Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 703 Expose Your True Colors 9

Chapter 703 Expose Your True Colors 9
Ah Feng... Yan Yifeng trembled, and an indescribable joy came from his ears, spread to the bottom of his heart, and reached his heart and spleen.

Since he had known her for so long, it was the first time that she called him with such an intimate name. It was as if countless hands had penetrated into his heart, stroking him back and forth, making him very warm.

He pressed her lips, deepening the kiss.

Jie Yiyi wraps both hands around his tangerine, cooperates with him, lingers with him, forgets herself and everything around her, and immerses herself in his affectionate world.

It wasn't until the two of them reached the upper limit of breathing that Yan Yifeng let go of her. When he let go, the eyes of the two of them were already stained with lust, but unfortunately, they couldn't...

Don't think that after such a disturbance in the morning, the matter is over, and the real plan is yet to come.

After sending Yan Yifeng away, Jie Yiyi accompanied Mama Feng to clean up the tableware, and then returned to the room.

What Feng Ma said to her just now echoed in her mind.

She said that a pregnant woman should not lose her temper indiscriminately, and told her to pay attention to raising her baby. She planned to sleep and wait until she woke up.

Anyway, Michelle is already so angry with her that she can't breathe. Now it is estimated that she will not be able to make a big move, but even if she makes a big move, she is not afraid! !

Leading the snake out of the hole was originally what she wanted to achieve.

It was very quiet today, until noon, when Michelle heard something that made her feel so happy, and she bent over with laughter.

Because Jie Yiyi drank the fresh milk in the morning, couldn't bear it, and began to vomit continuously.

A pregnant woman's resistance is already extremely weak, and she still drinks fresh milk. Doesn't she deserve what she deserves?
Thinking of her face full of evil in the morning, and thinking of the scene of her clutching her stomach and vomiting, she felt so refreshed from head to toe, lay on the bed~, and rolled over.

Still unable to bear the mood, he hummed a ditty happily.

Let me ask, can she be unhappy seeing the person she hates the most hurt?Of course she was happy, she had to be happy.

Enough laughing, the corner of her mouth raised a sinister arc, finally found a chance, she... It's time to make a move! !
Taking out the small box and key hidden in a certain corner, she opened the lock, and on top of the messy jewelry, there were several small medicine bottles, with the efficacy of the medicine clearly marked on it.

Just as she was about to take out one of them, there was a sudden knock on the door.

The voice was very urgent, it was not appropriate for her to wait any longer, she closed the small box, tidied her clothes, got up and went to open the door.

When I went out, I saw Feng's mother was walking back and forth at her door, and the situation seemed to be in danger.

She still had a good impression of Feng's mother before, but when she thought that she was not on her side, her attitude immediately cooled down, and her voice was light, "What's the matter?"

Mama Feng glanced at Jie Yiyi's room at the end of the corridor, "That...Miss Xueer, Miss Jie is ill, I'm afraid I can't deliver meals to Mr. Yan as promised, but Mr. Yan is not used to eating outside, can you Please, Miss Xueer, go out instead of Miss Jie, and deliver a lunch box to Mr. Yan."

When she heard that Jie Yiyi couldn't deliver food to Yan Yifeng, Michelle felt so happy that she wanted to yell, but she held back in the end.

There was disdain and gloating on her face, and she wanted to refuse, but when she thought that she could stay with Yan Yifeng in the office, her heart fluttered again.

Jie Yiyi is ill and not by his side, isn't this just a chance to show himself?Moreover, by the way, you can also explain to him that Jie Yiyi did a lot of evil in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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