The exclusive rich family's shock marriage

Chapter 410: Today’s Big Fire

Chapter 410: Today’s Big Fire (1)
Ding Susu is also happy when people praise her daughter-in-law. If her son likes it, her daughter-in-law is also praised by others. He is filial, sensible, and never causes any trouble to the family. His younger brother does not look like her, but he is really nice. I am not a professional matchmaker. ..."

After muttering, Ding Susu went back and told Ye Fusang to ask Ye Qingtong to take time and arrange a blind date.

This kind of blind date between them is not like the usual blind date. Both parties need someone to accompany them. After hearing the other party's conditions, Ye Fusang felt a bit difficult: "Mom, his family's conditions are so good, can he fall in love with Bronze?"

Ding Susu smiled and said, "Who knows if you don't see him? Don't you have confidence in your brother?"

After Ye Fusang returned home, he told Tang Zou again that he felt that his conditions were not good, and that he was doing big business, so he always felt that he was a high climber.

As a result, Tang Xiao laughed after hearing this, nodded her forehead and said, "Don't you understand? My brother-in-law is not Gao Pan, even if he is Gao Pan, he is also Gao Pan from their family. Don't forget, my brother-in-law's sister is married For whom?"

It took Ye Fusang a long time to react: "Are you talking about me?"

Tang Xiao nodded: "I'm not talking about who are you talking about? The person you married is me, and I represent the Tang family. If it's not their family, what is Gao Pan?"

Ye Fusang recollected it carefully, and it seemed that what Tang Zou said was true. Looking back, he thought about it again, so it means that the person's conditions are so good and he agrees to have a look with Bronze because of the honor of the Tang family?

Because he didn't know if it would happen or not, Ye Fusang didn't tell Ye Qingtong in detail, anyway, he just asked him to prepare, not to lose face when the time came, anyway, it was arranged by his mother-in-law, and she couldn't lose face for her mother-in-law, for this, Ye Fusang I also specially spent half a day on the weekend to accompany him to buy a new suit.

Not to mention, Ye Bingtong is very similar to Tang Zou. He looks unique when he wears a bath, plus he looks good and has a young body. First of all, the first impression is up. Ye Qingtong nodded: "This set is not bad!"

Ye Qingtong himself can't tell whether it's good or bad, anyway, he is formal when he goes to work, and men's formal attire is a suit. He seems to be used to it, so he can't tell.

Tang Xiao himself has a wife and children now, so he definitely doesn't pay much attention to blind dates, but he is a bit gloating. When he heard that his wife would accompany him, he immediately scoffed, "Why do you want someone to accompany you like a relative? Go by yourself That's fine."

Ye Fusang glanced at him: "Mom wants to follow, but I can't help it. I also said that I can go on a blind date. It would be embarrassing for adults to follow."

When Tang Xiao heard that Ding Susu was going, he fell silent and nodded for a while: "That means Mom takes it seriously. It's a good thing. Then go, I won't go. I took my son to the playground that day, and it took me many days." Didn't take him to the playground."

Before Ye Fusang did not return to China, Tang Zou had no expectations in his heart, so he kept taking Tang Rourou to the playground. Tang Rourou was also happy, but now that he had a mother, he started going to kindergarten again, and almost forgot all about it. .

Ye Fusang glanced at him, "Arrange it, I will go to my brother's place anyway. If it works, Mom will be a matchmaker."

Tang Xiao smiled: "My mother is most afraid of troublesome people. Now she agrees, which shows that she attaches great importance to it. It seems that she still likes being a matchmaker."

Let’s talk about Tang Xiao and Ye Fusang getting along like that now. Without family matters, they seem to be able to talk about everything, and they are not short of money. If there is any trouble, it is probably Ding Susu’s implicit reminder Pregnancy, the descendants of the Tang family have been weak throughout the generations, and they always thought that it would be fine if they could have two more children, but Ye Fusang himself is busy with his career now, so how dare he get pregnant?
Tang Zou thought about it, but couldn't bear Ye Fusang's heart softening when he said it a few times. This wife was obtained by him by all means, and the two stumbled to this day. year.I have been taking contraceptive measures all the time, and it is not easy to think about getting pregnant for a while. Ding Susu asked, Ye Fusang didn't dare to say that it was her own problem, so she pushed it on Tang Xiao. piebald.

After Ye Fusang knew it, he could only speak nicely to Tang Xiao.

She herself knows that she can't get pregnant now, unless she doesn't plan to do her career.Now she has the most scruples about Tang Rourou, and she follows Tang Rourou's movements in terms of time. Originally, most of the work in the factory was taken care of by Hou Mujin. If she is pregnant now, it is equivalent to waiting for Mujin alone. , how tired is she?
Thanks to the wedding, the company has recently started to have people come to the company to actively seek cooperation. It is a real door-to-door business, which makes Ye Fusang very flattered. The money has increased, and the money is really Tang Xiao's small treasury. She transferred part of it from it, thinking that she would return it when the company made a profit, but for the time being, she definitely won't go back.

The number of orders received by the company is gradually increasing. It is definitely impossible to change the previous business. It is very lucky not to let the previous business run away. Who is not happy?

It would be an exaggeration to say that people would offer business after just a visit, but if there is business delivered to their door, the main reason for rushing is Ye Fusang's current status as Mrs. Tang's Shaodong. Showing his face is a savior to Ye Fusang.

In fact, it’s up to Ye Fusang to have a look, and it’s all due to Ye Fusang’s little obsession with cleanliness. She loves beauty, and she does a good job of presenting it. From the outside of the company, it looks very formal, and the ground is spotless, whether it’s the front desk or the work room. In fact, the uniform clothing, masks, and work caps of the workers have been unified for a week. As a result, people came to the factory to see them today, and they caught up.It looks so formal, and it’s Mrs. Tang’s Shaodong’s factory. No matter what, I can’t see that there will be a situation of cash flow. I don’t hesitate to place the order. It was introduced by a friend. The boss is so beautiful. Let’s cooperate once and see. .

Hou Mujin looked at several orders and smacked her lips: "Fusang, it's really a pie in the sky, why am I a bit confused by being smashed?"

Ye Fusang worried with her: "Are we going to sell out too?"

What they worry about is nothing else, but that there are so many orders all at once, and their workers are not enough.Ye Fusang looked at the large sum and thought about it, "Our first door-to-door order must not make people think we can't do it, but we can't lose our old customers because of his order, so even if we don't To make money, you have to do this job, you just have to think about how to do it.”

Hou Mujin frowned and glanced at the spinning machines in her factory, "The front is still wool, and our machines break down every three days. If this continues, we will definitely miss work..."

(End of this chapter)

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