Chapter 105

"My lord, Liu Bei's troops stationed in Jinan and Xi'an should launch an attack on Taishan County. What Liu Bei's army is doing now should be to hold back the Lord's army, so that the other Jinan and Xi'an soldiers and horses can take Taishan County smoothly." out the final result.

"I mean, I don't care about Liu Bei going south to send troops to Pi, but should I immediately return to reinforce Taishan County?" Cao Cao doesn't want to retreat now, as long as he defeats Liu Bei, then the rich Xuzhou will be his, and he will ask for troops at that time You have soldiers, you want money, you have money, you have two states, you are not afraid of Liu Bei, and you are not afraid of Yuan Shao who is about to occupy two states.

"No, if it is true as I said, I am afraid that Mount Tai will be lost, and it will be too late to return the troops, and how can Liu Bei let the lord's army go back smoothly. All this is my guess. If there is nothing wrong with Mount Tai, that would be the best. If Mount Tai is lost , I’m afraid it will be difficult to take back the Lord’s army when they go back, Liu Bei must have a strategy to defend the Lord’s army back to help.” Xi Zhicai shook his head, objecting to returning to Mount Tai now.

"Also, don't ignore the soldiers and horses going south to Xiapi. If the Lord doesn't send troops to stop them, the [-] soldiers and horses will definitely go straight to Xiapi. In this way, General Xiahou of Xiapi and his [-] soldiers and horses will be in danger. " Xi Zhi thought for a while, and still thought that he should send troops to stop Liu Bei's [-] soldiers and horses.

"Zhicai, what should I do now?" Cao Cao was stunned, you said for a long time, this will not work, that will not work, you must give me a feasible solution.

"My lord, the matter of Taishan County is beyond our reach. My lord can send a general to lead troops and horses to garrison the south city of Jiyin County. First, the south city is the retreat route of our army, and it is where the grain road is. Second, if Mount Tai is really lost, it can stop the enemy. The army and horses continue to advance westward to protect Yanzhou."

"As for the battle of Xuzhou, my lord can send [-] troops to ambush in Qiuling to prevent Guan Hai's troops from going to Xiapi, and send another [-] troops behind to guard against Zhao Yun's troops. If there is a chance, we can annihilate Guan Hai. Hai and Zhao Yun's soldiers and horses are used to eliminate Liu Bei's troops."

"As for Liu Bei's army coming to Steroid Hill, the battle in Xuzhou cannot be delayed any longer. The battle should be decided quickly. My lord can take this opportunity to have a decisive battle with Liu Bei's army. However, my lord has [-] troops in Xiapi, [-] troops in Pengcheng, and [-] troops to stop Guan Hai and Zhao Yun's troops. When the time comes, you can gather troops to attack Liu and force them to withdraw from Xuzhou." Xi Zhicai finally suggested that since tricks are useless, then come in a fair manner and see who has the most troops.

"The strategy of Zhicai is very good." After hearing Xi Zhicai's words, Cao Cao narrowed his eyes and made a decision.

"Decree! Cao Ren, Bo County, Mount Tai, immediately send the battle report of Mount Tai. If there is no war, we should take strict precautions and report every three days."

"Decree! Cao Chun's department in Pengcheng can go north to Nancheng to ensure that there is nothing wrong behind me!"

"Order! Xiahouyuan Xiapi, break through Xiapi city as soon as possible, and capture Tao Qian's family alive for me. I will kill Tao Qian's family alive to avenge my father and brother!"

"Order! Ma Yan led [-] troops to fall on Qiuling, and Cao Xiu led [-] troops behind, looking for an opportunity to wipe out Guan Hai and Zhao Yun's troops! If there is no opportunity to fight, return to Steo Hill and fight with me immediately!"

"Heading! All the remaining troops in the city of Steroids come out to face Liu Bei's army!"

Cao Cao's military order was issued, and the soldiers sent out everywhere. All the troops in Cao Cao's hands were mobilized immediately, and began to prepare for the last battle in Xuzhou.

"Zhicai, what is the outcome of this battle?" After all the generals went to prepare, only Cao Cao and Xi Zhicai were left in the meeting hall.Cao Cao, who had a mighty and domineering face at the beginning, now has no confidence at all.

"My lord, no matter how we win or lose, we don't have time to waste in Xuzhou. My lord needs to get out of Xuzhou within one month and fully defend Jizhou Yuan Shao."

"According to the time calculation, Yuan Shao may have gone down to the entire territory of Bingzhou. Yuan Shao has hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses. If he doesn't go north to Youzhou, he will go south to Yanzhou. As for going west to Qingzhou, Liu Bei has been prepared for a long time, and he will not touch it."

"However, with Tian Yuanhao's talent, how can we not see that the land of Youzhou has become Yuan Shao's pocket, and he can take it at any time. However, the Lord and Liu Bei are rare heroes at that time. They are powerful and have unlimited potential. Now Yanzhou is empty. , Tian Yuanhao will definitely speak to Yuan Shao, attack the land of Yanzhou, get rid of the lord and then quickly, with Yuan Shao's nature, he will definitely send troops to Yanzhou, so we must guard against it."

"Although Xuzhou is a fertile land, it is surrounded by strong enemies. If the lord wins it, it will be good. However, a large number of soldiers and horses need to be deployed to defend Qingzhou Liu Bei, Yuzhou Yuan Shu, and Sun Jian who is about to take over Yangzhou! Concentrate the army to prevent Yuan Shao from Jizhou from attacking Yanzhou."

"If nothing can be done, it is absolutely necessary to give Xuzhou to Liu Bei. At that time, Liu Bei, who is sitting in the land of the two states, will become a thorn in Yuan Shao's eyes and will be attacked by Yuan Shao with all his strength. However, the land of Xuzhou is surrounded by all sides. The enemy, with Liu Bei's current strength, will be able to deal with it, and it will be difficult to protect himself."

"And my lord can withdraw from Yanzhou and wait for the right time to repair the army. If Liu Bei and Yuan Shao are injured, my lord can take the land of Qingzhou in the west, and go to Fucang in Xuzhou in the south."

"My lord's great enemy is Liu Bei'er, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu and others who have inherited the kindness of their ancestors, but they have no talent, no virtue, and short-sighted people. Don't worry about it. With the lord's talent, they will be defeated in the future. .”

Because of the arrival of Chen Ziming, the first huge change in history occurred. Sun Jian did not die in battle, but led many generals under him to start the road to hegemony. His goal was Yangzhou, a rich but not very powerful state.

Now that Sun Jian took over half of Yangzhou's territory in one fell swoop when the princes from all walks of life couldn't get away, Liu Yao, the state herdsman of Yangzhou, was simply a showman and not Sun Jian's opponent at all.

As for Liu Biao of Jingzhou, he was able to prevent Sun Jian from taking control of Yangzhou. Kuai Yue, his counselor, suggested that Liu Biao send troops to attack Sun Jian's troops and take Yangzhou to the world.

However, Liu Biao never sent troops on the grounds that he was a relative of the Han family and could not seek the land of his fellow clan Liu Yao. This made Liu Biao the first to lose the qualification to fight for world hegemony.

"A military commander said, I have learned a lot. Winning or losing is beneficial to me. Why don't you give it a go, but you need to leave a way out. If you lose, let my army retreat safely." Cao Cao listened to Xi Zhicai's analysis, With a confident smile on his face, there is nothing to worry about with such a big talent by his side to help him.

"Hehe, my lord's intentions are very good. I can order a general to ambush on Liushan. If I lose, my lord can retreat safely." Xi Zhicai said to Cao Cao with a smile.

"Pass down my military order! Order General Jiao Chu to order [-] troops from Cao Xiu to lie down on Liushan Mountain and protect our army from retreating." Cao Cao immediately sent a general to lead the troops away.

Now he no longer has the will to win Xuzhou, and he doesn't care about the upcoming decisive battle. It doesn't matter if he fails, the land of Xuzhou will still be his sooner or later.

(End of this chapter)

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