Chapter 170

Soon, Chen Ziming began to make arrangements for the defense of Youzhou. He had summoned all the generals from all over the country to Xinchang. This battle was very important and there must be no negligence.

"General Huang Zhong, you lead [-] troops to fight Yuan Shao's army, you only need to hold back Yuan Shao's troops until I have dealt with the three tribes in the north, and then I will deal with him later.

Remember, you can't go head-to-head with him, you can retreat while fighting, Guangyang County, Zhuo County, Yuyang County, and Shanggu County can all be surrendered to Yuan Shao.

However, they must not be brought into Daijun, nor should they be allowed to harass Macheng. Yuan Shao must be held back for five months. . "

"If!" After Chen Ziming finished speaking, Huang Zhong immediately went out to take orders.

Chen Ziming decided to let Huang Zhong hold Yuan Shao back, and give up a few counties to make Yuan Shao proud for a while, and then settle accounts with Yuan Shao. After all, Yuan Shao is the strongest, and he will never do anything to harm the people of Youzhou, after all In Yuan Shao's view, Youzhou is already his territory.

"General Xu Huang, you immediately rush to Gaoxian City in Xuantu County, and defend the city. The [-] soldiers and horses you trained are for your use. Remember, you must stick to Gaoxian City for two months. Don't let Goguryeo's soldiers and soldiers be too high. Obviously." Chen Ziming looked at Xu Huang, and a stern look flashed in his eyes.

Goguryeo is not like Yuan Shao, Chen Ziming has to keep Goguryeo out of Youzhou, otherwise wherever the Goguryeo army goes, it must be a hell on earth.

"The city is alive, but the city is lost!" Xu Huang stood up and accepted the order firmly.

"No, what I want is that the city is there and the people are there, and the city is also there when the people are lost, because there are countless Han people behind you. You must use your flesh and blood to protect the Han people behind you."

Chen Ziming gave Xu Huang a death order, and Gao Xiancheng must not be lost, otherwise, even if he finally defeated Goguryeo, the Goguryeo army's plunder of the people in Youzhou would be irreversible.

Even if it means sacrificing all the soldiers and horses defending Goguryeo, even if Xu Huang's life is lost, Goguryeo must be defended. War will kill people.

"If the city is there and the people are there, the city is also there if the people are lost!" Xu Huang responded loudly.

"General Zhao Yun, have your soldiers and horses been prepared?" Chen Ziming turned to look at Zhao Yun.

"Sir, my army is all on standby. Our sharp arrows are already extremely sharp. Please give me an order!" Zhao Yun stood up and took orders.

"Very good. According to the original plan, you will lead [-] light cavalry to bypass Wuheng and go south, and go deep into the grassland where Wuwangting is located. I don't need any prisoners!" Chen Ziming turned coldly at Zhao Yun with murderous eyes.

"If, I will lead Qingqi to kill Wuheng King's Court with blood flowing like rivers!" Zhao Yun responded sharply.

"Zilong, remember, you will go deep with your own army. Although Wuheng's army is not there, the Wuheng people are excellent cavalry when they mount their horses. They must not be exposed easily, and they must not love to fight." Chen Ziming had to remind Zhao Yun again, after all, the long-distance raid It is too dangerous, if you are not careful, you will never return.

"Military commander, don't worry, the location of King Wuheng's court is already in my mind, and the Qingqi I led, no one can follow." Zhao Yun said very confidently.

"Well, Wuheng King's Court is just your first step. After the bloodbath of Wuheng King's Court, you will lead the army to go straight west and enter Goguryeo from Wuheng. Within two months, the army will reach the capital of Goguryeo, Marutu, and try to break through the city. Capture the Goguryeo royal family and all high-ranking officials and nobles." Chen Ziming continued to give Zhao Yun another unimaginable task.

After rushing to Wuheng King's Court, Zhao Yun's mission was not over, but he needed to continue the long-distance raid, the capital of Koguryo in another direction, Wandu. !
"Military commander, don't worry, I will remember the route to Wandu, and I will definitely not disappoint the military adviser." Zhao Yun is full of confidence, because the light cavalry he built with his own hands makes him very confident.

"If this battle is won, your light cavalry will be the first." Chen Ziming nodded to Zhao Yun. If he wanted to solve the three northern tribes as soon as possible, Chen Ziming could only come up with this dangerous and crazy plan.

Chen Ziming ordered Zhao Yun to form this light cavalry for this strategic mission.

A long-distance raid is easy to say, but if you don't pay attention, the raiding army will be wiped out at any time.

Hiding the figure all the way, eating and drinking all the way are difficult problems, and on the boundless grassland, you may lose your way at any time, and if you can't complete the set task on time, the effect will be much smaller.

The most difficult thing is how to reach the destination safely, because once the Wuheng people find out, they will desperately entangle Zhao Yun's soldiers and horses until Zhao Yun's army is wiped out.

"The rest of the generals will lead the army and go north with me to Rangping City to fight against Wu Heng's soldiers. I want Wu Heng to know that even though the big man is in internal turmoil, he is not qualified to bully him." Chen Ziming faced the remaining generals Said in a cold voice.


Zhang Fei, Gan Ning, Gao Shun and others who had not yet received separate orders came out to receive orders.

After Chen Ziming's order was given, everyone couldn't calm down for a long time. When they formed their own troops, they all vaguely guessed what their mission was.

But for Zhao Yun to lead the light cavalry to attack Wuheng King's Court and the capital of Goguryeo, this crazy and dangerous plan, only after Zhao Yun completed the formation of the light cavalry, Chen Ziming discussed with Zhao Yun alone.

Now the whole north is a chessboard, and Chen Ziming is playing games on this huge chessboard.

It's a pity that none of the several enemy troops is qualified to be Chen Ziming's opponent.

If Yuan Shao asked Tian Feng to be his military adviser, it might pose a great threat to Chen Ziming
, but now God is helping Chen Ziming.

Yuan Shao is also looking for a dead end, even abandoning such a pervert as Tian Feng, and using a villain like Guo Tu instead.

Who is Guo Tu?Playing power tricks is fine, but such high-IQ things as marching and setting up an army seem to have nothing to do with him. If he is asked to make suggestions, it will only make people laugh. This is why Chen Ziming asked Huang Zhong to hold Yuan Shao back.

Chen Ziming believed that with Huang Zhong's ability, it would be no problem to hold back the brainless Yuan Shao's army.

Originally, the judges and judges around Yuan Shao were very powerful advisers, but unfortunately Yuan Shao's military adviser was Guo Tu, Chen Ziming believed that Guo Tu would solve the danger of these two for Huang Zhong.

How could Guo Tu let others behave in front of Yuan Shao? Isn't that stealing his job?

What Chen Ziming is worried about now is Tian Feng who is in Bingzhou. Without Yuan Shao by his side, Tian Feng can use his strategy better.

Moreover, Tian Feng has been an important minister by Yuan Shao's side for a long time, and he has made great achievements many times, and his prestige is quite high. He can definitely mobilize some soldiers and horses in Bingzhou without benefiting from Yuan Shao.

It would be fun if Tian Feng gave Chen Ziming a hard time at a critical moment.

"Report, Qingzhou urgent report."

The army was about to set off, and at a critical moment, Chen Ziming received an urgent report from Qingzhou. No need to read it, Chen Ziming knew that the urgent report was from Liu Bei.

(End of this chapter)

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