Chapter 477 Overall
Hanzhong, Nanzheng City, Nanzheng is now surrounded on all sides, and the Yizhou army has attacked countless times, but they were all repulsed by Huang Zhong who defended the city. Nanzheng is the first city in Hanzhong, and it was built as solid as a gold soup by Zhang Lu. It is definitely a strong city that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Moreover, there are Huang Zhong's [-] elite guards in Nanzheng City, coupled with the young and strong recruits in Nanzheng City to assist in defending the city, and there are countless advanced and sophisticated weapons for defending the city. Such Nanzheng is not so easy to attack. .

"The city was besieged for three months, and there were no fewer than a hundred strong attacks, but there was no way to shake such a fortified city at all."

The veteran Yan Yan who led the Yizhou army to attack Hanzhong was also very helpless. If they could not attack Nanzheng, it would not be considered as occupying Hanzhong.

"General, Nanzheng is surrounded by rocks, the underground road is difficult to dig, and the progress is slow..." The general Zhang Ren has nothing to do, no matter how he calls a war, Huang Zhong will not come out, no matter how he lures the enemy , Nanzheng city gate is not open.

The strong attack can't be attacked, and the enemy army doesn't want to fight, so it's not an option to waste it like this. After all, there is still a strong enemy nearby.

"General, why don't you let Cao's army come to attack the city? Cao's army is well-armed and well-trained. If they attack by force, they will have a great chance of breaking the city." Zhang Ren once again offered advice to Yan Yan, and had to admit that Cao's army's combat effectiveness was indeed in Yizhou. above.

"I waited so hard to besiege Huang Zhong in Nanzheng. Why did Cao Jun take advantage of it? This general has already figured it out. There is not much food and grass in the city. At most one month, the city will collapse without attack." Yan Yan was a soldier all his life, and He will give up at will, and breaking through Nanzheng is equivalent to occupying Hanzhong. How could he give up to Cao Jun.

"General, Cao Cao and Liu Bei are mortal enemies, and Huang Zhong is a fierce tiger. Why don't we back off the road and let Cao and Liu hurt each other, and then we will sit on the fisherman." Zhang Ren didn't want to see the man from Yizhou head-on to Nanzheng again. , speak again.

"You don't need to say too much." Yan Yan looked at Zhang Ren displeasedly, and then said: "The general of this city is bound to win, and I will report to His Majesty with my life."

"Cao Jun hoarded Dingjun Mountain with bad intentions. You can bring [-] elite soldiers to confront it. Don't let Cao Jun take advantage of the loopholes." Impatient Yan Yan transferred Zhang Ren to another. In Yan Yan's view, breaking Nanzheng It's just a matter of time, according to his plan, absolutely right.

Zhang Ren had no choice but to go to Dingjun Mountain with soldiers and horses to confront Wenpin's [-] Cao army.

But Huang Zhong in Nanzheng City soon discovered that Yizhou's soldiers and horses had been mobilized, and immediately went to ask Zhuge Liang for advice.

"There must be a disagreement among the generals in Yizhou, and they don't trust Cao's army. That's why they divided the troops. Don't worry about it. You just need to stick to it, and you can keep Nanzheng worry-free." Zhuge Liang smiled slightly after hearing this, and let Huang Loyalty cannot fight.

"Military Master, I see that Yizhou's troops are mediocre, why don't you let this general fight." The more Huang Zhong thought about it, the more he became impatient, and finally asked the question he had always wanted to ask.

"It is easy to defeat Yizhou, but it is difficult to defend Hanzhong. If Yizhou's soldiers and horses are defeated, Cao Cao's general Wenpin will take the opportunity to attack Nanzheng. Then why will the general block Cao Cao's elite division? Yizhou's soldiers are undefeated, and Cao's army cannot move. The strategy of using the weak to control the strong." Zhuge Liang wanted to use the weaker Yizhou soldiers to stand in front of the Cao army and prevent them from facing the powerful Cao army.

"But it's already March, and the food and grass consumption in the city is very high. When the food and grass in the city are exhausted, how can we stick to this place?" Zhuge Liang always asked him to stick to it, but Huang Zhong was a little impatient and began to put forward different opinions.

"Hehe." Zhuge Liang smiled slightly, as if he couldn't see Huang Zhong's impatience, and said confidently: "I have calculated carefully, the supply of food and grass in the city is based on the head, and it can last for three months."

"After three months, what will happen?" Huang Zhong began to dispatch Zhuge Liang's army.

"Why do you need March? Within two months, the Yizhou army will definitely retreat without a fight, and the Cao army defeated by Wenpin will also withdraw from Hanzhong." Zhuge Liang assured Huang Zhong in an affirmative tone, making Huang Zhong's face changeable. You have to believe what people like Zhuge Liang say.

"Why did the military master dare to make such an assertion?" Huang Zhong was bewildered. What Zhuge Liang said was so mysterious that Huang Zhong, who was a martial artist, couldn't figure it out.

"It was reported a few days ago that Mr. has come to Liangzhou to sit in town. Cao Cao's division of Liangzhou has been broken. Yizhou has a bumper harvest of grain. The shortage of food for the Han has been completed. The emperor can mobilize a million troops of the Han at any time. If Liangzhou cannot be captured within a month, the only option is to retreat."

"Looking at Yizhou again, if I hadn't been exhausted by Cao Cao, how would I have dared to attack the great Han Tianwei. If Cao Cao retreats, Yizhou's soldiers and horses will be alone. If they don't retreat, I will make their entire army wiped out outside Nanzheng City."

"Moreover." Zhuge Liang said here, also a little uncertain: "Yizhou is not without powerful enemies. If I live in Jiangdong and let Sun Quan attack Yizhou, then Yizhou Liu Zhang will have to retreat to protect himself. Great talent, I will not let go of such a good opportunity."

"Sun Quan is a villain repeatedly..." Mentioning Sun Quan, Huang Zhong became angry. Sun Quan and Liu Bei were originally allies, but when the war broke out, Sun Quan sent troops to attack Liu Bei and cooperated with Cao Cao, the arch enemy.

"Hahaha." Zhuge Liang shook his head and said with a smile, "Sun Quan repeated, but it can be used. If he attacks Yizhou, it will help His Majesty take control of Yizhou."

"Oh." When Huang Zhong heard that Liu Bei was able to take control of Yizhou, his eyes flashed, and he hurriedly asked, "Why did the military commander say that?"

"Don't say it, don't say it, you will know when the time comes..."

Huang Zhong had nothing to do about Zhuge Liang's charade, but his mood improved a lot, especially Huang Zhong was very excited when he knew that Liu Bei had the opportunity to take over Yizhou.

In fact, Zhuge Liang is also under great pressure now. Liangzhou and Bingzhou roads are cut off, and Hanzhong is attacked by powerful enemies. If Chen Ziming can't stop Cao Cao and Liangzhou is taken by Cao Cao, then there is no need for Hanzhong to hold on.

Once Liangzhou is lost and Hanzhong is isolated, at that time it will be said that every day should not be done, and the land will not work. No matter how strong Nanzheng is, without foreign aid and without hope, Nanzheng's destruction is inevitable.

Of course, if Chen Ziming blocks Cao Cao's offensive and defends Liangzhou, then their defense is necessary. If Nanzheng is not defeated, Hanzhong will be firmly in their hands. Cao Cao retreats, and the troops who come to attack Hanzhong have no hope of victory. The only option is to retreat.

At this time, it was the battlefield of Liangzhou, which is now the Battle of Qinchuan, that decided the victory of this great battle. Cao Cao's army of 20 was hoarded outside Qinchuan City, while Chen Ziming commanded [-] soldiers and horses in Qinchuan City .

A battle that will determine the battle for the north is about to begin. Cao Cao wins, Liangzhou falls into Cao Cao's hands, and Hanzhong cannot be kept by the way.

If Chen Ziming wins, a large-scale battle will slowly fade away. Everything depends on the battle of Qinchuan.

(End of this chapter)

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