Chapter 510
In this land of China where wars are raging and wars are raging, only Liu Bei is the pure land, and only Liu Bei's people can live and work in peace and contentment.

Liu Bei burned the flames of war outside his territory. Neither Cao Cao nor Sun Quan could enter Liu Bei's territory.

"Brother, after the battle of Yizhou is over, I plan to spend one to two years recuperating."

"Okay!" As soon as Chen Ziming finished speaking, Liu Bei immediately agreed, and his face leaked with excitement, because Liu Bei knew that he was taking the first step to unify the world, and he was about to sweep the world, unify China, end the troubled times, and return the world The common people are in a clear and bright world.

"Ziming, let's do it, we absolutely support it." Liu Bei once again gave Chen Ziming a guarantee that Chen Ziming can do whatever he wants, and the three Liu Bei brothers will serve as Chen Ziming's backing and cut off all obstacles for Chen Ziming.

"The first step is military reform."

Chen Ziming put the first goal on the reform of the army.

"Brother, I plan to increase the number of legions to twenty independent legions."

"No." As soon as Chen Ziming's words fell, Liu Bei's face changed drastically. Twenty legions, 200 million people, can he get so many young and strong people in his territory? I am afraid that it is even more miserable than the people under Cao Cao's current rule.

"Ziming, don't use military force." Guan Yu also frowned and objected, what a joke, 200 million people, Chen Ziming wants to play Liu Bei to death, I am afraid that when the time comes, without Cao Cao and Sun Quan attacking, Liu Bei will mess up here first, and even give himself away. Went out.

"Hehe, big brother, second brother, listen to me." Chen Ziming smiled slightly, and then said: "This accident has given me a lot of experience. We have an army of one million and one hundred thousand soldiers, and only two or three soldiers can be used at critical moments. "

"Now we have an army that is too large, swollen, and inconvenient to mobilize. We should change it."

"Oh, how Ziming wants to rectify, but the conscription is one million, and the eldest brother disagrees." Liu Bei didn't seem to think that he wanted to increase the army, but Liu Bei still vaccinated Chen Ziming in advance. It is impossible to increase the number of troops.

"Brother, don't worry, Ziming's intention is not to increase troops, but to reduce the army." Chen Ziming's words made Liu Bei feel relieved. He can accept the increase of troops. After all, he is now strong and his territory is developing very well. He has the ability to support more people. army.But too much, too much influence, he can't accept it.

"Ziming, I think the current number of troops is just right." As the chief general of the Liu Bei Group and the nominal controller of the army, Guan Yu is very satisfied with the current number of troops, and he thinks that no increase or decrease is necessary.

"Soldiers are not many, but quality. In today's world, Liu Zhang has more than [-] mercenaries, but Liu Zhang does not practice military affairs. The soldiers are weak in battle, and their morale is low. They occupy a dangerous pass, but Sun Quan easily occupies half of Yizhou."

"Sun Quan occupied the fertile land in the east of the Yangtze River and continued to expand southward. He also had about [-] mercenaries. Cao Cao occupied the land of the four states, but only more than [-] soldiers and horses."

"Although the eldest brother dominates half of the world, the combined strength of the sea and land is as high as 140 million, and the three prefectures of Xu, Ji, and Qing have more than [-] troops. However, in this crisis, only tens of thousands of soldiers can be used, and the rest of the army can only defend on the spot. This is a taboo for military strategists."

Chen Ziming also believed that as long as he could afford it and not disrupt the normal production and construction of the territory, the more soldiers and horses the better, and he would have enough strength to sweep Cao Cao and Sun Quan with absolute advantage and rule the world.

But in this crisis, Chen Ziming discovered that Liu Bei had only tens of thousands of soldiers and horses that he could mobilize. Because there were too many soldiers and horses, the consumption of food and grass was terrible, and many troops could not be mobilized because of insufficient food and grass.

Moreover, there are too many soldiers and horses, and the annual military expenditure is an astronomical figure, which even affects local construction. Many advanced soldiers and armors can only be equipped with part of the army because they are expensive to manufacture, and those who go to the battlefield may not necessarily get that part of equipment. An army with advanced armor.

The swelling of the army was too sudden and the problem was too serious. That's why Chen Ziming decided to reform the army and return to the line of elite soldiers instead of blindly expanding the number of troops.

"Brother, the first step in the military reform is to adjust the number of soldiers and horses in the legion. From the original [-] soldiers and horses to [-] soldiers and horses, [-] soldiers and horses are enough for a general battle. If there are too many, it is not conducive to marching and fighting."

The mobilization of [-] troops is horrific in terms of manpower and material resources, but many battles do not require so many troops at all.

"This time there is a lot of downsizing. In fact, after removing the battle damage, it is almost enough to reorganize into twenty 5 legions."

"And the legion is divided into groups again, with ten thousand people as units to garrison each place individually. There is no separate training in wartime, and independent defense zones are established. The legion leader regularly conducts collective training or martial arts exercises for the entire legion. In wartime, he will gather a department and command the expedition."

"There are several advantages to doing this. One is the separation of powers. One person controls too many [-] troops. When the situation is turbulent in the future, this will be an unstable factor."

An army of 10 people is very terrifying. You must know that there are only tens of thousands of people in military-division conflicts on the border. As long as it is not a full-scale attack, an army of more than 10 people will not be dispatched, or even an army of 5 people. Rarely, an army of 10 people often gathers together and gathers in the hands of one person, which is really unnecessary and too dangerous.

"I trust the loyalty of the generals."

Liu Bei frowned, Chen Ziming said too much, but Liu Bei agreed with Chen Ziming's approach in his heart, now a legion general has too many troops in his hands, and now he can hold it back, but as Chen Ziming said, the situation is turbulent, Or in the future, will his descendants be able to hold back these generals?

These generals in charge of the army are likely to become the princes who happened in the end of the Han Dynasty. They support their troops and respect themselves. This kind of thing must never happen again.

"The garrison range of each legion must be stipulated, and it is not allowed to leave its own defense zone without authorization. Each legion is divided into five divisions, which are scattered in various places to guard. Without the order of the military department, the legion is not allowed to assemble without authorization."

"Brother, when the time is right, I want to remove some of the powers of the army commander. For example, the army commander will no longer lead the army personally, but will patrol the various ministries and organize training." Chen Ziming is going to establish a professional general. In addition to being freed from daily training, there is also the reduction of power, and the ones who directly lead the army are only generals with tens of thousands of people.

"Five thousand troops, forming a legion, can be quickly mobilized, and can also be concentrated to fight. It is the most suitable choice at present."

An army of 5 people is also quite a lot, but judging from the current situation, what can 5 people do? In the battle between Liu Bei and Cao Cao, there are hundreds of thousands of troops at every turn. 5 people are currently the most suitable army system, not many, There are not many, and they can fight against [-] enemy troops.

(End of this chapter)

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