The exclusive rich family's shock marriage

Chapter 491: Gossip is flying everywhere

Chapter 491: Gossip is flying everywhere (5)
Ding Susu couldn't help but said: "If you make the sweater yourself, even if you wear a beggar's outfit, Ah Xiao is willing to wear it."

Ye Fusang glanced at Ding Susu with a smile, and said: "Okay, then my husband is blessed, I must help him with a big beggar's outfit, and let him wear it out, and the rate of return is 100% high."

An aunt outside the children's room knocked on the door: "Ma'am."

Ding Susu and Ye Fusang looked up at the same time, Ding Susu glanced at Ye Fusang, then stood up and patted her on the shoulder, "It must be that there is not enough food in the kitchen, please sit still and don't run around, I will check the fruits of your labor later."

Ye Fusang pouted: "Mom, this is my hobby, not my profession. How can I do this?"

Ding Susu said: "Can't you just treat it as a profession?"

Ye Fusang: "..." At the mother-in-law's house, it's better to behave well, continue to bow your head to knit your sweater, and think about how Tang Rourou feels when you wear it, and think that the little guy is so fat, so the clothes should be a little fatter , otherwise it will be miserable if you can't pick it up.

When Ding Susu went downstairs, the nanny whispered to her ear, "There are a bunch of reporters outside, blocking the door..."

Ding Susu nodded: "I see, don't let the elderly at home know, and inform Mr. Tang that all people entering and leaving are forbidden to say a word, just not allowed to open their mouths, and whoever says something that shouldn't be said will pack up and leave. "

The auntie nanny nodded, "Yes, the housekeeper has already notified me of this just now, don't worry."

Ding Susu secretly called Tang Zou and told about the situation at the door of the house. Tang Zou responded: "Mom, I see, you don't go out first, and even if you go out, don't say anything, let people separate the way, just go in and out, this matter I'll handle it."

The door of the Tang family's old house was full of media reporters with long guns and short guns, blocking the door like a dog caught a bone, and some people knocked on the door from time to time to ask for interviews. After waiting all morning, no one came to answer the door. The reporters bought boxed lunches and ate at the door, as if they would not leave until the door was opened.

A group of people making noise is quite annoying. The Tang family didn't respond, but the neighbors around them felt uncomfortable. An old lady came out and started cursing at the reporters. The wife went back with a small cane, and said fiercely that if she disturbed the people, she would call the police.

The reporter's voice was really quiet. After waiting for a whole day, the Tang family didn't even throw out a single hair. In the evening, a white car was driven over, and it drove directly towards the door of the Tang family. Honking the horn, the reporters all raised their guns and short cannons to take pictures of the RV. The driver was a black-faced man, and he didn't respond when he took pictures. It was the flash that hurt people's eyes. He subconsciously blocked it with his hands, using his hands and eyes. No matter how slow the car was driving, the eyes still blurred for a while, and then I heard someone yelling and bumped into someone.

A reporter with a camera at the front of the car seemed not afraid of death. He stood upright and took pictures of the car. He refused to let the car go forward. He knew that the driver would definitely stop at such a short distance, but the driver's car did not stop. , drove directly up, the man was knocked down and almost rolled under the car.

The reporter was not afraid of accidents, but was afraid that nothing would happen. Now the booing became even more intense. Some people smashed the door of the Tang family, saying that someone had been killed in their house. Some smashed the door of the RV, thinking that the Tang family must be hiding in the RV.

The Tang family stood still, and there was no slightest change due to external influences, until two police cars came one after another.

The reporters were unanimous in saying that the driver of the Tang family drove into someone with the intention of using the police to force the Tang family to show up.

The black-faced uncle driver will definitely not admit it. Hitting someone with a car is like killing someone on purpose. This kind of thing is the best to admit it. The Tang family has been driving a car for 20 years, carrying old people and children. I drove into people when I was sick? You reporters, don’t bully people too much. The children I picked up in the car were because you blocked the door. I want to send the children to It's at the gate, or you'd get off there normally..."

Journalists are best at catching loopholes in people's words, especially this kind of gossip reporter, who specialize in digging out the privacy and secrets of other people's homes. Anyway, it's not my family members, and it's not me who suffers. What they want is to deliberately provoke others to say irrational words to report in a big way, mislead readers' opinions, and at the same time make readers agree with their views, and then stand on their side and criticize what they think is rich the powerful.

The black-faced driver was surrounded by reporters, and some people were about to hit him, but the police were present, how could they let them beat him, and it was not clear which was right and which was wrong, the police must coordinate, and finally decided to take the man and the car together Going back to the police station, the black-faced driver jumped up on the spot: "How is it possible? I still have children in the car, how can I drive the car to the police station?"

When the police heard that there were still children in the car, they hurriedly let the door open, but the black-faced driver stood behind, pointed at the reporters who were holding up their cameras to take pictures, and cursed: "These people don't have children, so They don't know how to protect their children. Look at the cameras in their hands. It seems that they are desperately trying to take pictures. How can I open the door to let them do this now? It's nothing to do with me. I'm just an ordinary driver. You’ll be fine after picking up and dropping off your children, but you’re harassing people in front of people’s houses, taking pictures indiscriminately and indiscriminately, and now you’re still unconscionably saying that I bumped into people, who would believe you?”

The people in two police cars, one of which received the call from the Tang family, and one of which received the report from the reporter, and the policeman who received the report from the Tang family came out and said: "We received two reports of reports that people gathered in the Crowds gathered in front of houses to make trouble."

The policeman in the other car said: "We were called to the police, saying that the driver hit someone with his car and had an accident."

The black-faced driver walked up to the front of the car and patted on the door, "These people dig people's husbands and wives all day long. I don't care about this kind of poaching of ordinary people, but I can't stand them. , Didn’t you say that I hit someone with my car? I suddenly remembered that this car has a driving instrument, or there are four units installed in the front and rear. I admit that I am not good at driving, but don’t blame me for hitting people. Privacy, send the child to the house, and I will drive with you to cooperate with the investigation."

The children in the car must be the key point, and the police must protect the children first. Several people drove the reporters to the other side to prevent them from taking pictures of the children before opening the car door. It turned out that there were four or five other people besides a nanny. There are two children, all of whom are little radish heads. There are boys and girls, and they are all very pleasing. The little guys are holding a bottle of yogurt and drinking. Their big eyes are very bright, and they are staring curiously. The police uncle is watching.

(End of this chapter)

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