Chapter 220

"Brother, what happened?" Chen Ziming walked into the meeting hall, the hall was already full of people, Liu Bei sat at the head, all the high-level officials in Linzi City were present, and everyone's faces were full of suspicion , the atmosphere in the room was bleak, and something great must have happened in Chen Ziming's place.

"Ziming, take a seat first, Gongtai, everyone is here, let's talk." Liu Bei first pointed to the seat beside him for Chen Ziming to sit down, and then realized that Chen Gong could start.

"I just received an urgent report from Xuzhou's dark guards. Half a month ago, the typhoid disaster that occurred at the junction of Yuzhou and Xuzhou mainly originated in Peijun, Yuzhou. Now it has broken out on a large scale. Cao Cao in Yuzhou sent a large army to block Peijun. Xuzhou Xushu also Send a large army to block the main road from Pei County to Xuzhou.

However, typhoid fever spread very quickly, and people with typhoid fever were occasionally found in Xuzhou, which caused great panic. "Chen Gong briefly explained the matter.

"Typhoid fever!" Chen Ziming was shocked. Typhoid fever can also be called plague. It is an absolutely terrifying disaster. For people of this era, it is completely fatal.

"Three months ago, Cao Cao and Yuan Shu fought in Peijun, Yuzhou. There were nearly 50 troops on both sides. It’s hot, so typhoid fever should strike everyone.” Chen Gong continued to add the cause of typhoid fever.

"Ziming, Mr. Yuanhua has developed a cure for typhoid fever. Can Mr. Yuanhua go to Xuzhou to treat the common people?" Liu Bei knew that Chen Ziming had found a god-level figure to sit in Linzi Medical College, and he had also developed a cure. The method of typhoid fever was still a sensation at that time.

"Typhoid fever is divided into many diseases, and there is not one medicine that can cure it, but Mr. Yuanhua can go to Xuzhou to preside over the treatment of typhoid fever." Plague is not so simple that a single side drug can solve it. SARS, plague, smallpox, Influenza and the like can all be called plagues, and the bacteria that cause the symptoms are changeable, easily mutated, and very difficult to treat.

"Brother, typhoid fever must be treated as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable." Chen Ziming looked serious. In this age, the awareness of prevention of the plague is poor, and he has no resistance at all.

"Ziming, what should we do now?" Liu Bei was also worried. There have been many typhoid fever disasters in history, and every time, people were devastated and corpses were scattered everywhere, causing panic in the world.

"Immediately isolate all those who have typhoid fever or who may have typhoid fever, and do not contact the outside world. All dead bodies should be burned immediately and buried deep in the ground.

Second, mobilize all the medicinal materials needed by Mr. Yuanhua and go to Xuzhou. Once Mr. Yuanhua is diagnosed, he will start treatment immediately.

Third, the areas where typhoid fever occurs and its surrounding areas are under martial law, and no one is allowed to go to other areas to strictly prevent the typhoid fever from spreading.

Third, closely monitor other places to prevent gossip from causing confusion.

Fourth, send people to various places to contact the princes from all walks of life to demand doctors and medicinal materials. The medicinal materials from Qingzhou and other places are absolutely not enough to face the typhoid fever in a county. "

Chen Ziming immediately put forward four points, which can be done now. There is no way to control the spread of typhoid fever. The most is to reduce the speed and scope of the spread.

The army can guard the main roads, but they are completely powerless against the deep mountains, old forests and the sky. Those animals are the most terrifying source of transmission today.

"Very good! Come here, order!
Mr. Ling Yuanhua led all the doctors in Qingzhou and Xuzhou to treat typhoid fever.

Order all localities to immediately mobilize all the medicinal materials Mr. Yuanhua needs and go to Xiapi, Xuzhou.

Order the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to immediately send envoys to various places to contact the princes from all walks of life and ask for help.

Order the Xuzhou army to blockade all places, do not let the typhoid fever continue to spread, and everyone in the affected area is not allowed to leave without authorization. Those who disobey will be killed!

Order the local governments to monitor everywhere, and if anyone dares to spread rumors and cause riots, kill them! "

Liu Bei didn't ask the people below for any opinions. The points given by Chen Ziming were enough, and he immediately ordered the people below to take action.

"Ziming, I want to go to Xuzhou to sit in the town in person, so as to reassure the army and the people." After everyone left, Liu Bei said to Chen Ziming who was beside him.

"Brother, I have no objection to going to Xuzhou in person, but the premise is that we must wait until Yuanhua has now confirmed an effective prescription to treat typhoid fever.

And, brother, there are more important things waiting for you to do yourself. "Chen Ziming also thinks that Liu Bei's going to Xuzhou is also good. Liu Bei's going to Xuzhou in person is a hundred times more effective for stabilizing the people and the army than anything else, and it can also boost morale and win people's hearts.

"What else do I need to do now?" Liu Bei was puzzled, what else is more important than disaster relief.

"Brother, we just went through a big war this year, and the treasury was exhausted. Besides money and food, there are not many medicinal materials left. Now there is another natural disaster, and all parties need countless money." Chen Ziming said here, embarrassed Looking at Liu Bei, there is really no way, now that the plague is together, it is another pit that cannot be filled.

"I understand, I'll have people call the big families and merchants in Linzi City immediately, I don't want to lose face, and I want to get the money needed for disaster relief." Liu Bei immediately knew what Chen Ziming said, money, no money, anything no.

"Mr. Yuanhua, please take care of everything." The army set out to escort Hua Tuo and all the doctors of Linzi Medical College to Xuzhou to treat typhoid fever. Liu Bei took many officials to see him off at the gate of Linzi City.

"Uncle, don't worry, I will do my best." Hua Tuo didn't talk much, time waited for no one, and he had a deep understanding of how terrifying typhoid fever is. Although he got the main prescription for treating typhoid fever from Chen Ziming, what medicinal materials are needed? He still needs to go to the diagnosis in person to confirm.

The army set off soon, with Zhang Fei personally leading the army, followed by Chen Gong, with 500 soldiers and horses escorting more than [-] doctors and more than [-] carts of medicinal materials.

If it hadn't been for more than half a year of fighting, the medicinal materials stored in Linzi would have been extremely consumed, otherwise it would be no problem to gather a thousand carts of medicinal materials.

"Everything comes together, it's really old fashioned." Chen Ziming looked helpless as he watched the mighty team leave the city. The defense of Youzhou consumed all of Liu Bei's family property, and now the plague broke out again, and it spread to Xuzhou.

Fortunately, Chen Ziming had the foresight to teach Hua Tuo many methods of dealing with the plague, and he also trained thousands of doctors who had professional training.

However, in the face of such a large-scale plague, the manpower and material resources are obviously insufficient. You must know that the plague area is a county, with a large population, and it is still spreading to the surroundings.

"Brother, Mr. Yuanhua said that there are absolutely not enough medicinal materials, and we need to collect a large amount of medicinal materials. In addition, there are not enough doctors. Can all the military doctors be transferred to Xuzhou?" Chen Ziming came to Liu Bei and asked Liu Bei softly.

"Order all the military doctors to go to Xuzhou and accept Mr. Yuanhua's deployment." Liu Bei agreed to Chen Ziming's proposal without thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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