The First Military Division of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 135 The Death of the White Horse

Chapter 135 The Death of the White Horse
It was the army of Liaodong Hou Gongsundu who came to support Gongsun Zan.


The shouts of killing were getting closer and closer, Wen Chou's army began to riot, and Wen Chou became more and more anxious.

"Come on, stop them for me!" Wen Chou hurriedly sent people to block Gongsun Du's army, but unfortunately Gongsun Yue didn't give them a chance. The two armies were fighting together, but now Gongsun Yue brought people to entangle him. It is impossible to separate an army to block Gongsun Du.

"General, don't fight for a long time, withdraw!" The judge finally found Wen Chou and hurriedly asked Wen Chou to withdraw.

"Withdraw!" Wen Chou was helpless, now his soldiers were very exhausted, and their morale had been greatly lost, and there was no chance of winning.

When Wen Chou gave an order, the army turned around and ran away. There was no formation or blocking troops at all.

"General, send someone to kill the empress!" The judge was shocked, he didn't expect Wen Chou's order to be so thorough that he didn't arrange for the empress general.

"It's too late!" The judge looked back, and now it was still possible for people to break up, and they were all running away desperately. The judge had no choice but to ride a horse and follow Wen Chou, and now it was Wen Chou who was the safest.


"Kill all the enemy troops!"

Gongsun Yue and Gongsun Du's army chased and killed them for dozens of miles and captured countless.

Wen Chou's army suffered a disastrous defeat, 20 Bingzhou elites, and in the end there were only more than [-] people left, and they had completely lost the power to fight Gongsun Yue's army again.

Reluctantly, Wen Chou obeyed the judge's opinion, gathered soldiers and horses from all over the country, and slowly withdrew from the land of Youzhou. At the same time, he quickly reported to Yuan Shao.

"Kill me! Kill them!"

At this time, Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao were engaged in a life-and-death battle. Gongsun Zan's [-] white horse righteous men fought against Yuan Shao's general Qu Yi's [-] first-ascending dead soldiers.

"Hold on, shoot!"

Qu Yi was one of the [-] Xiandeng dead men, and calmly commanded the [-] Xiandeng dead men to fight against Baima Yicong.

"How is it possible, Baima Yicong, kill me!"

Under Qu Yi's command, Baima Yicong kept falling off his horse and reducing his number of men. In the army, Gongsun Zan, who had unshakable faith in Baima Yicong, was taken aback. At the same time, because he trusted Baima Yicong too much, he did not give orders when the attack was unfavorable. Retreat, but ordered to continue the attack.

"Hmph! Courting death!" Seeing Bai Ma Yicong rushing up again, Qu Yi's eyes turned cold, and the massacre started again.

"Hold on, keep shooting!" Qu Yi commanded the Xiandeng dead men to continue shooting the Baima Yicong who rushed up. Although the eight hundred Xiandeng dead men were also reduced a lot, under Qu Yi's command, there was no chaos and chaos. rout.

"Damn it! Baima Yicong, continue to attack!" Gongsun Zan was furious, three thousand against eight hundred, but failed to defeat the opponent, and ordered Baima Yicong to launch a death charge.

"Hahaha, Baima Yicong is nothing more than an ear." Yuan Shao, who was in the army, saw that Baima Yicong was dying continuously, and the [-] Xiandeng soldiers led by Qu Yi were steadily blocking Baima Yicong, and he was very excited.

"My lord, in this battle, there is no threat from Baima Yicong. The morale of Gongsun Zan's army has dropped greatly. If all the troops come out, Gongsun Zan can be defeated!" Tian Feng immediately reminded Yuan Shao to seize such a good opportunity.

"Okay, come here, pass the order! After Baima Yicong is defeated, the army will attack Gongsun Zan!" Yuan Shao is very excited now, he can finally kill Gongsun Zan, and the whole Youzhou belongs to him.

"Ah! My white horse righteousness!" No miracle happened, the white horse righteousness was no longer majestic, and now there are only sparse white horses neighing in the battlefield, mourning for their masters.

"My lord, the morale of our army has been lost. We should retreat and fight again in the future!" Tian Yu, who was beside Gongsun Zan, immediately spoke to Gongsun Zan.

"No, I want to avenge Baima Yicong! Fight Yuan Benchu ​​to the death!" Gongsun Zan, who was already furious, could not listen to Tian Yu's good words, and ordered the army to attack Yuan Shao's formation.

"Gongsun Bosui courts death!" Seeing Gongsun Zan attacking him first, Yuan Shao's eyes sharpened, and at the same time he ordered the army to attack, and a decisive battle with Gongsun Zan's army.

"Gongsun Zan has been defeated, and the land of Youzhou belongs to the lord." Xu You could tell at a glance that the morale of Gongsun Zan's army was low and there was no fighting spirit. How could it be the opponent of Yuan Shao's army.

Once Gongsun Zan's army was defeated, no one in Youzhou would be able to stop Yuan Shao's army. There was no doubt that Youzhou was already in Yuan Shao's pocket.

"Hahaha! Live Gongsun Zan for me!" Yuan Shao laughed happily when he heard Xu You's words, occupying Youzhou, who is his opponent in the whole world.


Qu Yi left behind the mortally wounded Xiandeng dead soldiers, and followed the army to rush towards Gongsun Zan's army. He wanted to personally capture or kill Gongsun Zan, which was an astonishing feat.

"Kill me!"

Gongsun Zan rode a white horse and wore white armor. He took the lead and rushed into Yuan Shao's army. He was extremely brave, which slightly boosted the morale of Gongsun Zan's army.

"Gongsun Zan, take your life!" Qu Yi finally found Gongsun Zan, and excitedly rode forward to kill him.

"Hmph!" Gongsun Zan also recognized the general who commanded eight hundred Xiandeng dead men to shoot and kill his three thousand white horse followers. The enemy was extremely jealous when he saw him, and rushed towards Qu Yi with his gun.



The two fought together, and no one around them could get close to the battle circle between them.



Qu Yi is very brave, but Gongsun Zan is not bad, otherwise he wouldn't be famous.

It was difficult to distinguish between the two for a while, but the victory and defeat of the two armies were already divided. Gongsun Zan's army was no match for Yuan Shao's army. All along, Gongsun Zan had relied on three thousand white horses to fight against Yuan Shao's army. It was a loss of morale, how could it be possible to resist Yuan Shao's army.

"General, don't fight anymore, retreat!" Tian Yu found Gongsun Zan who was fighting fiercely. Now the army has suffered heavy losses, and if they don't retreat, the entire army will be wiped out.


Gongsun Zan was furious, knocked Qu Yi back with one blow, turned around and rode away. He also realized that the general situation was over, and it was pointless to continue fighting.

"Where to go, look at the arrow!" Seeing Gongsun Zan running far away, Qu Yi raised the longbow hanging on the horse's back, and shot an arrow at Gongsun Zan.



Qu Yi shot Gongsun Zan in the back shoulder with an arrow. Gongsun Zan screamed in pain and almost fell off his horse.Gongsun Zan's personal guards hurried forward to surround him and retreated slowly.

"Follow me, kill Gongsun Zan's troops! Live Gongsun Zan!" Seeing Gongsun Zan's army retreating, Yuan Shao shouted excitedly, and finally killed Gongsun Zan whom he hated so much.

Yuan Shao had long been displeased with this concubine Gongsun Zan, who often showed off in white clothes in front of him. A concubine deserved to be equal to him, and today he was finally able to vent his anger.

Just as Yuan Shao had won a decisive victory, he was in a good mood to drink and celebrate with many civil and military officials in the big tent. At this time, the messenger of Wen Chou arrived.


"General, General Wen Chou urgently reports!" The news of Wen Chou's defeat finally reached Yuan Shao, and it arrived at the time of Yuan Shao's victory.

"What?! A [-] elite army suddenly appeared in the north and defeated Wen Chou's department!" Yuan Shao was shocked after reading the content. Wen Chou was defeated and suffered heavy losses, and he was retreating to Bingzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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