Chapter 286 Procrastination
Chapter 290 Eight Procrastination

In the event of a war, the commander-in-chief of the theater is the supreme commander, and all armies must listen to him. If a larger-scale war occurs, Liu Bei and the military department will designate the supreme commander to lead the soldiers and horses of other military regions to coordinate operations.

Now Liu Bei has many generals in his hands, and there are more than 20 top generals, let alone second- and third-rate generals, there are even more.In particular, most of Yuan Shao's military generals have now surrendered to Liu Bei.

As for Guo Jia and the others, of course Chen Ziming would not let them do clerical work.

Therefore, Chen Ziming gathered these top advisers and established a department similar to the staff department. They are now directly under Liu Bei, planning the strategic deployment of all parties, and they are also involved in the planning of government affairs, but they are just giving Liu Bei some advice.

Their treatment and status are very high. They are definitely the best group of people in the Liu Bei Group, and their talents are qualified to be treated like this.

Liu Bei proclaimed himself emperor and announced it to the world. Of course, this world is only the land of eight states under Liu Bei's rule, but it is enough, and it has already occupied half of the big man.

After it was announced to the world, another news came out, that is, Yizhou Mu Liuzhang also proclaimed himself emperor and established the Shuhan Kingdom. Below, stand up and down.

At the same time, Liu Bei announced to the world in the name of the Son of Heaven that Liu Zhang's claim to be emperor violated the ancestral system and was actually a rebellious minister. Cao Cao and Sun Ce did not obey the emperor's order, but were rebellious ministers and traitors.

At the same time, Liu Zhang of the Shu Han Dynasty also issued a notice, saying that Liu Bei did not obey the emperor's order, separated one side, had the heart of a chaotic minister, and ordered the world to discuss it.

Cao Cao and Sun Ce responded one after another, leading an army to move closer to Liu Bei, and at the same time lifted the blockade against Liu Bei.

But when they unblocked and were about to see Liu Bei face the world like this, they suddenly found that Liu Bei had also become emperor, and he had won the hearts of the people of eight states, and Liu Bei's army of millions was ready to fight.

"Damn Liu Da'er, what right does he have to be called emperor? He's really a traitor!" Cao Cao was furious. God, his status is much higher than him.

"My lord, please calm down. This must be the plan of Chen Ziming and others. Now things are clear. If Liu Bei does not proclaim himself emperor, he will be a traitor and traitor. Proclaiming emperor is his only way out. I just don't want to, Liu Bei is so fast, and there is no way out." With the support of my lord, General Sun and others, I have won the hearts of the people of the eight prefectures." Xun You immediately comforted Cao Cao.

"Zhicai, what should we do now?" Cao Cao suddenly remembered that when he made this plan, Xi Zhicai did not agree to do so, and asked Cao Cao to either proclaim himself emperor, or find a random Liu family to ascend the throne, otherwise it would be cheap others.

But Cao Cao insisted on going his own way, thinking that Liu Bei was a hypocrite and would never dare to risk the disgrace of the world and establish himself as emperor. As long as Liu Zhang's identity was confirmed, it would be much easier to deal with Liu Bei.

Once Liu Bei lost the hearts of the people and the morale of the army was slackened, he was no match for Cao Cao and Sun Ce at all, but he did not expect that Liu Bei would really declare himself emperor and self-reliance as Xi Zhicai said, and instead slandered them as rebellious officials and traitors.

If he had known that Liu Bei was so decisive, Cao Cao would not have done so.But conversely, Cao Cao had no other choice. He had already received the news that Liu Bei was preparing for battle and would call at any time.

With his current strength, although he has the confidence to compete with Liu Bei, after all, Liu Bei has too much power over Cao Cao, and Cao Cao is unwilling to take the risk of a battle, so he can only use this strategy to break Liu Bei's army.

"My lord, it seems that Liu Bei has won the hearts of the people, and the attack must not be done. Let Liu Zhang send envoys to Linzi to discuss with Liu Bei the orthodoxy of the great man in the world." Xi Zhicai didn't because Cao Cao didn't listen to him at the beginning. He was angry with admonitions, but calmly planned for Cao Cao.

"Miao, in this way, Liu Bei and Liu Zhang are involved with each other. We can take this opportunity to send troops to take down Jingzhou and Liangzhou." Cheng Yu's eyes lit up when he heard Xi Zhicai's words, and immediately knew that this was an opportunity.

"Very good. Lao Gongda went to Chengdu and told Liu Zhang that he was great. Let him send capable people to Linzi to hold Liu Bei back and buy time for our army to go out." Cao Cao immediately nodded in agreement and sent Xun You to Chengdu.

"My lord." Xi Zhicai continued, "Jingzhou is a rich land, and Sun Ce has been spying on it for a long time. If the lord's army attacks Jingzhou, it will definitely conflict with Sun Ce, which is not conducive to the alliance."

Xi Zhicai paused for a while, then continued: "My lord, you can send someone to discuss with Sun Ce to attack Jingzhou together. Whoever occupies the land will belong to him. One is not to offend Sun Ce, the other is to reduce the casualties of our army, and the third is to say Prepare to attack Liangzhou in the future, once the Lord sends troops to attack Liangzhou, let Sun Ce send troops to Xuzhou to attract Liu Bei's attention."

"Zhicai is really my Zhang Liang." After hearing Xi Zhicai's plan, Cao Cao happily pulled Xi Zhicai and said.

As Xi Zhicai said, Liu Zhang excluded the envoys to Linzi with great fanfare. What he said was to discuss who is the orthodox Han, and the other person should abdicate from the throne and can be named king.

Chen Ziming and others saw at a glance that this was a delaying strategy, preventing Liu Bei from sending troops to attack Cao Cao and Sun Ce.

Because after Liu Zhang proclaimed himself emperor, he appointed Cao Cao as prime minister and Sun Ce as general, that is to say, both of them were ministers of Shu Han, and both of their territories belonged to Shu Han. If Liu Bei attacked them, it would be a war with Shu Han.

Although Liu Bei is not afraid of the so-called Shu Han, but now they send people to resolve the dispute between the two Han dynasties peacefully. If Liu Bei still sends troops because of this fact, it is deliberately provoking war and trapping the Han Dynasty in the fire.

Chen Ziming and others had no choice but to fight with Liu Zhang's mission, but in Chen Ziming's view, it didn't matter, as long as Cao Cao didn't occupy Yizhou, it would be easy to deal with.

Once Cao Cao takes the action to occupy Yizhou, Chen Ziming will definitely persuade Liu Bei, and the army will attack in an all-round way to eradicate this traitor and traitor for the Shu Han, and start the pace of unifying the world.

Now that it is a matter between two countries, it cannot be messed up, and one must be famous for sending troops.Therefore, while the army is preparing for war, the infrastructure construction in various places is accelerating.

Invest a lot of money to develop the land of eight states under Liu Bei's rule, wait for the time is right, and kill Cao Cao and Sun Ce with thunderous means.

As for increasing troops, it is impossible. After all, there are only more than 2000 million people under Liu Bei's rule, and maintaining 120 million soldiers and horses is already the limit, and construction in various places requires a lot of young and strong labor.

(End of this chapter)

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