Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 332 You just want to drive me away, don't you?

Chapter 332 You just want to drive me away, don't you?

Why... She is a little familiar with the breath in these lips?

Why... besides alcohol, there is her familiar heartbeat in his arms?
Why... all this feels so familiar?
But, despite this, Jie Yiyi didn't get drunk, but pushed him away fiercely.

However, this man was as heavy as Mount Tai, oppressing her heavily, and she couldn't push him away at all...

The more he resisted, the crazier he kissed, like a hungry wolf gnawing its prey...

"Hmm... let go..." Jie Yiyi wanted to look away, but he held her chin tightly, preventing her from moving.

That rough force seemed to be punishing and warning her, if she is not satisfied, don't you want me to let go.

Jie Yiyi couldn't resist, so she had to pretend to cooperate, and when his tongue came over, she bit it hard...

Thick blood spread in his mouth, he frowned, let go of her, and stared at her coldly.

Through the light from the floor-to-ceiling windows, she saw Yan Yifeng's gloomy face, extremely indifferent...

Jie Yiyi reached out to turn on the light, but Yan Yifeng stopped him, but Jie Yiyi slapped his hand off fiercely, and turned on the light.

She stared at him, but... When she saw him, her eyes were so irritated that she couldn't help but feel a little sore.

He was still wearing the same black suit. Although his whole body exuded a violent air, his haggard face made him vulnerable.

She didn't know how many days he hadn't looked in the mirror, his eyes were red and his chin was full of stubble. In addition, he had smoked alcohol, making his whole person look even more downcast.

Seeing him like this, she should be happy, but, in the bottom of her heart, it was like a thorn was hidden, not only did not bring her sex, but stabbed her.

After the two looked at each other for a few minutes, Jie Yiyi said, "Yan Yifeng, why are you here?"

Asking this question, Jie Yiyi began to mock her stupidity. Isn't it easy for a big man like Yan Yifeng to know her whereabouts?

"Oh!" Seeing that he didn't answer, she sneered, "Did you send someone to follow me again? Where's the room card? Hand over the room card, I won't allow you to appear here in the future, you go away!"

He took a step forward, but Jie Yiyi didn't back down, stretched out his hand, and roared, "Give me the room card!"

"When Yu Shaofan comes here, you open the door to let him in and cook him dinner. Once I come, you want to drive me away, right?"

He grabbed her shoulder coldly and asked coldly.

Jie Yiyi didn't answer him, and even though he pinched her shoulder, she still said, "Give me the room card!"

Yan Yifeng's gloomy face was burning with anger, "I didn't fucking take your room card, I used a gun to force them to open the door!"

take a gun?

Jie Yiyi looked at him with mocking eyes, "Yan Yifeng, please don't keep threatening others in such an old-fashioned way, it's disgusting, you know?"

"Where did you and Yu Shaofan go all day today?"

Jie Yiyi stared at him, "This has nothing to do with you!"

"Say!" The shoulders were clenched even tighter, and Yan Yifeng's voice was full of anger.

"I said, this has nothing to do with you!"

"You are the fucking woman I bought back. As a buyer, I don't even have the right to ask a single question? Huh?"

"Yan Yifeng, you're enough! I have nothing to do with Jie Zhengxin, so what qualifications does he have to sell me? This kind of threat is outdated for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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