Chapter 211 Story
Huo Jin told Bai Nuo Nuo a story, a very funny little story.

Many years ago, a rich young master who was in the period of rebellion ran away from home. The young master's original intention was to threaten his parents and want to rule the world.

But the result was not as expected.

The young master's father is very tough.

Leng didn't send anyone to bring the child back, but ordered someone to secretly protect him.

The young master left home in a hurry, only holding a little golden pig full of checks and cards. Under his father's control, the young master could not get a dime.

Seeing that the cash and valuables were all gone, and when he was about to live on the street, it happened that the house was leaking and it was raining all night, and the young master was robbed.

"You! What do you want to do? I'm not afraid of you!"

The rich young master with delicate skin and tender meat has just turned 13 this year.

Even if he is the king and hegemony among the children of the rich family, in the eyes of those gangsters in the society, he is like meat on the chopping board.

"Boss, it's this kid. I've been observing him for several days, and I saw him as a brat who ran away from home with a huge sum of money, and no one has looked for him yet." A young man with yellow hair pointed at him. The crew-cut man beside him described it.

There is a long scar on the right side of the crew cut man's face, and his body is full of muscles.

He glanced at the young master, and threatened the young master of the rich family with a smirk: "Boy, we only want to make money, and we don't kill you. You'd better hand over your valuables honestly, or I'll kill you." I sold you."

"Don't even think about it! I'm afraid of you!"

The little man's dignity was hindered by such battles of greenhouse flowers that he had never encountered before. Even though his heart was beating wildly and his legs were faintly weak, he still remained motionless.

He is not afraid.
There are always many people around him.
The young master who ran away from home suddenly forgot that he was alone now.

Beads of sweat were all over his forehead for a while, and a timid expression appeared on his face.

Seeing his appearance, the gangsters who originally thought that the kid had some hole cards couldn't tell that he was bluffing, so they surrounded him to arrest him.

Soon, the rich young master was forced into a dead end.

"Heh, brat, don't you eat the toast and get fined wine, right? Okay, grandpa, I not only robbed you today, but also sold you to the mountains to be a foster husband."

Tong Yangfu! ! !
The young master of the rich family was shocked when he heard this, and the bodyguards who followed him all the way and hid in the dark were ready to stand up to protect his young master.

Just as the captain of the bodyguard made a gesture and before he could take a step, a small figure suddenly appeared from nowhere.

Jumping and jumping, he stood in front of the rich young master.

"It's wrong to bully children! This little brother just ran away from home, I don't allow you to hurt little brother!" A strange little girl who only reached the young master's thigh taught the opposite with a childish voice. Those little punks.

For a while, the scene was strangely quiet.

Just after the little girl said a lot, the young master touched his forehead in tears, and the little gangster let out bursts of laughter one after another.

"Hey! Isn't this a scene where a beautiful woman saves a hero? It's amazing!"

"Hahaha, just these two, I think it's too light to sell them by the catty, let's play!"

"Brothers, don't talk nonsense with them, just pack it up and sell it!"

The villain died because of talking too much, and the gangsters also understood this truth, and immediately surrounded the little girl and the young master who had just jumped out, and arrested them.

People are always more inclined to deal with the weak first.

They caught the little girl first.

Even though the young master behind the little girl was afraid, he still bravely pulled the little girl behind him: "Don't be afraid. I will protect you."

"Afraid?" The little girl shook her immature little arm like a little lotus root as immobile as a mountain, and said with a light smile, "Let me protect you, little brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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