavalry were sent to spur horses and gallop, and the drums continued.

Li Hui and others who were in the palace also heard the sound of war drums outside the city, and their faces changed drastically. They did not expect the enemy to attack the city so soon.

"Your Majesty has an edict, all ministers should guard the tower to the death."

A sharp voice broke the calm, and Li Hui, Liu Ba and others rushed out in response to the order to investigate the situation of the city defense.

(End of this chapter)

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